cor de âmbar oor Engels

cor de âmbar

Vertalings in die woordeboek Portugees - Engels


adjective verb noun
Sob Seus pés havia um calçamento de ouro puro, cor de âmbar.
There was under His feet a pavework of pure gold, in color like amber.

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de cor âmbar


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As cores reconhecidas incluem creme claro, médio e escuro, com olhos com cor de âmbar, avelã ou verde.
Recognized colors include light, medium and dark cream, with amber or hazel eyes.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Jase voltou com um copo de líquido cor de âmbar
Jase returned with a small glass of amber-colored liquor.Literature Literature
Lindo! Oh, lindo para os céus abertos... para as ondas cor de âmbar do trigo.
" Oh, beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain "!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ondas cor de ãmbar
" For amber waves of... "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
De repente, suas íris voltaram à cor de âmbar, e as chamas a seu redor desapareceram.
Suddenly, his irises shifted back to amber and the flames surrounding them vanished.Literature Literature
A velha estava banhada pelos raios estranhos de uma lâmpada cor de âmbar, acima de sua cama.
The old woman was bathed in the eerie rays of an amber nightlight above her bed.Literature Literature
Um breve alarme agudo soou vindo da sonda, e a luz cor de âmbar desapareceu.
A brief high-pitched alarm sounded from the probe, and the amber light went dead.Literature Literature
Ou a visão de seus olhos cor de âmbar.
Nor the sight of his amber eyes.Literature Literature
Abri-a e o vi ali de pé com a túnica pesada cor de âmbar, o rosto solene.
I opened it to see him standing there in his heavy topaz linen robe, his face solemn.Literature Literature
Havia duas cadeiras de braços confortáveis soldadas ao piso e uma lâmpada cor de âmbar de baixa voltagem.
There were two comfortable armchairs welded to the floor and a low-wattage amber light.Literature Literature
Anton se virou para David devagar, os olhos cor de âmbar cintilando das lágrimas recentes
Slowly, Anton turned toward David, his amber eyes sparkling from his earlier tears.Literature Literature
Estava enganado. — De repente, suas íris voltaram à cor de âmbar, e as chamas a seu redor desapareceram.
Suddenly, his irises shifted back to amber and the flames surrounding them vanished.Literature Literature
Mas viu uma loura bonita e delicada, fitando-o através de lentes cor de âmbar
But he saw a pretty, delicately built blonde staring up at him through amber-tinted lenses.Literature Literature
Eu nunca fui a garotinha inocente com cabelo liso cor de âmbar.
I was never that innocent little girl with sleek amber hair.Literature Literature
Nas prateleiras havia várias garrafas com líquidos vermelhos, azuis e cor de âmbar.
On the shelves stood ranks of bottles of red, blue, and amber liquids.Literature Literature
Colocando o nariz sobre uma das garrafas cheias de líquido cor de âmbar, inalei.
Putting my nose over one of the amber-filled bottles, I inhaled.Literature Literature
Os grandes olhos alertas são cor de âmbar.
His large eyes are amber in color and alert.jw2019 jw2019
Parecia-lhe que, desde que agüentasse aquele olhar cor de âmbar, o lobo não atacaria.
It seemed to him that as long as he held that glowing, amber gaze with his own the wolf would not attack him.Literature Literature
Eu me perguntava se o teriam derrubado com aquele líquido cor de âmbar novamente.
I wondered if they were going to knock him out with that amber liquid again.Literature Literature
Concentrou-se nos belos olhos cor de âmbar de Jay e na forma como o Holi a embriagara.
She focused on Jay’s fine amber eyes, and the way the intoxication of Holi had made her feel light-headed.Literature Literature
Pela primeira vez, olhei diretamente dentro daqueles brilhantes olhos cor de âmbar
For the first time, I looked directly into those glowing, amber eyes.Literature Literature
Recebo também, de vez em quando, luzes cor de âmbar, para que diminua a marcha.
I also occasionally get amber lights that slow me down.Literature Literature
Ele revirou o líquido cor de âmbar no copo, sentindo-se melhor.
He swirled the amber liquid in his glass, feeling better.Literature Literature
O bar do Hotel Heights Khama era um ambiente elegante e iluminado por discretas luzes cor de âmbar.
The bar of the Khama Heights Hotel was an elegant space, uplit by discreet amber lights.Literature Literature
Também há um bracelete oval vermelho-vivo e uma rocha cor de âmbar no formato de uma gota.
There’s also a bright red oval bracelet and an amber-colored stone in the shape of a raindrop.Literature Literature
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