Pathian lehkhabu oor Engels

Pathian lehkhabu

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the Scriptures, the sacred writings, the Bible
the Scriptures, the sacred writings, the Bible

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3 ‘Thinlung’ tih thumal hi Pathian Lehkhabu Thianghlimah hian vawi sângkhat vêl lai a lang a.
3 The word “heart” occurs about a thousand times in the Holy Scriptures.jw2019 jw2019
Tin, kum 1767-a Boston khuaa sermon tihchhuah pakhat chuan: “Pathian Lehkhabu Thianghlim chhiar taima rawh.
In fact, a sermon published in Boston in 1767 recommended: “Be diligent in reading holy scripture.jw2019 jw2019
BIBLE hi Pathian Lehkhabu a ni tih kan hriat avângin kan ngai hlu hle a.
WE HIGHLY value the Bible because we know it is God’s own Book.jw2019 jw2019
Pathian Lehkhabu Thianghlim chuan Kristian dikte chungah eng nghawng nge a neih?
The Holy Scriptures have what effect upon true Christians?jw2019 jw2019
Bible hi Pathian Lehkhabu a ni tih kan hriat avângin kan ngai hlu hle a.
Jehovah’s servants highly esteem God’s own holy book, the Bible.jw2019 jw2019
Pathian Lehkhabu Mila Inrêlbâwlna
Organized in Harmony With God’s Own Bookjw2019 jw2019
Pathian Lehkhabu Thianghlim chuan Pathian chu a nihna chi hrang hrang, Siamtu, leh Engkimtithei Pathian, ti tein a ko va.
The Holy Scriptures refer to God by various titles, such as Creator and Almighty God.jw2019 jw2019
Pathian Thu, Pathian Lehkhabu Thianghlim chu Kristiante rinna leh nun kawng nghahchhan nghet tak a ni tûr a ni bawk.
God’s Word, the Holy Bible, must be the sole basis of the Christian’s faith and way of life.jw2019 jw2019
Pathian Lehkhabu chuan pawisa kan chân a nih pawhin kan unaute nên kan inrem tlat tûr a ni tih hre tûrin min ṭanpui a.[
God’s own Book helps us to see that we must keep peace with our brothers, even if it means that we lose money.[jw2019 jw2019
1:1) Tûnah chuan Pathian Lehkhabu chu a puma kan neih tawh avângin, vântirhkohte’n Pathian thuchah min hrilh a ngai tawh lo pawh a ni thei.
1:1) Since we now have the complete Word of God, angels may not need to convey divine messages.jw2019 jw2019
Chu chuan Isua chu thutiam Messia a nihzia pawm lotute’n Hebrai Pathian Lehkhabu-a hrilh lâwkna tam tak an hriat thiam loh chhan min hrilh a.
That explains why many of the prophecies in the Hebrew Scriptures are puzzling to those who do not accept Jesus as the promised Messiah.jw2019 jw2019
Davida chuan Pathian Lehkhabu Thianghlima a bu hmasate chu a nei bawk a, chûngah chuan Pathianin amah leh a hna thawhte chungchâng chu a târ lang a ni.
David also had the early books of the Holy Scriptures, which contain revelations by God about himself and his works.jw2019 jw2019
A pawimawh berah chuan, Bible chu Pathian chungchâng ziakna lehkhabu mai ni lovin, Pathian aṭanga chhuak lehkhabu niin a inchhâl bawk hi a ni.
Most important, the Bible claims to be not just a book about God but also a book from God.jw2019 jw2019
Kan ṭawngkam chhuak hi Pathian Lehkhabu dân bulte’n a kaihruai nân leh felna te, thianghlimna te, leh ṭhatnate aṭanga a pên loh nân kan fîmkhur tûr a ni.
We must be careful that our lips are guided by Scriptural principles and that they do not deviate from what is righteous, chaste, and virtuous.jw2019 jw2019
(Matthaia 24: 45-47) Kum 2000 chhûnga kohhran inkhâwmah chuan, ram hrang hranga Jehova Thuhretute chuan Hebrai Pathian Lehkhabu bu lian tak tak pariat aṭanga thu pawimawh tak takte chu an ennawn a.
(Matthew 24:45-47) At congregation meetings during the year 2000, Jehovah’s Witnesses in many lands reviewed highlights from eight major books of the Hebrew Scriptures.jw2019 jw2019
Isua’n thlalêra thlêm a nih lai khân Pathian Lehkhabu hmangin a beihnate a dodâl a, chu mi hnuah Diabola chuan a tlân bosan tih kan hria a ni.
We know that the Devil fled when Jesus resisted his attack by using the Scriptures during the temptation in the wilderness.jw2019 jw2019
Pathian Lehkhabu Thianghlim tia hriat bawk Bible hi lehkhabu, a nih loh leh ṭhen hrang 66 awmna a ni a, Genesis aṭanga inṭanin, Thu Puan bu-ah a tâwp a ni.
Also known as the Holy Scriptures, the Bible is actually a collection of 66 books, or sections, beginning with Genesis and ending with Revelation, or Apocalypse.jw2019 jw2019
A hun lai chuan tûn laia kan neih angin Pathian Lehkhabu Thianghlim pum pui a nei lo tih i ngaihtuah chuan hei hi a chhinchhiah tlâk êm êm a ni.
This is remarkable when you consider that he did not have the complete Word of God, as we do today.jw2019 jw2019
Chu bâkah, Messia chungchâng hrilh lâwk thu tam tak chuanna, Hebrai Pathian Lehkhabu ngaihlu lotute tân Isua chu mi ropui satliah mai anga a lan chhan pawh min hrilh bawk.
It also explains why Jesus appears to be no more than a great man to those who do not value the Hebrew Scriptures, which contain many Messianic prophecies.jw2019 jw2019
Pathian Lehkhabu Thianghlima bu hmasa pa ngate chauh hi thlarauva thâwk khumah an pawm a, chutah pawh anmahni ziah ṭhat liau liau, Samaritan Pentateuch tia an koh chauh chu an pawm a ni.
They accepted as inspired only the first five books of the Holy Scriptures —and these just in their own recension, called the Samaritan Pentateuch.jw2019 jw2019
Pathian Lehkhabu Thianghlim bu pum puiah chuan, khawvêl thil hausakna ni lovin, Jehova lama dinhmun ṭha neih chu sawi uar hle a ni; rinnaa Pathian duhzâwng tih rengna hmanga neih reng theih dinhmun ṭha chu.
Throughout the Sacred Scriptures, the emphasis is placed, not on possessing material riches, but on having a good standing with Jehovah, one that we can maintain by continually doing the divine will in faith.jw2019 jw2019
(Sâm 143:10; Matthaia 6: 9, 10) Kristian hotute, a nih loh leh upate, leh kohhranho rawngbâwltute ruatna kawnga tih dân chu Pathian ruahmanna, Pathian Lehkhabu Thianghlima ziak anga tih a nih avângin chutiang mite chu theocratic hmanga ruat an ni.
(Psalm 143:10; Matthew 6:9, 10) Appointments of Christian overseers, or elders, and ministerial servants are theocratic because the process of recommending and appointing such responsible men is carried out according to God’s arrangement as set out in the Holy Scriptures.jw2019 jw2019
6 Tichuan, Bible thuah chuan Pathian thâwkkhum lehkhabu dangte telh belh a ni ta zêl a.
6 In time, other inspired books were added to the Bible canon.jw2019 jw2019
Kohhrana zirtîrna chanvo hlu pêkte chuan an thil zirtîrte chu Pathian Thu, Pathian Lehkhabu Thianghlim leh “bawi rinawm, fing tak” pêk chhuah Bible ṭanchhan thu leh hlate nên a inmil a ni tih an chian tûr a ni. —Luka 12:42; Jakoba 3:11.
Those who are given the privilege of teaching in the congregation should make sure that what they teach is in harmony with God’s Word, the Holy Scriptures, and with Bible-based publications of “the faithful steward.” —Luke 12:42; James 3:11.jw2019 jw2019
Tichuan, Hebrai Pathian Lehkhabu aṭanga la chhâwngin, ani chuan: “Mosia ngeiin, ‘Lal Pathianin keimah mi siam ang hian in unaute zîngan zâwlnei pakhat a siamsak ang che u; ani chuan thu zawng zawng in hnêna a sawi apiang chu in ngaihthlâksak ang,’” a ti a ni.—Tirh.
Then, quoting from the Hebrew Scriptures, he said: “In fact, Moses said, ‘Jehovah God will raise up for you from among your brothers a prophet like me.jw2019 jw2019
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