John Paul Jones oor Engels

John Paul Jones

Vertalings in die woordeboek Nederlands - Engels

John Paul Jones

John Paul Jones (musician)
De marine heeft al met blokkades te maken sinds John Paul Jones!
The navy has been running blockades since the days of John Paul Jones!
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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Deze tradities waren niet zo oud als kapitein John Paul Jones, maar even onwrikbaar.
You can almost detect the rich French soil and the history that went into the grapeLiterature Literature
John Paul Jones zei,'Als je geen risico's neemt, kun je niet winnen.'
Ladies and gentlemen, we have three contestantsOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
'Ik ben nog niet eens begonnen met vechten.'John Paul Jones.
Report on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council regulation amending Regulation (EC) No #/# of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing common rules in the field of civil aviation security [COM #- C#-#/#- #/#(COD)]- Committee on Regional Policy, Transport and TourismOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
‘De John Paul Jones High School.
Richie, this is great!Literature Literature
Ik verloor m'n been aan John Paul Jones in'78.
You enter a voidOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hoog boven het vliegdek van de John Paul Jones verhief zich het eiland.
Daddy, um, why are you rushing into this?Literature Literature
‘Ik vraag me af wat John Paul Jones ervan zou vinden.’
One can only come to the conclusion that there is noneLiterature Literature
‘Mijn collega’s denken nu dat John Paul Jones een informant is,’ zei hij.
Girl, don' t put no hex on me!Literature Literature
XVI Catharina nam de Amerikaanse generaal John Paul Jones in dienst en stuurde die naar Potjomkin.
Really beautifulLiterature Literature
De John Paul Jones verhoogde de snelheid tot 32 knopen en nam een noordelijke koers aan.
Leave the country, or you are going to dieLiterature Literature
De John Paul Jones ligt onder vuur.
Vinay, you will get any look you want, but please call your modelOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ik belde het nummer van Norman Pictons bureau en zei dat ze met John Paul Jones spraken.
Did you know that in the Far East, people pay their doctors when they' re healthy?Literature Literature
Nog vier schepen, de John Paul Jones, Parsons, Decatur en Somers, werden omgebouwd tot kruisraket torpedobootjagers.
Disinfection of the implantation site should be undertaken prior to implantation to avoid introduction of infectionWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
‘Dat heeft John Paul Jones tegen de Britten gezegd.’
They' re the actors!Literature Literature
De strings werden gearrangeerd door de bassist van Led Zeppelin, John Paul Jones.
What was that?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
De marine heeft al met blokkades te maken sinds John Paul Jones!
The debate closedopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Het radarbeeld van de John Paul Jones was van het nieuwe schip via de satelliet naar Washington doorgeseind.
Steam enginesLiterature Literature
Hij vertelde Jake ook over Harvey Warfield en de John Paul Jones.
A shame you did not attempt itLiterature Literature
De marconist luisterde naar de opgewonden stemmen aan boord van de John Paul Jones.
Notes with concern that the Court is extremely critical of the financial corrections applied by the Commission, which do not ensure the prevention and timely identification and correction of errors, do not take sufficient account of the deficiencies identified in the underlying operations, that is, at the level of the final beneficiary, and do not encourage Member States to take action to prevent irregularities or to improve their management and control systems (paragraphs #.# and #.# of the Court of Auditors' annual reportLiterature Literature
De atmosfeer rond de John Paul Jones bestond op dit moment meer uit water dan uit lucht.
meet the character requirements for the duties involvedLiterature Literature
De commandant van de John Paul Jones had gelijk.
The Vice-president of the Commission in charge of Energy and Transport has written to Community carriers urging them to give passengers such information and intends now to write again to see what each airline has doneLiterature Literature
John Paul Jones Kies de grootste uit en open het vuur
So this is your chanceLiterature Literature
Nelson, Collingwood of John Paul Jones als je die liever hebt.
DATA ANALYSIS The CTCPF recognizes the crucial importance of the development phase in the production process.Literature Literature
De marine heeft al met blokkades te maken sinds John Paul Jones!
acknowledging the existence of measures which, while they are adopted by the Council in Presidency Conclusions, are not labelled sanctions and differ, at the same time, from the other restrictive measures listed as a CFSP toolOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Maar ze waren niet buiten bereik van de John Paul Jones, zestien kilometer ten noorden van de hoofdformatie.
Well, here' s my cell numberLiterature Literature
75 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.