e oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Navajo - Engels

The eighth letter of the Navajo alphabet:
ę́ę́ = /ɛ̃ː˥˥/
éé = /ɛː˥˥/
ęę́ = /ɛ̃ː˨˥/
eé = /ɛː˨˥/
ę́ę = /ɛ̃ː˥˨/
ée = /ɛː˥˨/
ęę = /ɛ̃ː˨˨/
ee = /ɛː˨˨/
ę́ = /ɛ̃˥/
é = /ɛ˥/
ę = /ɛ̃˨/
e = /ɛ˨/

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

Amen, it is correct
first striker
fox light
Jew Dine’e’
Jiihóvah Ya’Dahalne’e
Jehovah's Witnesses


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Ni daats’í díí nahasdzáán bikáagi ádaantsínkees’ígíí nimá dóó nizhé’e éí niláágó naanitsíkeees.
The following indent shall be added in point #d (Council Regulation (EC) No #) of Annex # to the AgreementLDS LDS
Kót’ao Diyin Kehjí hast’e áda’diidzaa, Naaltsoos Morman Wolyé’ígíí ałtsǫ dayíłta’ dóó “Christ Hiiná: Naaki Ts’áádah Bikéé’ Naazínígíí bee ’Oodlą’” yídahooł’áá’.
Madam President, Europe needs to give itself the resources to match its ambitions.LDS LDS
“Dilni dóo ako t’éegoo diits’į́įhgo ga’, háii ałk’ijiijééh yiba’ hasht’e’ ádidoolnį́į́ł?”
It would explain a lotLDS LDS
Azhą́shį́į Késhmish ayóó’niinish’níi ndí, shich’ooni, sha’áłchiní, Ataa’ Bíghan góné bił shi’diil’e’íí t’éiyá baa shił hózhǫ́ dóó shiZhe’é Diyiníí, Jesus Christ, dóó binahat’a’ yinishdlą́ dóó t’áa’aaníí at’éego shił beehózin.
We have any proof it was the mother?LDS LDS
Akó ts’ída bee biká edeeshwoł niizį́’ígíí éí bich’e’é Chloe shighangóó bił nideesht’ashgo bimá dóó bík’is anii yizhchį́nii doo’ííts’ígoo sikée dooleeł.
FELlCIA:It feels like leftLDS LDS
Béésh bee hane’é t’áá’ałtso bii’ hólónígíí naash’á, níłch’i bee ak’e’elchíhí da, dóó bee i’iilkeedí ílínígíí ałdó’.
When I make love to you...I' m not sure whether I' m holding a woman or a bag of siliconLDS LDS
Nihíhontá dóó Nihíhoneedlį́. —ndi Bee aka e’ewo’
The father you loveLDS LDS
K’e nizhin dóó yaa bił hózhǫ́ jó Diyin God bitsi’ yił aha’diit’ánígíí, nilį́įgo t’ahndi diyin bighanjigo é’e’tiingó náád́ááł.
Why must you insist on being so rude?LDS LDS
Díí wódilná bibéésh awólzha’í ał’ąą’ ádaat’é, t’áá łich’i’íí neil’į́, tódilhíł, iłniidééł, ázee’ tsi’oołááł, nat’óh, na’azhǫǫsh, ch’iyáán, niłch’í bii’ e’el’į́, doodáo t’áá aaníí.
What floor?- The thirdLDS LDS
Shízhe’é béésh bee hóóne’dę́ę́’ nadzáo bitáh hodiisna’íí yiiłtsą́, ndí díiłheel, biwos hasht’e’ niinínil, dóó aZhe’é binahat’a’ bídziilgo yee haadzíí’ dóó Yisda’iinííł ts’ída áyiiláii yoodlą́.
You' il never find us allLDS LDS
7 Nikʼis bichʼįʼ e-mails dóó text ádaníłʼı̨́įgoósh ayóó bínindlı̨́?
Dorothy was cool.Her shoes were retrojw2019 jw2019
Bił yaa ’ishwo’ dóó bitsásk’e bibąągii danishdaa.
i heard that you're leading the tribe wisely after ma ga's deathLDS LDS
Diyin God Bighan t’áá’íídą́ą́’ bánahast’ánígíí ałtsoh ádaalyaago éí nahasdzáán bikáá’ t’áała’ídi neeznádiin dóó bi’aan tsosts’i’diin ánéelt’e’ chídaal’į́įdoo.
Is my daddy gonna be OK?LDS LDS
Daneesehi doo bidi’nizinigii yik’ee doo bil dahats’idii da, hil daneesehigii nighaiiji bil dahozhoo k’e doo doole’e yaanaakai doo bitahji’ doo ba nahas’aa da.
put your hands on the dashLDS LDS
Díí be’ayóó o’ó’ni’ ałtsíísoo éí bee ayóo ilhózhǫ́ holǫ́: íídloh, alák’e diilní, anéiichi’, yisiniilts’ą́ą’, sááh bee ha’oní bee yéiilti’, doodáo’ níhi’áa shinee’.
I congratulate a Member of Parliament for being so outspoken on behalf of his region.LDS LDS
Internet biiʼ haneʼ ádaatʼéii doodaiiʼ yoochʼííd bił e-mails nihichʼįʼ ádaalʼínígíí éí tʼáadoo biniyéhígóó yíníiltaʼ doo.
It looks that way from everywhere except this glass tower of yoursjw2019 jw2019
Bi nahagha’ hasht’e’ ánályaa’ígíí t’áá’aníigo nihił bééhózin.
Afternoon, Mr DeckerLDS LDS
Díí éí haitʼéego nihił bééhózin 29 C.E. yihahjįʼ bee nihoolzhiizh?
Richard, come play with usjw2019 jw2019
Ła’ ayóó’iinii’níi doole’é nihich’į’ yił e’eléhígíí eíí baa tsídiikos—dóó doole’é nihí bich’į’ íílnehígíí baa nihił hózhǫ́—nihíjéí noodóh dóó ayóó’o’o’ní nihíi’ ha’dibįįh dóó baah nihíne’ łih.
One manner in which the bill sets this out is in subclause #(lLDS LDS
2 537 B.C.E yihahgo Jiihóvah bidineʼé bił dahózhǫ́.
No, Justice Strauss, you don' t understandjw2019 jw2019
Diyin God bizaad baa hózhǫ́ biha’oní ii’ha’dibiih, nihił béé dahózingo eíí t’áá háiida ti’hoonííh ndí ak’e hoł’į́nígíí lá ayóó at’éii yá’ąąshdi baa doolyééł dóó “ach’į’ nahwiis’náá’ bikéédoo eíí ak’ihozhdóódliił” (noł’į́ D&C 58:3–4).
Edged weapons, sirLDS LDS
Asdzaa ba’át’e’ ádin, Átaa’ be’Áyi’sizį́į bii’ ha’déezbingo eíí bits’á di’nidííd, Yee shiyííłni’ii eíí hodiyinjí nizhǫnóo bee ats’ádi’nilííd, Yisda’iinííł bił jizį́, dóó dine’é bee bik’ijidlį́, ts’ída niiltó-lóo.
Inoculation of raw milk, which may also be refrigerated, with a minimum of # % of the first starterLDS LDS
Diyinjí oonishígíí ła’ biká e’éwó’go Diyin God bił haz’áajį’ yáh iigááh.
We must speak to the Tok' Ra directlyLDS LDS
607 B.C.E. bikéédóó, háísh éí Táir kin haalʼáhígi íísdįįd?
Compared to subjects with normal hepatic function, patients with mild hepatic impairment had a mean increase in Cmax of # % and in AUC of # % of celecoxibjw2019 jw2019
32 C.E. yihah góneʼ tʼáá bichʼįʼdóó atisʼadeesdzá ályaa yę́ędą́ą́ʼ, Jesus éí God bibee adziilii choyoosʼįįd, dı̨́įʼgo haneʼ yáʼátʼéehii ádayiilaaígíí tʼáá éí tʼéiyá yee yikʼedaʼashchı̨́.
qualitative judgements concerning the practices adopted in actually applying the law, andjw2019 jw2019
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