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Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels


Charlton T. Lewis


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Charlton T. Lewis


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Charlton T. Lewis

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels


identifier for a book in a series or in a sequence of periodicals. The term may be used to identify a single book that is part of a larger collection
Nonne secundum illius operis volumen habes?
Don't you have the second volume of that work?

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Primum volumen verbis iam notissimis incipit: "Haec sunt tempora quae animas hominum experiuntur."
The first volume begins with the famous words, "These are the times that try men's souls."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fecundissimus fuit: scripta eius conlecta in 75 voluminibus sunt.
She sells out of her flagship store in Tel Aviv and in 75 boutiques internationally.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Anno 1977, tertium biographiae Laurentii Thompson volumen proposuit Frost fuisse opus multo turpius quam aliquis animo finxerat; paucos annos post, ob aestimationes novas iudicum sicut Gulielmus H. Pritchard et Haroldus Bloom, et poetarum iuvenum sicut Iosephus Brodsky, resiluit, hoc tempore modernista frigidus et implacabilis."
In 1977, the third volume of Lawrance Thompson's biography suggested that Frost was a much nastier piece of work than anyone had imagined; a few years later, thanks to the reappraisal of critics like William H. Pritchard and Harold Bloom and of younger poets like Joseph Brodsky, he bounced back again, this time as a bleak and unforgiving modernist."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Quotus tamen quisque est, qui eiusmodi volumina verset, fructumque inde hauriat auctorum labori atque optatis respondentem?
They are surely to be commended for their zeal, but how many are there who read these works and take from them a fruit commensurate with the labor and intention of the writers?vatican.va vatican.va
Cicero Epicurum derisit quia ille "innumerabilia laudis Themistae volumina" scripserat, contra homines digniores, sicut Miltiadis Maioris, Themistoclis, et Epaminondae.
Cicero ridicules Epicurus for writing "countless volumes in praise of Themista," instead of more worthy men such as Miltiades, Themistocles or Epaminondas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In tertio textus volumine, Newtonus leges motus, cum theoria sua gravitatis universalis, leges Kepleri planetarum motus explicare monstravit.
For example, in the third volume of the text, Newton showed that these laws of motion, combined with his law of universal gravitation, explained Kepler's laws of planetary motion.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Geologia petrolei et geophysica staticam lacuum saxosorum hydrocarbonaceorum descriptionem suppeditare conantur, cum ingeniaria petrolei aestimationem voluminis huius subsidii naturae quod recuperari potest per perfectam intellegentiam corporearum petrolei, aquae, gasiique intra saxum foraminosum proprietatum sub pressione altissima tractat.
Petroleum geology and geophysics focus on provision of a static description of the hydrocarbon reservoir rock, while petroleum engineering focuses on estimation of the recoverable volume of this resource using a detailed understanding of the physical behavior of oil, water and gas within porous rock at very high pressure.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cui rei sapientissime Deus cumulateque providit, idque per unigenitum Filium suum Iesum Christum: qui scilicet germanam Scripturarum interpretationem tum in tuto posuit cum Apostolos suos in primis et maxime iussit, nequaquam dare scriptioni operam neque vuigo diribere vetustiorum Scripturarum, sine discrimine, sine lege, volumina, sed omnino edocere gentes viva voce universas, et ad cognitionem professionemque doctrinae caelestis, alloquendo, perducere: Euntes in mundum universum praedicate Evangelium omni creaturae (Marc.
God has provided for these needsmost wisely and effectively through His Only-begotten Son Jesus Christ, Whoplaced the true sense of the Scriptures in safety, when He laid upon HisApostles as His primary and most momentous injunction, not to devote themselvesto writing, nor to spreading the volumes of the Old Testament indiscriminatelyand unguardedly among the multitude, but to teach all nations with the livingvoice, and to lead them by speech to the knowledge and profession of HisHeavenly doctrine: "Going into the whole world preach the Gospel to everycreature."vatican.va vatican.va
Nonne secundum illius operis volumen habes?
Don't you have the second volume of that work?Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Erat pars maioris series libri, a Cardano Opus Perfectum vocatur, sed ex ea pauca volumina iam vivit, illa qua in operibus omnibus Cardani est.
While this produced much footage recorded for the first time, it proved extremely difficult, since the Aborigine was nomadic and with no village life at that time, only scattered glimpses were possible.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Leo XIII conquerebatur, «serpere audacter mendacium ... per laboriosa volumina et exiles libros, per diariorum volitantes paginas et apparatas theatrorum illecebras»; (2) cernimus «volumina atque ephemeridas ludificandae virtuti, honestandae turpitudini composita».
7) We see "books and magazines written to mock virtue and exalt depravity."(vatican.va vatican.va
De hoc volumine percipiet quisque catechesis magister solidum adiumentum quo intra localem Ecclesiam unicum possit ac perpetuum fidei communicare depositum dum, auxiliante Spiritu Sancto, mirandam quidem christiani mysterii unitatem consociare enititur cum multiplicibus ipsis necessitatibus atque vitae condicionibus eorum quibus idem destinatur nuntius.
This text will provide every catechist with sound help for communicating the one, perennial deposit of faith within the local Church, while seeking, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to link the wondrous unity of the Christian mystery with the varied needs and conditions of those to whom this message is addressed.vatican.va vatican.va
Series 30 Essercizi per gravicembalo Domenici Scarlatti (1738) in ambitu ab aliis suis operibus non discrepant, et quattuor volumina Clavier-Übung ('exercitationum clavilisticarum') Ioannis Sebastiani Bach res continent quae inter simplices organi duettos et latas arduasque Variationes Goldberg variantur.
Domenico Scarlatti's 30 Essercizi per gravicembalo ("30 Exercises for harpsichord", 1738) do not differ in scope from his other keyboard works, and J.S. Bach's four volumes of Clavier-Übung ("keyboard practice") contain everything from simple organ duets to the extensive and difficult Goldberg Variations.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 6 voluminibus.
In 6 volumes.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Xyli cultus ad 40% PDG et fere ad 80% exportationum voluminis respondet.
Cotton accounts for 40% of GDP and roughly 80% of official export receipts.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Poemata eius annis 1873 et 1886 collecta sunt, et volumen Stops of Various Quills anno 1895 prolatum est.
His poems were collected in 1873 and 1886, and a volume was published in 1895 under the title Stops of Various Quills.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hoc incrementum nonnumquam cogitatur concidisse cum incremento voluminis cerebri, atque multi linguisti aedificia linguae credunt evoluisse ad functiones communes socialesque speciales efficiendas.
This development is sometimes thought to have coincided with an increase in brain volume, and many linguists see the structures of language as having evolved to serve specific communicative and social functions.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Maxima braxatoria societas in mundo secundum volumen Anheuser-Busch InBev, in Belgia condita, est.
The biggest brewer in the world by volume is Anheuser-Busch InBev, based in Leuven.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Quodsi Missale, Lectionarium, Liturgia Horarum, quae tamquam cardines totius orationis liturgicae Romanae existimanda sunt, memoriam Virginis frequenti celebrant veneratione, cetera etiam liturgica volumina haud paucos praebent locos, quibus impensus amor ac supplex deprecatio erga Deiparam declaratur: eam etenim Ecclesia invocat Matrem gratiae, Arius quam candidatos in salutares aquas baptismatis demergat (Cf La Divina Commedia, Paradiso XXXIII, 1-9; cf Liturgia Horarum, Memoria Sanctae Mariae in Sabbato, ad Officium lectionis, Hymnus), eius supplicationem implorat pro matribus, quae, gratissimae ob acceptum maternitatis donum, templum laetabundae adeunt (Cf Orda baptismi parvulorum, n.
The commemoration of the Blessed Virgin occurs often in the Missal, the Lectionary and the Liturgy of the Hours-the hinges of the liturgical prayer of the Roman Rite. In the other revised liturgical books also expressions of love and suppliant veneration addressed to the Theotokos are not lacking.vatican.va vatican.va
Liber tria volumina comprehendit. .
Naîmâ târihi, Volume 3.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sua opera in his disciplinis notissima sunt tria volumina Principiorum Mathematicorum (1910–13), quae cum Bertrando Russell discipulo composuit.
His most notable work in these fields is the three-volume Principia Mathematica (1910–1913), which he wrote with former student Bertrand Russell.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hoc glossarium duodecim volumina continet.
This dictionary has 12 volumes.tatoeba tatoeba
Volumen I, Volumen II, Volumen III et Volumen IV apud Internet Archive.
Volume 1, Volume 2, at the Internet Archive.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Frost in multos suae aetatis poetas in Anglia incidit, praecipue postquam sua volumina poesis Londinii annis 1913 (A Boy's Will) et 1914 (North of Boston) prolata erant.
Frost met or befriended many contemporary poets in England, especially after his first two poetry volumes were published in London in 1913 (A Boy's Will) and 1914 (North of Boston).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire (brevius PLRE) est opus in tribus voluminibus congessum quo enumerantur homines qui in Imperio Romano tardiori et Byzantino anteriori inter 260 et 641 vivebant.
The Prosopography of the Byzantine World (PBW) is a project to create a prosopographical database of individuals named in textual sources in the Byzantine Empire and surrounding areas in the period from 642 to 1265.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
53 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.