Rotterdamse School oor Engels

Rotterdamse School

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Rotterdam School


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Lucas C.P.M. Meijs (1963) is een Nederlands hoogleraar Volunteering, Civil Society and Businesses aan de vakgroep Business-Society Management aan de Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University en professor Strategic Philanthropy bij het Erasmus Centre for Strategic Philanthropy.
Lucas C.P.M. Meijs (born 27 December 1963) a Dutch organizational theorist and Professor Volunteering, Civil Society and Businesses at the department Business-Society Management of the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam and Professor Strategic Philanthropy at the Erasmus Centre for Strategic Philanthropy.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Eveneens in september zei de Nederlandse regering dat zij zou snijden in de financiering van de Ibn Ghaldoun Moslim Hoge School in Rotterdam, waardoor de school failliet zou gaan.
Also in September, the Dutch government said it would cut funding for the Ibn Ghaldoun Muslim High School in Rotterdam, driving the school into bankruptcy.Gatestone Institute Corpus Gatestone Institute Corpus
José Manuel Rodrigues doceerde fotografie aan diverse instellingen en nationale en buitenlandse scholen (Rotterdam, Porto, Évora, Caldas de Rainha).
Rodrigues taught photography at several institutions and national and foreign schools (Rotterdam, Porto, Évora, Caldas de Rainha).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Datzelfde jaar werd hij aangesteld als leraar wiskunde aan een middelbare school in Rotterdam, een positie die hij tot 1947 vervulde.
The same year he was appointed a mathematics teacher at the Hogere Burgerschool in Rotterdam, a profession that he continued until 1947.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Vlak bij mijn school, Laurenskerkplein in Rotterdam, zitten altijd een aantal zwervers, alcohol- en drugsverslaafden. . . .
“Near my school, Laurenskerkplein in Rotterdam, there are always a number of tramps, alcoholics, and drug addicts sitting about.jw2019 jw2019
Na eerst als arts in het Buitengasthuis in Amsterdam te hebben gewerkt, ging hij in 1835 les in de medicijnen geven aan de Klinische School in Rotterdam.
After starting work as a doctor at the Buitengasthuis Hospital in Amsterdam, in 1835, he taught medicine at the clinical school in Rotterdam.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In juni was de middelbare school Ibn Ghaldoun in Rotterdam betrokken bij de grootste examenfraude uit de Nederlandse geschiedenis.
In June, the Ibn Ghaldoun Muslim High School in Rotterdam was involved in the biggest exam fraud in Dutch history.Gatestone Institute Corpus Gatestone Institute Corpus
De eerste geneesheer-directeur was Jan Bastiaan Molewater (1813-1864), die ook lector was aan de Klinische School die in 1828 in Rotterdam was geopend.
The first hospital director was Dr. Jan Bastiaan Molewater (1813-1864), who was also a lecturer at the Clinical School that was opened in Rotterdam in 1828.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hierna werd hij arts in Rotterdam en ging hij lesgeven in de botanie aan de geneeskundige school aldaar.
Afterwards he practiced medicine in Rotterdam, where he also gave classes in botany at the medical school.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rotterdam School of Management (RSM Erasmus University), Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Rotterdam School of Management (RSM Erasmus University) Department of FinanceParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
De heer Huij is tevens parttime professor finance aan de Rotterdam School of Management.
Mr. Huij also holds a part-time position as Associate Professor (with tenure) of Finance at Rotterdam School of Management.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
FB - Faculteit der Bedrijfskunde (nu Rotterdam School of Management, Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid (nu Erasmus School of Law)
FB - Faculty of Business Administration (now Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University) FGG - Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (now Erasmus MC)ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
De Rotterdam School of Management (RSM) faciliteert klimaatverandering door haar nauwe banden met de fossiele-energie-industrie.
Rotterdam School of Management (RSM) facilitates climate change through its close ties with the fossil fuel industry.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Daarna wil ik graag de master Management aan de Rotterdam School of Management volgen.
Afterwards, I aspire to do a Master’s degree in Management at Rotterdam School of Management.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University | Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Discipline
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University | Erasmus University Rotterdam DisciplineParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
De Rotterdamse School beperkt zich niet in geografische zin voor wat haar groei betreft.
The Rotterdam School is not limited geographically as to its growth.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam heeft op verzoek van de commissie Evaluatie Politiewet 2012...
At the request of the commission ‘Evaluatie Politiewet 2012’, the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University,...ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
De Rotterdamse School eist volstrekte individuele vrijheid, dit is haar unieke kenmerk.
The Rotterdam School demands total individual freedom, this is its unique character.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
De Rotterdamse School werkt vanuit de integrale samenhang van de menselijke cultuur, onafhankelijk van tijd en ruimte.
The Rotterdam School works from the integral coherence of human culture, independent of time and space.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In 2020 gaat Theater Babel Rotterdam langs bij 70 klassen van Rotterdamse scholen met het theateratelier ‘#NoLabel’.
Starting from March 19, 2019 Theater Babel Rotterdam is visiting a dozen of schools in Rotterdam with the theatre atelier “#NoLabel”.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Medewerker MBA, Rotterdam School of Management (2017)
Executive MBA, Rotterdam School of Management (2017)ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Hierin worden alumni van de Rotterdam School of Management gekoppeld aan studenten.
This involves linking alumni from the Rotterdam School of Management to students.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
De Rotterdamse School betreft primair componisten.
The Rotterdam School primarily concerns composers.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Smartdc staat in de top 250 groeibedrijven van de Rotterdamse School of Management en de Erasmus Universiteit.
Smartdc has been listed as one of the top 250 Dutch scale ups by the Rotterdam School of Management and the Erasmus University.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
De Rotterdamse School houdt zich bezig met elementaire parameters van de muziek: toonhoogte en ritme.
The Rotterdam School is concerned with the fundamental musical parameters: pitch and rhythm.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
481 sinne gevind in 19 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.