

torkahtaa in Finnish


Eienskappe wat algemeen vir alle betekenisse is

Sommige frase-eienskappe is algemeen vir al die betekenisse. Byvoorbeeld, as 'n deel van spraak, IPA of geslag algemeen voorkom, skryf dit hier. Andersins: dit moet eksplisiet in elke definisiegroep gegee word.



Die betekenis van die frase moet 'n voorwerp hieronder hê volgens die dalende gewildheid. Skryf unieke, selfverduidelikende en eenvoudige definisies.


In die geval van ingewikkelde grammatika, byvoorbeeld, as u 'n verbuigingstabel moet gee, voeg hierdie beskrywing by met die verbuigingvelde hieronder.

Deel van spraak
<table> <tbody> <tr> <th colspan="7">Inflection of <i>torkahtaa</i> (Kotus type 53*F/muistaa, <i>t-d</i> gradation) </th> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="7">indicative&nbsp;mood </th> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="4">present&nbsp;tense </th> <th colspan="3">perfect </th> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">person </th> <th>positive </th> <th>negative </th> <th>person </th> <th>positive </th> <th>negative </th> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">1st&nbsp;sing. </th> <td>torkahdan </td> <td>en torkahda </td> <th>1st&nbsp;sing. </th> <td>olen torkahtanut </td> <td>en ole torkahtanut </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">2nd&nbsp;sing. </th> <td>torkahdat </td> <td>et torkahda </td> <th>2nd&nbsp;sing. </th> <td>olet torkahtanut </td> <td>et ole torkahtanut </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">3rd&nbsp;sing. </th> <td>torkahtaa </td> <td>ei torkahda </td> <th>3rd&nbsp;sing. </th> <td>on torkahtanut </td> <td>ei ole torkahtanut </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">1st&nbsp;plur. </th> <td>torkahdamme </td> <td>emme torkahda </td> <th>1st&nbsp;plur. </th> <td>olemme torkahtaneet </td> <td>emme ole torkahtaneet </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">2nd&nbsp;plur. </th> <td>torkahdatte </td> <td>ette torkahda </td> <th>2nd&nbsp;plur. </th> <td>olette torkahtaneet </td> <td>ette ole torkahtaneet </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">3rd&nbsp;plur. </th> <td>torkahtavat </td> <td>eiv&auml;t torkahda </td> <th>3rd&nbsp;plur. </th> <td>ovat torkahtaneet </td> <td>eiv&auml;t ole torkahtaneet </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">passive </th> <td>torkahdetaan </td> <td>ei torkahdeta </td> <th>passive </th> <td>on torkahdettu </td> <td>ei ole torkahdettu </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="4">past&nbsp;tense </th> <th colspan="3">pluperfect </th> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">person </th> <th>positive </th> <th>negative </th> <th>person </th> <th>positive </th> <th>negative </th> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">1st&nbsp;sing. </th> <td>torkahdin </td> <td>en torkahtanut </td> <th>1st&nbsp;sing. </th> <td>olin torkahtanut </td> <td>en ollut torkahtanut </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">2nd&nbsp;sing. </th> <td>torkahdit </td> <td>et torkahtanut </td> <th>2nd&nbsp;sing. </th> <td>olit torkahtanut </td> <td>et ollut torkahtanut </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">3rd&nbsp;sing. </th> <td>torkahti </td> <td>ei torkahtanut </td> <th>3rd&nbsp;sing. </th> <td>oli torkahtanut </td> <td>ei ollut torkahtanut </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">1st&nbsp;plur. </th> <td>torkahdimme </td> <td>emme torkahtaneet </td> <th>1st&nbsp;plur. </th> <td>olimme torkahtaneet </td> <td>emme olleet torkahtaneet </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">2nd&nbsp;plur. </th> <td>torkahditte </td> <td>ette torkahtaneet </td> <th>2nd&nbsp;plur. </th> <td>olitte torkahtaneet </td> <td>ette olleet torkahtaneet </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">3rd&nbsp;plur. </th> <td>torkahtivat </td> <td>eiv&auml;t torkahtaneet </td> <th>3rd&nbsp;plur. </th> <td>olivat torkahtaneet </td> <td>eiv&auml;t olleet torkahtaneet </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">passive </th> <td>torkahdettiin </td> <td>ei torkahdettu </td> <th>passive </th> <td>oli torkahdettu </td> <td>ei ollut torkahdettu </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="7">conditional&nbsp;mood </th> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="4">present </th> <th colspan="3">perfect </th> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">person </th> <th>positive </th> <th>negative </th> <th>person </th> <th>positive </th> <th>negative </th> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">1st&nbsp;sing. </th> <td>torkahtaisin </td> <td>en torkahtaisi </td> <th>1st&nbsp;sing. </th> <td>olisin torkahtanut </td> <td>en olisi torkahtanut </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">2nd&nbsp;sing. </th> <td>torkahtaisit </td> <td>et torkahtaisi </td> <th>2nd&nbsp;sing. </th> <td>olisit torkahtanut </td> <td>et olisi torkahtanut </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">3rd&nbsp;sing. </th> <td>torkahtaisi </td> <td>ei torkahtaisi </td> <th>3rd&nbsp;sing. </th> <td>olisi torkahtanut </td> <td>ei olisi torkahtanut </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">1st&nbsp;plur. </th> <td>torkahtaisimme </td> <td>emme torkahtaisi </td> <th>1st&nbsp;plur. </th> <td>olisimme torkahtaneet </td> <td>emme olisi torkahtaneet </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">2nd&nbsp;plur. </th> <td>torkahtaisitte </td> <td>ette torkahtaisi </td> <th>2nd&nbsp;plur. </th> <td>olisitte torkahtaneet </td> <td>ette olisi torkahtaneet </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">3rd&nbsp;plur. </th> <td>torkahtaisivat </td> <td>eiv&auml;t torkahtaisi </td> <th>3rd&nbsp;plur. </th> <td>olisivat torkahtaneet </td> <td>eiv&auml;t olisi torkahtaneet </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">passive </th> <td>torkahdettaisiin </td> <td>ei torkahdettaisi </td> <th>passive </th> <td>olisi torkahdettu </td> <td>ei olisi torkahdettu </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="7">imperative&nbsp;mood </th> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="4">present </th> <th colspan="3">perfect </th> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">person </th> <th>positive </th> <th>negative </th> <th>person </th> <th>positive </th> <th>negative </th> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">1st&nbsp;sing. </th> <td>— </td> <td>— </td> <th>1st&nbsp;sing. </th> <td>— </td> <td>— </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">2nd&nbsp;sing. </th> <td>torkahda </td> <td>&auml;l&auml; torkahda </td> <th>2nd&nbsp;sing. </th> <td>ole torkahtanut </td> <td>&auml;l&auml; ole torkahtanut </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">3rd&nbsp;sing. </th> <td>torkahtakoon </td> <td>&auml;lk&ouml;&ouml;n torkahtako </td> <th>3rd&nbsp;sing. </th> <td>olkoon torkahtanut </td> <td>&auml;lk&ouml;&ouml;n olko torkahtanut </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">1st&nbsp;plur. </th> <td>torkahtakaamme </td> <td>&auml;lk&auml;&auml;mme torkahtako </td> <th>1st&nbsp;plur. </th> <td>olkaamme torkahtaneet </td> <td>&auml;lk&auml;&auml;mme olko torkahtaneet </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">2nd&nbsp;plur. </th> <td>torkahtakaa </td> <td>&auml;lk&auml;&auml; torkahtako </td> <th>2nd&nbsp;plur. </th> <td>olkaa torkahtaneet </td> <td>&auml;lk&auml;&auml; olko torkahtaneet </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">3rd&nbsp;plur. </th> <td>torkahtakoot </td> <td>&auml;lk&ouml;&ouml;t torkahtako </td> <th>3rd&nbsp;plur. </th> <td>olkoot torkahtaneet </td> <td>&auml;lk&ouml;&ouml;t olko torkahtaneet </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">passive </th> <td>torkahdettakoon </td> <td>&auml;lk&ouml;&ouml;n torkahdettako </td> <th>passive </th> <td>olkoon torkahdettu </td> <td>&auml;lk&ouml;&ouml;n olko torkahdettu </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="7">potential&nbsp;mood </th> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="4">present </th> <th colspan="3">perfect </th> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">person </th> <th>positive </th> <th>negative </th> <th>person </th> <th>positive </th> <th>negative </th> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">1st&nbsp;sing. </th> <td>torkahtanen </td> <td>en torkahtane </td> <th>1st&nbsp;sing. </th> <td>lienen torkahtanut </td> <td>en liene torkahtanut </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">2nd&nbsp;sing. </th> <td>torkahtanet </td> <td>et torkahtane </td> <th>2nd&nbsp;sing. </th> <td>lienet torkahtanut </td> <td>et liene torkahtanut </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">3rd&nbsp;sing. </th> <td>torkahtanee </td> <td>ei torkahtane </td> <th>3rd&nbsp;sing. </th> <td>lienee torkahtanut </td> <td>ei liene torkahtanut </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">1st&nbsp;plur. </th> <td>torkahtanemme </td> <td>emme torkahtane </td> <th>1st&nbsp;plur. </th> <td>lienemme torkahtaneet </td> <td>emme liene torkahtaneet </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">2nd&nbsp;plur. </th> <td>torkahtanette </td> <td>ette torkahtane </td> <th>2nd&nbsp;plur. </th> <td>lienette torkahtaneet </td> <td>ette liene torkahtaneet </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">3rd&nbsp;plur. </th> <td>torkahtanevat </td> <td>eiv&auml;t torkahtane </td> <th>3rd&nbsp;plur. </th> <td>lienev&auml;t torkahtaneet </td> <td>eiv&auml;t liene torkahtaneet </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">passive </th> <td>torkahdettaneen </td> <td>ei torkahdettane </td> <th>passive </th> <td>lienee torkahdettu </td> <td>ei liene torkahdettu </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="7">Nominal forms </th> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="4">infinitives </th> <th colspan="3">participles </th> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> </td> <th>active </th> <th>passive </th> <td> </td> <th>active </th> <th>passive </th> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">1st </th> <td colspan="2">torkahtaa </td> <th>present </th> <td>torkahtava </td> <td>torkahdettava </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">long 1st<sup>2</sup> </th> <td colspan="2">torkahtaakseen </td> <th>past </th> <td>torkahtanut </td> <td>torkahdettu </td> </tr> <tr> <th rowspan="2">2nd </th> <th>inessive<sup>1</sup> </th> <td>torkahtaessa </td> <td>torkahdettaessa </td> <th>agent<sup>1,&nbsp;3</sup> </th> <td colspan="2">torkahtama </td> </tr> <tr> <th>instructive </th> <td>torkahtaen </td> <td>— </td> <th>negative </th> <td colspan="2">torkahtamaton </td> </tr> <tr> <th rowspan="6">3rd </th> <th>inessive </th> <td>torkahtamassa </td> <td>— </td> <td colspan="3" rowspan="9"><sup>1)</sup> Usually with a possessive suffix. <sup>2)</sup> Used only with a possessive suffix; this is the form for the third-person singular and third-person plural. <sup>3)</sup> Does not exist in the case of intransitive verbs. Do not confuse with nouns formed with the <i>-ma</i> suffix or the 3rd infinitives. </td> </tr> <tr> <th>elative </th> <td>torkahtamasta </td> <td>— </td> </tr> <tr> <th>illative </th> <td>torkahtamaan </td> <td>— </td> </tr> <tr> <th>adessive </th> <td>torkahtamalla </td> <td>— </td> </tr> <tr> <th>abessive </th> <td>torkahtamatta </td> <td>— </td> </tr> <tr> <th>instructive </th> <td>torkahtaman </td> <td>torkahdettaman </td> </tr> <tr> <th rowspan="2">4th </th> <th>nominative </th> <td colspan="2">torkahtaminen </td> </tr> <tr> <th>partitive </th> <td colspan="2">torkahtamista </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">5th<sup>2</sup> </th> <td colspan="2">torkahtamaisillaan </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>