entardecer oor Engels


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Vertalings in die woordeboek Portugees - Engels


Ao entardecer, o jovem está a delirar, e a sua família perturbada.
By evening, the young man is delirious, and his family distraught.


Pessoas saudáveis ao nascer do sol morriam ao entardecer.
People who were healthy at sunrise were dying by nightfall.


Onde as coisas boas voltam gentilmente repetidamente, como o entardecer à margem da vida...
Where good things lap gently again and again, like eventide on the banks of a life?

be dusk

( the day) to become late or close to night
evening (the transition period between afternoon and night)

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hoje ao entardecer
this evening
ao entardecer
at dusk · at nightfall


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— É uma pena ter de levá-los — diz Ned, sensibilizado com as ricas cores, ao entardecer
"'""Tis a pity to be taking it,"" Ned says, struck by the rich colors, now that the sun is half up."Literature Literature
Na fraca luz do entardecer, eles prepararam um banquete no convés do navio.
In the dying light of the afternoon, they prepared a banquet on the ship’s deck.Literature Literature
Todos eles pertencem ao mundo de entardecer da consciência.
They all belong to the twilight world of consciousness.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
É mais ativo ao amanhecer e ao entardecer, e passa o resto do dia na densa vegetação.
It is most active at dawn and dusk, and spends the rest of the day in thick vegetation.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Podemos tomar aquele morro até o entardecer!
We may take that ridge by nightfaIl!opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Este é um retrato da Igreja cujas raízes assentam no evento pascal: de facto, o Cenáculo é o lugar onde Jesus instituiu a Eucaristia e o Sacerdócio na Última Ceia, e onde, ressuscitado dos mortos, efundiu o seu Espírito sobre os Apóstolos ao entardecer do dia de Páscoa (cf.
This is a picture of the Church with deep roots in the paschal event: indeed, the Upper Room is the place where Jesus instituted the Eucharist and the priesthood during the Last Supper, and where, having risen from the dead, he poured out the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles on the evening of Easter Sunday (cf.vatican.va vatican.va
Você é o arco-íris e você, o entardecer.
You're a sunset; you're a rainbow.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
No fim do entardecer, finalmente ele falou
In the last of the twilight, he spoke, finally.Literature Literature
" O que faz o elefante sua presa ascender na neblina ou ao entardecer? "
" What makes the elephant charge his tusk in the misty mist or the dusky dusk? "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Entramos na cabine aquecida, para onde a maioria das famílias tinha fugido do vento do entardecer.
We entered the warm inner cabin, where most of the families had fled from the afternoon bluster.Literature Literature
Ali estava, muito tempo depois do entardecer, e de fato na cama, como instruído.
Here it was, a good ways into nightfall, and she was indeed in bed as instructed.Literature Literature
Sempre, sempre te distancias ao entardecer onde o crepúsculo corre obliterando as estátuas.
Always, always you recede through the evenings towards where the twilight goes erasing statues.Literature Literature
Ainda estava fazendo calor, o sol do entardecer coloria o algodoal, a casa da fazenda, as pedras
It was still hot, the late-afternoon sun was tinting the cotton fields, the ranch house, the stones.Literature Literature
Enquanto o entardecer preenchia a sala, as letras iam ficando borradas e se erguiam da página, saltavam e rodavam.
As dusk filled the room, the letters blurred and lifted from the page, they turned, hopped, and circled.Literature Literature
Ele teria privacidade por várias horas, na verdade até o entardecer.
He would have privacy for several hours, until nightfall, in fact.Literature Literature
Ao entardecer Sonja foi ao Cha-Cha Clube e Wolff ficou em casa, bebendo uísque e lendo poesia árabe.
In the evening she went to the Cha-Cha Club and Wolff sat at home drinking whiskey and reading Arab poetry.Literature Literature
Encontra um pouco de terreno seco para acampar no pântano ao entardecer.
Finds some dry ground to camp in swamp at sundown.Literature Literature
2 Mas ele, respondendo, disse-lhes: Quando chega o entardecer, dizeis: Haverá bom tempo, porque o céu está rubro.
2 He aanswered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red.LDS LDS
— Se isso for continuar a acontecer, não vamos chegar lá antes do entardecer, com certeza
“If this is going to keep happening, we’re sure not going to make it by sundown.”Literature Literature
Labutavam desde o nascer do Sol até ao entardecer, e uma terça parte dos colonos estavam sempre de cama, com malária.
They labored from sunup till sundown, and a third of the members were always bedridden with malaria.Literature Literature
42 E ao entardecer, porquanto era o dia da preparação, isto é, a véspera do asábado,
42 ¶ And now when the even was come, because it was the apreparation, that is, the day before the sabbath,LDS LDS
Havia um entardecer em particular que se destacava em sua memória, pouco depois do sexto aniversário de Jesus.
There was one particular dusk that particularly stood out in her memory shortly after Jesus’ sixth birthday.Literature Literature
Continuaram para oeste no dia seguinte, mas Frentis ordenou que virassem para o norte ao entardecer.
They kept a westward course for the next day, Frentis ordering a turn north come evening.Literature Literature
Ele podia ver os campos planos ao entardecer, a terra nua e marrom, o horizonte que escurecia.
He could see the flat fields in the dusk, the bare brown earth, the darkening horizon.Literature Literature
Ao entardecer, deitamo-nos nas barracas que George preparara para nós, num lugar rochoso sobre o mar.
At sunset we lay down in the tents which George had prepared for us, on a rocky point overlooking the sea.Literature Literature
207 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.