Rapazinho-dos-velhos oor Engels


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Agora chamo- lhe " Saddam ".Se acentuares a primeira sílaba, significa " rapazinho que engraxa sapatos dos velhos " em árabe
If you emphasize the first syilable...... it means in Arabic, " the little boy who shines old men' s shoes. "opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Quando ficasse velho demais para cortar cana, voltaria para junto dos rapazinhos para cuidar dos animais.
When he grew too old to cut cane he would go back among the young boys to care for the animals.Literature Literature
Mateus, um rapazinho da oitava série e que jogava no time dos mais velhos, era o ídolo da garotada.
Someday I'll be like him, mom! Matthew, an eighth-grade boy who played on the older boys' team was the idol of the kids.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
No entanto, um crime não solucionado nunca deixou de o atormentar: o desaparecimento misterioso dos pais, na Velha Xangai, quando ele era rapazinho.
Yet one crime has always haunted him; the mysterious disappearance of his parents in Old Shanghai, when he was a boy.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
4 sinne gevind in 16 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.