vestirent oor Engels



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third-person plural imperfect active subjunctive of vestiō

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Atque in eam se consuetudinem adduxerunt ut locis frigidissimis neque vestitus praeter pelles habeant quicquam, quarum propter exiguitatem magna est corporis pars aperta, et laventur in fluminibus.
And to such a habit have they brought themselves, that even in the coldest parts they wear no clothing whatever except skins, by reason of the scantiness of which, a great portion of their body is bare, and besides they bathe in open rivers.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Cibus famem sedet, potio sitim extinguat, vestis arceat frigus, domus munimentum sit adversus infesta corporis.
Cibus famem sedet, potio sitim extinut corpori guat, vestis adversus arceat frigus, infesta corporis.Literature Literature
[12]Etiamnunc adiciam: mundae vestis electio adpetenda est homini.
[12] Etiamnunc adiciam: mundae vestis electio adpetenda est homini; natura enim homo mundum et elegans animal est.Literature Literature
Itaque non est bonum per se munda vestis, sed mundae vestis electio, quia non in re bonum est, sed in electione quali.
mundum bonum vestis, sed mundae bonum est, sed in electione quali.Literature Literature
Hae revinciuntur introrsus et multo aggere vestiuntur: ea autem, quae diximus, inter valla grandibus in fronte saxis effarciuntur.
But the intervals which we have mentioned, are closed up in front by large stones.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Ea in habitu atro semper vestita est.
She always wears black.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Pro ??? atus die multa in luxum civitatis dicta a Q. Haterio consulari, Octavio Frontone praetura functo; decretumque ne vasa auro solida ministrandis cibis fierent, ne vestis serica viros foedaret.
On the next day of the Senate's meeting much was said against the luxury of the country by Quintus Haterius, an ex-consul, and by Octavius Fronto, an ex-praetor.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Insignia nota Brown sunt galea aviatoris cum perspicillo protectivo, et vestitus e centone factus.
The rank and file wore simpler blue patrols for parade and walking-out dress.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
sic gemmas et vestis et dignitatis insignia dedi, quo modo si sanguinems et vitam poposcissent.
My jewels, my apparel, and the signs of my rank I gave up, as I would have given up my life-blood had they demanded it.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Itaque factum est ut Scipio ad album sese vestitum transferret et Iubae homini superbissimo ineptissimoque obtemperaret.
Accordingly, Scipio changed his purple robe for a white one, submitting to Juba, a most haughty and insolent monarch.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Dolor quoque et aegritudo significatione quadam vestiuntur et excellentia, cum sentiuntur arte coniuncta cum amore recepto et communicato.
Even pain and suffering have meaning and value when they are experienced in close connection with love received and
Ab angelo ad Mariam delata nuntiatio illis vestitur vocibus spe plenis: “Ne timeas, Maria” et “non erit impossibile apud Deum omne verbum” (Luc. 1, 30.
The angel's Annunciation to Mary is framed by these reassuring words: "Do not be afraid, Mary" and "with God nothing will be impossible" (Lk 1:30, 37)
Categoria:Mos vestis
Category:Fashionlangbot langbot
Interiores plerique frumenta non serunt, sed lacte et carne vivunt pellibusque sunt vestiti.
Most of the inland inhabitants do not sow corn, but live on milk and flesh, and are clad with skins.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Frumenti modum dominus, aut pecoris aut vestis, ut colono, injungit: et servus hactenus paret; cetera domus officia uxor ac liberi exsequuntur.
They often kill them, not in enforcing strict discipline, but on the impulse of passion, as they would an enemy, only it is done with impunity.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Photographemata illa, quae Doherty credit hanc rem probare et quae milites in sitibus socialibus posuerunt, depingunt, inter alia, homines qui nihil nisi vestis militaris partes aut arma gerunt.
Rotunda pointed out that photographs, released by the U.S. Military and published in the Washington Post, showed women wearing headscarves, in lieu of helmets, while on an armed patrol alongside male troops, who were wearing helmets.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"Rursus habere vel facere eodem modo; dicimus enim: „vestitus currit"" de homine, de Deo: „cuncta possidens regit""."
"Rursus habere uel facere eodem modo; dicimus enim ""uestitus currit"" de homine, de deo ""cuncta possidens regit."""Literature Literature
Huc undique Troia gaza / incensis erepta adytis, mensaeque deorum, / crateresque auro solidi, captivaque vestis / congeritur; pueri et pavidae longo ordine matres / stant circum.
There, torn from many a burning temple, lay / Troy's wealth; the tripods of the Gods were there, / piled in huge heaps, and raiment snatched away, / and golden bowls, and dames with streaming hair / and tender boys stand round, and tremble with despair.tatoeba tatoeba
Si eo de cuius semine ductus est homo, quem vestita divinitas est?
Si eo de cuius semine ductus est homo, quem uestita diuinitas est?Literature Literature
Vestis virum facit.
Clothes make the man.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
quid enim primum prohibere et priscum ad morem recidere adgrediar? villarumne infinita spatia? familiarum numerum et nationes? argenti et auri pondus? aeris tabularumque miracula? promiscas viris et feminis vestis atque illa feminarum propria, quis lapidum causa pecuniae nostrae ad externas aut hostilis gentis transferuntur?
For what am I first to begin with restraining and cutting down to the old standard? The vast dimensions of country houses? The number of slaves of every nationality? The masses of silver and gold? The marvels in bronze and painting? The apparel worn indiscriminately by both sexes, or that peculiar luxury of women which, for the sake of jewels, diverts our wealth to strange or hostile nations?latin-ancient latin-ancient
Humiliter conscii sumus divinum humanumque in particulas convenire vestis inconsutilis Dei creationis, in postremum utique orbis nostri pulveris granulum”.[
It is our humble conviction that the divine and the human meet in the slightest detail in the seamless garment of God’s creation, in the last speck of dust of our planet”.[
Eius adventu ex colore vestitus cognito, quo insigni in proeliis uti consuerat, turmisque equitum et cohortibus visis quas se sequi iusserat, ut de locis superioribus haec declivia et devexa cernebantur, hostes proelium committunt.
His arrival being known from the color of his robe, and the troops of cavalry, and the cohorts which he had ordered to follow him being seen, as these low and sloping grounds were plainly visible from the eminences, the enemy join battle.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Inter viros, Occidentalis vestis amplissimae adoptionis est.
Among men, western dress has greater acceptance.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Bene vestitur.
He dresses himself well.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
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