ferveria oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Portugees - Engels

Third-person singular (ele, ela, also used with tu and você <sup>?</sup> ) conditional indicative of verb ferver.
First-person singular (eu) conditional indicative of verb ferver.

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ferver de raiva
to boil with rage · to seethe with anger


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É, ferveria se estivesse num recipiente aberto para a atmosfera.
Yes, it would, if it were in a container open to the atmosphere.Literature Literature
Sem ela, a água ferveria imediatamente e eu ficaria em uma atmosfera vaporosa.
Without it, the water would just boil immediately and I’d be hanging around in a steamy atmosphere.Literature Literature
Depois de arrefecer o capacete na neve, lavá-lo-ia no rio e em seguida ferveria a água para beber.
After he cooled off his helmet in the snow, he’d clean it in the river, then boil the day’s drinking water.Literature Literature
Sua carne ferveria de seus ossos se ele permanecesse olhando para a criatura por mais que um instante.
His flesh would boil from his bones if he remained in that gaze for more than an instant.Literature Literature
Seu cérebro ferveria e ficaria sem funções em minutos.
Having fizzed your brain, it clears your system in minutes.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ferveria um pote de óleo e metê-las-ia lá uma a uma como na história de Ali Babá e os quarenta ladrões.
I’d boil a pot of oil and put them in it one by one like the story of Ali Baba and the forty thieves.Literature Literature
Eu ferveria aquilo antes de chegar perto.
Oh, I think I'd have to boil it before I went near one of those.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ele os ferveria até reduzi-los a meio litro de foñs.
He planned to reduce them until all that remained was half a liter of concentrated stock.Literature Literature
Perto dele, onde ferveria e viraria vapor, há os planetas Mercúrio e Vênus.
Close to the sun, where water would boil and turn to steam, we find the planets Mercury and Venus.Literature Literature
Sei que o meu ferveria.
I mean, I know it would mine.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Sem pressão artificial”, explicou Ross, “o sangue ferveria, os vasos sanguíneos e os órgãos se romperiam”.
“Without artificial pressure,” explained Ross, “our blood would boil, our blood vessels and organs rupture.”jw2019 jw2019
Eu o ferveria.
I'd have to boil it.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sem ar, a pessoa sufocaria, mas haveria algo ainda mais perturbador: seu sangue ferveria.
Without air, you would suffocate, but there is something even more disturbing: your blood would boil.Literature Literature
Ela nos traria uma breve pausa, após a qual a guerra ferveria de novo.
It will provide a short break, after which war will boil once again.Literature Literature
Se fosse muito fria, congelaria; muito quente, ferveria.
Had it been too cold, it would freeze; too hot, it would boil.Literature Literature
— Eu ferveria todos os peixes e sapos lá dentro.
“I’d boil all the fish and frogs inside it.Literature Literature
Em vez disso, instalou-se um frenesi na mídia que ferveria nos dias seguintes.
Instead, a national media frenzy would come to a boil in the days that followed.Literature Literature
Ferveria assim que ultrapassasse os cento e noventa graus negativos.
It would boil off as soon as it got above negative 321 degrees.Literature Literature
Sim, ela ferveria olhos de sapo, aprenderia a língua de Gigante, cozinharia uma criança se fosse preciso!
Yes, she’d boil her toad eyes, she’d learn her Giant, she’d cook a child if she had to!Literature Literature
E quando atravessassem o equador, que o oceano ferveria e os escaldaria até à morte.
And when they crossed the equator, the ocean would boil and scald them to death.Literature Literature
Teríamos de usar máscaras de oxigênio, mas nosso sangue não ferveria nem seríamos esmagados.
We would still need oxygen masks, but our blood would not boil, and we would not be crushed.Literature Literature
Dada a pressão minúscula, toda a água em sua boca e em seus olhos ferveria e se dissiparia em segundos.
Given the minuscule pressure, all the water in your mouth and eyes would boil away in seconds.Literature Literature
A primeira tina desapareceria ao contato, a segunda ferveria, e assim por diante.
The first tub of water would vanish on contact, the second would boil away, and so on.Literature Literature
Se o planeta estivesse demasiado próximo da estrela, a água ferveria e escaparia para o espaço, mas se ele estivesse demasiado longe do calor do astro, ela congelaria por completo.
If the planet was too close to the star, the water would boil away, but it would freeze solid if the planet were too far from the heat of its star.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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