Nax oor Engels


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Hij is Captain Dylan Hunt, heroprichter van het Gemenebest, een moderne Sani Nax Rifati.
He's captain dylan hunt, Restorer of the systems commonwealth, A modern-Day sani nax rifati.
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natriumaluminium-silicaat: Nax[(AlO2)x(SiO2)y] × zH2O
Sodium aluminium silicate: Nax[(AlO2)x(SiO2)y] × zH2OEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Natriumaluminium-silicaat: Nax[(AlO2)x(SiO2)y] × zH2O
Sodium aluminium silicate: Nax[(AlO2)x(SiO2)y] × zH2OEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Datzelfde jaar was Nax zich zo te buiten gegaan aan verdovende middelen dat het zijn dood was geworden.
Then, in that same year, Nax had drugged himself to death.Literature Literature
De zoons van koning Nax hadden alle reden haar te verachten.
It was only natural that the sons of King Nax should despise her.Literature Literature
Vlam wist — dat had Brocker haar verteld — hoe het bewind van de jonge Nax tot het verval van het koninkrijk had geleid.
Fire knew, for Brocker had told her, the progressive steps that had led to ruin once young Nax had taken the throne.Literature Literature
‘Had Nax zonder die verslaving wel stand kunnen houden?’
“Could Nax have held on if it hadn’t been for the drugs?”Literature Literature
Nax was de enige die hem had kunnen onterven en wegsturen, en dat zou hij nooit hebben gedaan.
And Nax was the only one with the power to disinherit him and send him away, and Nax would never have done that.Literature Literature
Nax was uw vader en u bent niet onwettiger dan zij.
Nax was your father, and you’re no more illegitimate than she is.Literature Literature
Hij is Captain Dylan Hunt, heroprichter van het Gemenebest, een moderne Sani Nax Rifati.
He's captain dylan hunt, Restorer of the systems commonwealth, A modern-Day sani nax rifati.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
‘Ik bedoel met Cansrel en koning Nax.
‘I mean Cansrel,’ she said, ‘and King Nax.Literature Literature
‘Ach, Nax had ook wel eens een goed idee.
“Once about every three years, Nax did have a good idea.”Literature Literature
Maar ach, kindje, Nax en Cansrel waren heel anders.
But, darling, Nax and Cansrel were two other creatures entirely.Literature Literature
En voor het eerst begreep ze wat Brocker ruim twintig jaar eerder had gedaan dat Nax zo woedend had gemaakt.
She understood for the first time what Brocker had done twenty-some years ago to set Nax into a rage.Literature Literature
74 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.