cortado rente oor Engels

cortado rente

Vertalings in die woordeboek Portugees - Engels


Cabelo louro areia, cortado rente.
Sandy blond hair, close cropped.

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Qual a causa desse defeito na sua mão esquerda, esse quarto dedo cortado rente?
How did you get that wound on your left hand, get your fourth finger cut off at the very root?Literature Literature
No caso dos alhos secos, as raízes devem ser cortados rente ao bolbo.
The roots of dry garlic must be cut off flush with the bulb.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
As mãos grossas e tisnadas e as unhas cortadas rente estavam em flagrante contraste com o vestuário.
His rough, sunburned hands and short nails formed a striking contrast to his costume.Literature Literature
— Por favor, me escute — ela disse, falando para os cabelos louros cortados rente atrás daquele crânio enorme.
Please listen to me, she said, speaking to the cropped blond hair on the back of that enormous skull.Literature Literature
Naquela época o cabelo negro de Satoko, longo e espesso, era cortado rente na testa.
At that time, Satoko’s long, thick black hair was cut straight across at the brow.Literature Literature
Ele tinha cabelos grisalhos escuros, cortados rentemente, e uma maturidade e sabedoria que desmentiam a sua idade.
He had dark, close-cropped, graying hair and a maturity and wisdom that belied his age.Literature Literature
Seu nome é Ron, um sujeito grande, musculoso, de pele escura, com cabelo cortado rente e olhos inamistosos.
His name is Ron, a big, muscular dark-skinned man with closely shorn hair and unfriendly eyes.Literature Literature
As curvas impressionantes de seus braços cintilam, o cabelo cortado rente brilha de suor.
The impressive curves of his arms are glistening, his cropped hair is shiny with sweat.Literature Literature
Teddy, um homem baixo, de cinquenta anos, e cabelo cortado rente, era o piloto que levaria Chalk Um.
Teddy, a short, fifty-year-old man with close-cropped hair who was the pilot of Chalk One, met us at the hangar door.Literature Literature
Olhei para ela de novo: o rosto oval pequeno, o cabelo cortado rente, os olhos de fogo.
I looked at her again: the small oval face, the close-cropped hair, the burning eyes.Literature Literature
Um homem de meia-idade com o cabelo cortado rente, trajando um uniforme de prisão azul-escuro.
A middle-aged man with close-cropped hair, dressed in a dark blue prison uniform.Literature Literature
Seu cabelo branco cortado rente e o bigode cheio dão-lhe um ar de general aposentado.
His close-cropped white hair and full moustache make him look like a retired military general.Literature Literature
As mãos grossas e tisnadas e as unhas cortadas rente estavam em flagrante contraste com o vestuário.
His fat and sunburnt hands, with their short nails, contrasted strangely with his costume.Literature Literature
Os cachos de surfista tinham sido cortados rente, e seu pescoço parecia gordo e vermelho.
His surf-dude curls had been cut to a neat short back and sides, and his neck looked fat and red.Literature Literature
Rostos jovens com os cabelos cortados rente; uma lenta recuperação da devastação do Acampamento de Recrutas.
Young faces with crew cuts; a slow recovery from the stripping of boot camp.Literature Literature
A zona de inserção das raízes é cortada rente.
The root disc is cut flush with the bulb.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Rosto magro, cabelos grisalhos cortados rente à cabeça, óculos sem aros — ele não combinava com a nova sala.
Gaunt face, crew cut, grey hair, rimless glasses—he didn’t look as if he belonged in the new courtroom.Literature Literature
Tem cabelo ruivo cortado rente, e sua pele parece áspera e velha.
He has a mop of red hair that’s been shorn close to the scalp and his skin looks raw and aged.Literature Literature
À primeira vista, o cabelo cortado rente o fazia parecer um menino.
At first glance, his short-cropped hair made him look like a boy.Literature Literature
– Vou lá fora conversar com eles – disse um homem de cabelo cortado rente e piercing na sobrancelha.
‘I’ll go out and talk to them,’ said a man with close-cropped hair and an eyebrow ring.Literature Literature
Seu cabelo preto cortado rente combinava com os olhos, tão escuros que eu não discernia as pupilas.
His close-cropped black hair matched his eyes, so dark I couldn’t find his pupils.Literature Literature
O campo ceifado, cortado rente como cabeças de prisioneiros, ficava marrom sob o sol cor de limão.
The hayed fields, close-cut as the heads of convicts, turned brown under the lemonish sun.Literature Literature
O cabelo na parte de trás do meu pescoço é cortado rente.
The hair at the back of my neck is cut closer.Literature Literature
As raízes são cortadas rente ao bolbo, e o seu comprimento é igual ou inferior a 2,5 mm.
The roots are cut flush with the bulb, their length equal to or less than 2,5 mm.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
, gritou outro Smurf, um loiro de cabelo cortado rente que atuava como líder da equipe.
shouted another Smurf, a blond buzz-cut fellow who was serving as the team leader.Literature Literature
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