andar desconfiado oor Engels

andar desconfiado

Vertalings in die woordeboek Portugees - Engels


Penso que o Ramón anda desconfiado
I think Ramon suspects something



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Para de andar desconfiado.
Would you stop looking so suspicious!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Já não tenho de andar desconfiado?
So no more looking over my shoulder?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Dizer- lhe que não tem de andar desconfiado
Let you know you don' t have to watch your backopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
E ia andar sempre desconfiado.
I had managed something better than payback.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Precisará andar mais desconfiado, aqui em Nápoles, do que jamais andou na sua prisão romana.
You will need to walk more warily here in Naples than you ever did in your Roman prison.”Literature Literature
Incrédulo e desconfiado, continuou a andar em direção a Dylan
Incredulous and suspicious, he continued down towards Dylan.Literature Literature
Neeve ficou desconfiada que ele andara a falar com Myles acerca da libertação de Nicky Sepetti.
Neeve had a sudden suspicion that he’d been chatting with Myles about Nicky Sepetti’s release.Literature Literature
Eu estava desconfiado, por isso andara esperando o momento de pegá-lo in flagrante delicto
I had sensed that something was up and had been waiting for the time to catch him in flagrante delicto.Literature Literature
Os dois gatos começaram a andar um ao redor do outro, desconfiados, ofegantes, aproximando-se lentamente.
The two cats began to circle one another mistrustfully, panting, coming nearer and nearer.Literature Literature
Levou o ainda desconfiado Tweenie até o andar superior, e apontou- lhe uma pequena cama.
He led the still suspicious Tweenie up to the second floor, and pointed out a small bedroom.Literature Literature
Eles todos tinham trocado olhares desconfiados, mas então começaram a andar na direção do riacho.
They had all exchanged uncertain glances, but then started walking toward the stream.Literature Literature
Ali está o seu andar pesado, ali estão os seus olhos astutos, desconfiados.
Here is her heavy tread; here are her knowing, suspicious eyes.Literature Literature
Andar com malucos como você me deixou um pouco desconfiada.
Well, hooking up with loony tunes like you has left me a little suspicious.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A garotinha lançou-me um olhar desconfiado, depois virou-se e começou a andar.
The little girl gave me a suspicious look, then turned away and started to walk.Literature Literature
— perguntou a mulher de cabelos negros, desconfiada, mas quando Steve se pôs a andar para aquele lado, ela o acompanhou.
the dark-haired woman asked suspiciously, but when Steve started walking in that direction, she went along.Literature Literature
Max prestara atenção quando Maur admitira andar à procura de um homem empolgante, e isso deixou-o desconfiado.
Max had paid attention when Maur admitted she was on the lookout for an exciting man, and it made him wary.Literature Literature
Fiquei meio desconfiado quando um homem que havia entrado no elevador parou no quinto andar.
I was a little suspicious when the lift stopped on the fifth floor and a man got in.Literature Literature
Ela me olhou ligeiramente desconfiada, mas acabou dando de ombros e voltando para o quarto dela no andar de cima
She looked at me suspiciously, but then just shrugged her shoulders and walked back to her room upstairs.Literature Literature
18 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.