Fatal Attraction oor Engels

Fatal Attraction

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Fatal Attraction

Ik dacht even dat ik in Fatal Attraction beland was.
For a moment there I thought I was in Fatal Attraction.
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Je bent net als dat krankzinnige wijf in Fatal Attraction.
You're like that crazy broad in Fatal Attraction.Literature Literature
Glenn Close, " Fatal Attraction ".
Glenn Close, Fatal Attraction.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
‘Hmm, dan ben ik blij dat je niet onder de indruk was van Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction.
“Hmm, at least you didn’t admire Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction.Literature Literature
Je bent mijn Fatal Attraction, en ik vermoed dat het andersom net zo is.’
You’re like my “fatal attraction” in life and I very much suspect that that works both ways.’Literature Literature
Ze ging een paar weken Fatal Attraction.
She went " Fatal Attraction " for a couple of weeks.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Als die vrouw uit Fatal Attraction.
Like that woman from Fatal Attraction.Literature Literature
Psycho, Fatal Attraction, Scarface, Les Diaboliques... wat zou er hierna nog komen?
Psycho, Fatal Attraction, Scarface, Les Diaboliques—what the hell was coming next?Literature Literature
" Fatal Attraction "?
" Fatal Attraction "?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tenzij oma Hattie weer Fatal Attraction speelt.
Yeah, unless Grandma Hattie pulls another Fatal Attraction.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nee, de fatal-attraction-stalker noemen ze de predatorische stalker.
No, the fatal attraction stalker is actually called the predatory stalker.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Mateo Fuentes produceerde een vrij heldere foto van de jonge vrouw op de band van Fatal Attraction.
Mateo Fuentes provided them with a fairly clear photographic image of the young woman on the Fatal Attraction tape.Literature Literature
Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction.
Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Glenn Close’s personage in Fatal Attraction zal tijdens haar jeugd grote problemen met hechting hebben gehad.
Glenn Close’s character in Fatal Attraction must have had a hard time with attachments when she was a child.Literature Literature
Psycho, Fatal Attraction, Scarface, Les Diaboliques... wat zou er hierna nog komen?
Psycho, Fatal Attraction, Scarface, Les Diaboliques— what the hell was coming next?Literature Literature
Ik verveel me en op tv is Fatal Attraction de nagesynchroniseerde versie.
I'm bored in my hotel room, and all they got on the TV is Fatal Attraction, dubbed.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Al die tijd had ik gedacht dat mijn leven was veranderd in Fatal Attraction.
All this time I'd thought my life had turned into Fatal Attraction.Literature Literature
Het is net Fatal Attraction, maar dan andersom.
It’s Fatal Attraction, in reverse!”Literature Literature
‘Ik zei nog tegen Buddy dat hij niet naar Fatal Attraction moest kijken voordat Tansy in bed lag.’
"""I told Buddy that if he was going to rent that Fatal Attraction, he should wait until Tansy was in bed to watch it.”"Literature Literature
‘Nou, ze is psychologe, dus Fatal Attraction gecombineerd met Basic Instinct zou eerder het geval zijn.
“Well, she’s a psychologist, so Fatal Attraction meets Basic Instinct would be more accurate.Literature Literature
En nu ben ik die gekke meid uit fatal attraction, welke rond gaat en chirurgen neersteekt
And now I' m the crazy girl out of fatal attraction " who goes around stabbing surgeons. "opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Dit veranderde in Fatal Attraction.
This was turning into Fatal Attraction.Literature Literature
Maar voordat ik het weet, zit ik in " Fatal Attraction ".
The next thing I know, I'm living " Fatal Attraction ".OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Of het is Malerie, met uitgelopen mascara, een en al Fatal Attraction, met een slagersmes in haar hand.
Could be Malerie, her eyes raccooned by mascara, gone all Fatal Attraction on him with a butcher knife in her hand.Literature Literature
Zou later ook nog op de titelrol staan van onder andere Fatal Attraction, The Accused en School Ties.
His later credits include Fatal Attraction, The Accused, and School Ties.Literature Literature
Het zal geen Fatal Attraction worden.
Nico suave, it's not gonna be like some " Fatal Attraction " stuff.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
63 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.