A Clockwork Orange oor Engels

A Clockwork Orange

A Clockwork Orange (film)

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A Clockwork Orange

A Clockwork Orange (film)
A Clockwork Orange (film)
Emily, welk is je favoriete film, naast ' A Clockwork Orange '?
Emily, what is your favorite film, next to " A Clockwork Orange "?
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Dank je.Emily, welk is je favoriete film, naast ' A Clockwork Orange '?
Emily, what is your favorite film, next to " A Clockwork Orange "?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Hij heeft ook gespeeld in films van Stanley Kubrick, zoals A Clockwork Orange en Barry Lyndon.
He also appeared in numerous horror films and in two Stanley Kubrick films, A Clockwork Orange and Barry Lyndon.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Burgess, A Clockwork Orange (Londen: Heinemann, 1962), p. 76.
Burgess, A Clockwork Orange (London: Heinemann, 1962), p. 76.Literature Literature
De eerste keer dat ze A Clockwork Orange zagen, was op de kostschool, in de voorlaatste klas.
The first time they’d watched A Clockwork Orange was at boarding school, at the beginning of their second year.Literature Literature
Na afloop hadden ze het ritueel gevolgd en in Torstens bioscoop A Clockwork Orange gekeken.
And afterwards they had followed the ritual and watched A Clockwork Orange in Torsten’s home theatre.Literature Literature
Zodra aversieve therapie ter sprake kwam, moest Diane denken aan A Clockwork Orange.
Whenever anyone spoke of aversion therapy, Diane thought of A Clockwork Orange.Literature Literature
Emily, welk is je favoriete film, naast ' A Clockwork Orange '?
Emily, what is your favorite film, next to " A Clockwork Orange "?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Je doet me denken aan A Clockwork Orange.’
I’m reminded of A Clockwork Orange.”Literature Literature
Op Jane Franks rooster stond The Scarlet Letter, maar Molly koos in plaats daarvan voor A Clockwork Orange.
— Jane Frank’s curriculum called for The Scarlet Letter, but Molly chose A Clockwork Orange instead.Literature Literature
Hij nam de geopende fles Amarone mee naar boven en bekeek op de plasmatelevisie A Clockwork Orange .
He brought the open bottle of Amarone upstairs and watched A Clockwork Orange on the plasma TV.Literature Literature
Geloof het of niet, maar ik zag ' A Clockwork Orange ' nu pas voor het eerst
Believe it or not, but I saw ' A Clockwork Orange " is only for the first timeopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
A Clockwork Orange, was de laatste gedachte van Benseman.
A Clockwork Orange, the book title was the last thought winding through Benseman’s brain.Literature Literature
A Clockwork Yellow een parodie op A Clockwork Orange.
The Slang of A Clockwork Orange.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hun outfits deden me denken aan de verfilming van A Clockwork Orange.
Their outfits made me think of the movie of A Clockwork Orange.Literature Literature
De laatste keer dat ik deze outfit droeg, was voor een promotie van A Clockwork Orange.
The last time I wore an outfit like this,OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Specifieke zoekopdrachten naar films als A Clockwork Orange, Get Carter, 10 Rillington Place.
Specific searches on movies such as A Clockwork Orange, Get Carter, 10 Rillington Place.Literature Literature
Het was totaal absurd, iets uit A Clockwork Orange.
It was too fabulous, something out of A Clockwork Orange.Literature Literature
Hebben jullie nooit de film " A Clockwork Orange " gezien?
Have you ever seen a movie Called " a clockwork orange "?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nadsat was een door Anthony Burgess verzonnen dialect voor zijn dystopische Sciencefictionroman A Clockwork Orange.
Nadsat was an imaginary dialect invented by Anthony Burgess for his dystopian Science Fiction novel A Clockwork Orange.Literature Literature
" A Clockwork Orange. "
" A clockwork orange. "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Jeugdbendes in A Clockwork Orange spreken Nadsat terwijl ze herrie schoppen op straat.
Youth gangs in A Clockwork Orange speak Nadsat whilst they are rampaging in the streets.Literature Literature
Goodman had een enorm bureau met opkrullende posters van Pink Floyd en Led Zeppelin en A Clockwork Orange erboven.
Goodman had an enormous desk below curling posters of Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin and A Clockwork Orange.Literature Literature
En als zij in het donker naar A Clockwork Orange zaten te kijken, dan liet hij haar zien waartoe lust kon leiden.
And when they sat watching A Clockwork Orange in the dark, he showed her where desire could lead.Literature Literature
Sommige denken juist dat Kubrick niet akkoord ging omdat Pink Floyd ook geen toestemming wilde geven voor hun muziek in de film A Clockwork Orange.
Others think that Kubrick refused because Pink Floyd had not allowed him to use music from Atom Heart Mother in his film A Clockwork Orange.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
De muziek van Tron werd geschreven door Wendy Carlos, die vooral bekend is van haar album Switched-On Bach en de muziek voor A Clockwork Orange.
The soundtrack for Tron was written by pioneer electronic musician Wendy Carlos, who is best known for her album Switched-On Bach and for the soundtracks to many films, including A Clockwork Orange and The Shining.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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