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Pathian Jehova chuan chutiang thil hlân tûra turtu a phêna awm rilru inngaihtlâwmna leh thil phalna chu a hlut hle a ni.
Jehovah surely valued the humble, willing spirit behind such offerings.jw2019 jw2019
Naupang chu a lo tlangvâl chuan, Jehova chuan hâlral thil hlana hlân tûrin Abrahama chu a hrilh ta tlat mai a.
When the boy had evidently grown to young manhood, Jehovah instructed Abraham to take the boy and offer him up as a sacrifice.jw2019 jw2019
GENESIS bung 22 chuan Pathianin Abrahama chu a in aṭanga hla taka zin a, thil hlan hlân tûra a hrilh thu a sawi a.
IN Genesis chapter 22, the Bible says that God told Abraham to travel to a place far away from his home to offer a sacrifice.jw2019 jw2019
Buaina chu chinfel a nih hnuah chuan, mi tilungni lotu chu kîr lehin thil chu a hlân ang.
After the problem was solved, the offender would return and the offering would be made.jw2019 jw2019
Saula chuan dawhtheihna a nei lova, Samuela nghah aiin amah ngeiin thil hlan chu a hlân ta a.
He became impatient, and instead of waiting for Samuel, he offered the sacrifice himself.jw2019 jw2019
A leh lamah ve thung chuan, Abela chuan rinnain thil hlan chu a hlân a ni.
On the other hand, faith accompanied Abel’s sacrifice.jw2019 jw2019
Entîr nân, Jehova chuan zâwlnei Mosia hnênah: “Israela thlahte hnênah thu va sawi la, ka hnênah thil rawn hlân rawh se: an thinlunga châk taka pe apiangte pêk chu ka tâna thilhlanah in la tûr a ni,” tiin a hrilh a ni.
For example, Jehovah told the prophet Moses: “Speak to the sons of Israel, that they may take up a contribution for me: From every man whose heart incites him you people are to take up the contribution of mine.”jw2019 jw2019
Zâwlnei Samuel chuan a lo kal ang a, Jehova hnênah thil hlan a rawn hlân ang tiin Saula chu a hrilh a.
The prophet Samuel had told Saul that he would come and offer a sacrifice to Jehovah.jw2019 jw2019
Ani chuan a thil suasamtu man a nih hlân a va nghâkhlel dâwn êm!
How eager he is to see the vandal locked up!jw2019 jw2019
Pathianin chutiang thil ti tûrin thu neihna a kutah a hlân tih a lo lantîr tawh si a.
He has already demonstrated that God has put all such power in his hands.jw2019 jw2019
Hêng thil zawng zawng hi lâwm takin ka rawn hlân a.—1 Chro.
I have voluntarily offered all these things. —1 Chron.jw2019 jw2019
(Tirhkohte 22: 6-10) Paula chuan a zirtîrna dawn chu a hlut a, a thil zirte chu upa dangte hnênah a hlân chhâwng a ni.
(Acts 22:6-10) Paul appreciated the training he received and passed on to other elders what he had learned.jw2019 jw2019
Pathian Jehova chuan mi rinawm Abrahama hnênah thil harsa tak—inthawi nâna a fapa Isaaka hlân tûrin a ngên a.
Jehovah asked the faithful man Abraham to do something supremely difficult —to offer up his son Isaac as a sacrifice.jw2019 jw2019
(Sâm 65:2) Jehova chuan thil tam tak chu mi dangte hnênah hlân chhâwng mah se, ṭawngṭaina ngaithla tûr erawh chuan tu hnênah mah mawhphurhna a pe lo.
(Psalm 65:2) Although Jehovah delegates generously, this is a responsibility he has never passed on to anyone.jw2019 jw2019
7 Inthawina hlântu chuan Jehova ṭhatna zawng zawng a ngaihhlut tak zet avânga hlân a nih chuan, a thil neih zînga ṭha ber hlan chu a châk dâwn lâwm ni?
7 If the person making a sacrifice was truly grateful to Jehovah for all of His goodness, then would he not be happy to select the very best that he possessed?jw2019 jw2019
I thil zirte chu i laichînte, i ṭhiante, leh mi dangte hrilh hlân pawh i lo nghâkhlel mai thei a.
Probably you are eager to tell your relatives, friends, and others what you are learning.jw2019 jw2019
Leviticus 19:5 chuan: “LALPA tâna remna thil hlana in inthawi hunin pawm tlâk ni tûrin in hlân tûr a ni,” tiin a sawi.
“In case you should sacrifice a communion sacrifice to Jehovah,” says Leviticus 19:5, “you should sacrifice it to gain approval for yourselves.”jw2019 jw2019
Kaina chuan a thil hlanah a rilru tak tak pe lovin, a rûn dâl chauhvin a hlân a nih ngei a rinawm.
It is likely that Cain gave little more than superficial thought to his offering and merely went through the motions of presenting it.jw2019 jw2019
(1 Johana 3:12) Chu bâkah, a thil hlan chu rilru tak taka ti lêm lovin, a hming maiin a hlân a ni thei bawk ang.
(1 John 3:12) Moreover, he probably gave little more than superficial thought to his offering and merely went through the motions of presenting it.jw2019 jw2019
An thil phurh chu an lu emaw, an koki emawa hlân a nih tawh chuan, an kut khing khata ‘hriamhrei an ken’ laiin khing leh lam chuan awlsam takin an chelh thei a ni.
Once the load was placed on their head or shoulders, they could easily balance it with one hand “while the other hand was holding the missile.”jw2019 jw2019
Entîr nân, an phalna lovin an thla kan lo lâk emaw, an hriat loh hlân, chaw an ei lai leh thil dang an tih laia thla kan lo lâksak chuan chêt dân mawi kan lantîr a ni thei ang em?
For example, would it show good manners if we take photos of them without their permission or when they are not aware of it, perhaps when they are eating or doing something else?jw2019 jw2019
“LALPAN thil tih loh tûra thu a pêkte a enga pawh hi miin hriat loh vângin lo tipalh sela,” thil tisualtu chuan khawtlânga a nihna azirin sual thawina a hlân tûr a ni.
“In case a soul sins by mistake in any of the things that Jehovah commands should not be done,” then the sinner was to offer a sin offering in proportion to his status, or standing, in the community.jw2019 jw2019
Joba’n a fate a then thianghlim hnu chuan, “zîng takah a tho va, an zaa hming kimin hâlral inthawi a hlân a: Joba chuan, ‘Ka fapate hian thil an lo tisualin Pathian an lo sawi chhia a ni mahna,’ a ti a ni.
After Job had sanctified his children, “he got up early in the morning and offered up burnt sacrifices according to the number of all of them; for, said Job, ‘maybe my sons have sinned and have cursed God in their heart.’jw2019 jw2019
6 Adama chuan thil sual a tih hnuah chauh fa a neih avângin an zaa hnênah sual leh a sawhkhâwkte chu a hlân chhâwng a ni.
6 It was only after Adam had become a sinner that he fathered children, passing on sin and its effects to all of them.jw2019 jw2019
(1 Chronicles 29:9; 2 Korinth 9: 11-14) Hêng thil atâna hmanruate chu an pêk bâkah, tûn lai Kristiante hian hlim takin Pathian hnênah fakna an hlân a, an nun pawh a rawngbâwl nân an hmang a ni.
(1 Chronicles 29:9; 2 Corinthians 9:11-14) In addition to making material contributions for these purposes, present-day Christians happily offer praise to God and use their lives in his service.jw2019 jw2019
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