ao entardecer oor Engels

ao entardecer

Vertalings in die woordeboek Portugees - Engels

at dusk

O sol é vermelho ao entardecer.
The sun at dusk is red.

at nightfall

Da próxima vez viremos ao entardecer.
Next time, we come at nightfall.

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hoje ao entardecer
this evening


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— É uma pena ter de levá-los — diz Ned, sensibilizado com as ricas cores, ao entardecer
"'""Tis a pity to be taking it,"" Ned says, struck by the rich colors, now that the sun is half up."Literature Literature
É mais ativo ao amanhecer e ao entardecer, e passa o resto do dia na densa vegetação.
It is most active at dawn and dusk, and spends the rest of the day in thick vegetation.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
" O que faz o elefante sua presa ascender na neblina ou ao entardecer? "
" What makes the elephant charge his tusk in the misty mist or the dusky dusk? "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sempre, sempre te distancias ao entardecer onde o crepúsculo corre obliterando as estátuas.
Always, always you recede through the evenings towards where the twilight goes erasing statues.Literature Literature
Encontra um pouco de terreno seco para acampar no pântano ao entardecer.
Finds some dry ground to camp in swamp at sundown.Literature Literature
42 E ao entardecer, porquanto era o dia da preparação, isto é, a véspera do asábado,
42 ¶ And now when the even was come, because it was the apreparation, that is, the day before the sabbath,LDS LDS
Continuaram para oeste no dia seguinte, mas Frentis ordenou que virassem para o norte ao entardecer.
They kept a westward course for the next day, Frentis ordering a turn north come evening.Literature Literature
Ele podia ver os campos planos ao entardecer, a terra nua e marrom, o horizonte que escurecia.
He could see the flat fields in the dusk, the bare brown earth, the darkening horizon.Literature Literature
Ao entardecer, deitamo-nos nas barracas que George preparara para nós, num lugar rochoso sobre o mar.
At sunset we lay down in the tents which George had prepared for us, on a rocky point overlooking the sea.Literature Literature
Caminharam juntos até o mar ao entardecer, e Winston, entusiasmado, falou o tempo todo.
They walked together to the sea in the fading light, and Winston talked excitedly the whole way.Literature Literature
Ao entardecer, um grupo de pretorianos chegou para escoltá-los aos alojamentos particulares do imperador.
At sundown, a group of Praetorians arrived to escort them to the emperor’s private quarters.Literature Literature
À semelhança de Morte ao entardecer, Hemingway, escrevendo na primeira pessoa, é o guia.
As with Death in the Afternoon, Hemingway, writing in the first person, was the guide.Literature Literature
Em um sábado, ao entardecer, a encontrei na ponte de Constitución, inclinada sobre o parapeito de ferro.
One Saturday, at sunset, I ran into her on the bridge behind Constitution Station, leaning over the iron railing.Literature Literature
Ao entardecer, o jovem está a delirar, e a sua família perturbada.
By evening, the young man is delirious, and his family distraught.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ao entardecer, os artesãos, estando fora por alimentos, voltam às suas casas.
As the sun sets, the weavers, having been away feeding, come back to their homes.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A sua voz flutua no ar como as badaladas ao entardecer.
Her voice floating like the silver mask beholding the evening air.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
O rosto é de uma palidez transparente, da cor do céu de inverno nas montanhas ao entardecer.
Her face has a transparent pallor, it’s the shade of a wintry evening sky in the mountains.Literature Literature
Era ao entardecer; o céu estava cheio de dragões, desta vez amarelos.
It was dark; the sky was filled with dragons this time, yellow ones.Literature Literature
Talvez fosse a última visão de Salamanca ao entardecer.
Perhaps it would be his last glimpse of Salamanca in the evening.Literature Literature
“Se você não pode ter vinte anos e velejar em meio aos juncos ao entardecer...
“If you can’t be twenty years old and sailing past the junks at sunset ... But we have had that discussion.Literature Literature
Caso encerrado e todos tomando coquetéis ao entardecer.
Case closed and we're all sipping cocktails by sunset.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Iremos ao entardecer e passamos a noite.
That doesn't matter, we'll go in the evening and stay the night.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Aterrissamos no aeroporto de Las Vegas ao entardecer e alugamos um carro.
We landed at the Las Vegas airport at dusk and rented a car.Literature Literature
O plano era partir bem cedinho, passar o dia em Calais e voltar de balsa ao entardecer.
The plan was to leave really early in the morning, spend the day in Calais and return on the ferry in the evening.Literature Literature
Ao entardecer, eu ouvia vozes cantando: eram camponeses que colhiam laranjas.
In the evening I would hear singing: peasants were gathering oranges.Literature Literature
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