volato oor Engels


werkwoord, deeltjie

Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels

third-person singular future active imperative of volō
second-person singular future active imperative of volō

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur
the world wants to be deceived, so let it be deceived
qui totum vult totum perdit
he who wants everything loses everything
Carolus Gualterius De Vis
Charles Walter De Vis
spiritus ubi vult spirat
the spirit spreads wherever it wants
res volans ignota
unidentified flying object
Glaucomys volans
Glaucomys volans


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Chariovalda diu sustentata hostium saevitia, hortatus suos ut ingruentis catervas globo perfringerent, atque ipse densissimos inrumpens, congestis telis et suffosso equo labitur, ac multi nobilium circa: ceteros vis sua aut equites cum Stertinio Aemilioque subvenientes periculo exemere.
Chariovalda, after long sustaining the enemy's fury, cheered on his men to break by a dense formation the onset of their bands, while he himself, plunging into the thickest of the battle, fell amid a shower of darts with his horse pierced under him, and round him many noble chiefs. The rest were rescued from the peril by their own strength, or by the cavalry which came up with Stertinius and Aemilius.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Ivan autem occidere non posset, etiam volare.
But Ivan he couldn't even kill a fly.QED QED
Est autem Ecclesia sacramentum, id est signum et instrumentum reconciliationis, pluribus nominibus, quorum vis est quidem divers a, sed quae cuncta eo spectant ut id obtineatur, quod Deus consilio suo miserenti vult praebere hominibus.
The church is the sacrament, that is to say, the sign and means of reconciliation in different ways which differ in value but which all come together to obtain what the divine initiative of mercy desires to grant to humanity.vatican.va vatican.va
Linguam Sinensem non intellego, sed discere volo.
I don't understand Chinese, but I want to learn.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Num Thomas liberos vult?
Does Tom want kids?Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Piscem velim.
I would like some fish.tatoeba tatoeba
Idcirco liturgica renovatio, recto modo secundum Concilii Vaticani II mentem peracta, certo quodam sensu mensura est et condicio qua eiusdem universalis Synodi doctrina ad usum adducatur, quam quidem amplecti volumus profunda cum fide, habentes scilicet nobis persuasum per ipsum Concilium Spiritum Sanctum “dixisse Ecclesiae” veritates dedisseque concilia quae muneri eius perficiendo utilia essent coram hominibus huius nostri posteriorisque temporis.
For this reason liturgical renewal carried out correctly in the spirit of the Second Vatican Council is, in a certain sense, the measure and the condition for putting into effect the teaching of that Council which we wish to accept with profound faith, convinced as we are that by means of this Council the Holy Spirit "has spoken to the Church" the truths and given the indications for carrying out her mission among the people of today and tomorrow.vatican.va vatican.va
Thomas gubernare discere vult.
Tom wants to learn how to drive.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
De episcopo, de quolibet episcopo, verba dici possunt, quae apud Marcum leguntur, quaeque saepe iam rettulimus: «Vocavit ad se quos voluit; et venerunt ad eum.
What Mark the evangelist tells us, in the text we have already quoted more than once, can be applied to the bishop, to every bishop: "He called to him those whom he desired; and they came to him.vatican.va vatican.va
Est enim exorabilis Deus, gratifican vult hominibus, aperte pollicitus, sua se munera large copioseque petentibus daturum.
For God is easily appeased, and desires to aid men, having promised openly to give His grace in abundance to those who ask for it.vatican.va vatican.va
Quae volumus, credimus libenter.
The things we want, we are quick to believe.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
56] Haec creati contemplatio efficit ut omnium rerum ope quandam doctrinam detegamus, quam nobiscum communicare Deus vult, quia “credenti creatum contemplari est etiam nuntium auscultare, vocem inopinatam silentemque audire”.[
56] This contemplation of creation allows us to discover in each thing a teaching which God wishes to hand on to us, since “for the believer, to contemplate creation is to hear a message, to listen to a paradoxical and silent voice”.[vatican.va vatican.va
Euntes autem discite quid est: “Misericordiam volo et non sacrificium”.
For it is written "Loving kindness I desire, not sacrifice."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Accidit enim ut progressio ita circumscripta in perniciem iis vertat, quibus favere velimus.
If it is limited to this, then it turns against those whom it is meant to benefit.vatican.va vatican.va
Maria dormire vult.
Mary wants to sleep.tatoeba tatoeba
Omnes cives confessionem ducis accipere debebant nisi emigrare voluerint.
It is likely that the Dogon of today combine several groups of diverse origin who migrated to escape Islamization.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Duodecim saeculum expletum a Concilio Nicaeno II peracto argumentum fuit plurium et ecclesialium et academicarum celebrationum, quarum haec quoque Apostolica Sedes participem se esse voluit atque consortem (Praesertim testimonio Epistulae die VIII mensis Octobris anno MCMLXXXVII reddditae a Cardinali Secretario Status ad Praesidem «Societatis Internationalis Historiae Conciliorum investigande pro Symposio Costantinopolitano» cfr. «L'Osservatore Romano», diebus 12-13 oct. 1987).
The Twelfth Centenary of the Second Council of Nicaea (787) was the object of many ecclesial and academic celebrations in which the Holy See itself took part.(vatican.va vatican.va
Thomas paucis te vult.
Tom wants a word with you.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Omnia ergo quæcumque vultis ut faciant vobis homines, et vos facite illes.
So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Homo, masculus et femina, persona est ideoque “sola creatura quam Deus in terra per seipsam voluit”; item ipsa haec creatura, unica et irrepetibilis “seipsam invenire non potest nisi per sincerum sui ipsius donum” (Cfr.
A human being, whether male or female, is a person, and therefore, "the only creature on earth which God willed for its own sake"; and at the same time this unique and unrepeatable creature "cannot fully find himself except through a sincere gift of self".[vatican.va vatican.va
Mori volo.
I want to die!Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Shion indicat quod Sancti Aurei resurrecti vere volebant dare vestem propriam Saoriae, sed ea occisa, nunc Seiyae dat antequam remoritur.
Shion reveals that the revived Gold Saints' true intentions were of giving Saori her own Cloth, and gives it to Seiya's group before dying once again.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Licet igitur concelebrare cum Episcopis et sacerdotibus qui cum Summo Pontifice communionem habent, etiamsi ab Auctoritatibus civilibus agniti sunt atque necessitudinem cum institutionibus, quas Civitas exstare voluit et quae ab Ecclesiae structura alienae sunt, tenent, dummodo — sicut supra dictum est (cfr n. 7, cap. ver. 8[o]) — haec agnitio et coniunctio secum repudiationem ipsam principiorum fidei communionisque ecclesiasticae, quae non sunt praetermittenda, non importent.
Therefore it is licit to concelebrate with Bishops and with priests who are in communion with the Pope, even if they are recognized by the civil authorities and maintain a relationship with entities desired by the State and extraneous to the structure of the Church, provided – as was said earlier (cf. section 7 above, paragraph 8) – that this recognition and this relationship do not entail the denial of unrenounceable principles of the faith and of ecclesiastical communion.vatican.va vatican.va
Homo peccatum perpetrando hoc reicit donum et eodem tempore ipse vult esse “sicut Deus, sciens bonum et malum” (Gen. 3, 5), scilicet de bono deque malo decernens praeter Deum, creatorem suum.
By committing sin man rejects this gift and at the same time wills to become "as God, knowing good and evil" (Gen 3:5), that is to say, deciding what is good and what is evil independently of God, his Creator.vatican.va vatican.va
Thomas nobiscum ire non vult.
Tom doesn't want to go with us.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
203 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.