Catha oor Engels


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Por centenas de anos, os Catha guardaram o conhecimento.
For hundreds of years the Catha have guarded their ancient knowledge.
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Cath, e aí? Oi!
Cath, what's up?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Cath empurrou o peito dele, afastando-se, e voltou ao fogão, ralando o queijo rapidamente sobre os ovos
Cath pushed against his chest, away, and went back to the stove, quickly grating the cheese over the eggs.Literature Literature
Digo, acho que eram primos ou tios da Cath, eu acho.
I mean, they were like a cousin or an auntie of Cath's, I think.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Cath se esforçou para ser uma amiga leal, mas achou difícil
Cath did her best to be a loyal friend, but she found it hard.Literature Literature
Enquanto isso, Fletcher mata Carney, se casa com sua filha Cath Carney, assume o império do gado de Carney e continua a ameaçar Lady Sarah.
Meanwhile, Fletcher kills Carney, marries his daughter Cath Carney, takes over Carney's cattle empire, and continues to menace Lady Sarah.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Minha querida Cath!
My darling Cath!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Cath deu um jeito de ir junto e tentou não fazer cara feia vendo-as escolhendo pôsteres e abajures combinando.
Cath had tagged along and tried not to pout while they picked out posters and matching desk lamps.Literature Literature
Cath lera todos os livros dela (sobre declínio e desolação na América do Norte rural) durante o verão
Cath had read all three of her books (about decline and desolation in rural America) over the summer.Literature Literature
Cath se pegava observando o pescoço e as mãos deles.
Cath found herself watching their necks and their hands.Literature Literature
Cath folheou as páginas com o dedão... Era mesmo um livro curto.
Cath shuffled the pages with her thumb.... It really was a short book.Literature Literature
Cath queria passar a trabalhar numa história sua.
Cath wanted to work on her own story now.Literature Literature
Na tarde de quarta, depois da prova de Biologia, Cath sentou-se em frente ao computador.
On Wednesday afternoon, after her Biology final, Cath sat in front of her computer.Literature Literature
Por causa de nossa ligação sem obstáculos, eu era capaz de falar abertamente com Cath sobre qualquer coisa.
Because of our easy connection I was able to speak openly with Cath about anything.Literature Literature
Não se preocupe, Cath.
Don't worry, cath'.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Cath, do recorrido no processo principal, representado por P.
Cath; of the respondent in the main proceedings, represented by P.A.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
A organização Cathos Ltda., com ramificações em todo o Canadá e nos Estados Unidos; Austrália e Grã-Bretanha, especializa-se exclusivamente em aumentar a renda da Igreja Católica Romana.
The organization, Cathos Ltd., with branches throughout Canada and in the United States, Australia and Britain, specializes exclusively in increasing the revenue of the Roman Catholic Church.jw2019 jw2019
– Parabéns – disse Cath, sentindo-se usada mais uma vez.
“Congratulations,” Cath said, feeling all used up all over again.Literature Literature
(Vista-se do jeito que pretende ser daqui em diante, Cath pensara quando escolhera as roupas na noite anterior.
( Start as you mean to go on, Cath had thought when she laid out her clothes last night.Literature Literature
Cath quis voltar no tempo e reescrever cada cena que escrevera sobre o peito de Simon ou Baz.
Cath wanted to go back and rewrite every scene she’d ever written about Baz or Simon’s chests.Literature Literature
Não, pensou Cath, nem tenho seu telefone.
No, Cath thought, I don’t even know your number.Literature Literature
Quando se viu junto a Wren, que estava bem, Cath notou quão exausta estava.
Now that she was with Wren and Wren was okay, Cath realized how exhausted she was.Literature Literature
Cath, se estiver mesmo preocupada comigo, eu imploro, volte pra faculdade.
Cath, if you’re really worried about me, I’m begging you, go back to school.Literature Literature
– Sua irmã tá bem, Cath – Reagan disse, quase (mas não muito) gentilmente. – Ela só tá sendo normal.
“Your sister’s fine, Cath,” Reagan said almost (but not quite) gently.Literature Literature
– Vou – disse Cath, notando uma menina na fileira ao lado fitando-os desapontada.
“Right,” Cath said, noticing a girl in the next aisle glance at them disappointedly.Literature Literature
Cath não costumava pedir café, mas fez que sim, e ele completou a xícara dela.
Cath didn’t usually order coffee, but she nodded anyway, and he topped off her cup.Literature Literature
207 sinne gevind in 21 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.