jazesse oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Portugees - Engels

Third-person singular (ele, ela, also used with tu and você <sup>?</sup> ) imperfect subjunctive of verb jazer.
First-person singular (eu) imperfect subjunctive of verb jazer.

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Isaías se confrontaria com uma extrema indiferença, situação que continuaria até que a terra jazesse em ruínas e sua população fosse levada ao exílio. — Isa.
Isaiah would be faced with extreme unresponsiveness, a situation that would continue until the land lay in ruins and its population was carried into exile. —Isa.jw2019 jw2019
30 Por causa da persistente desobediência de seus habitantes, Jeová havia decretado que Sião ou Jerusalém fosse destruída pelos babilônios e que jazesse desolada por setenta anos.
30 Because of the persistent disobedience of its inhabitants, Jehovah had decreed that Zion or Jerusalem should be destructed by the Babylonians and that it would lie desolate for seventy years.jw2019 jw2019
Talvez jazesse indefeso na neve, por Deus, não podia sair alguém e procurá-lo?
Perhaps he was lying helpless in the snow, and couldn’t somebody go out and look for him, for God’s sake?Literature Literature
Quer dizer, embora sua forma doente jazesse onde ela a pusera, o sr.
That is to say, though his sick-form lay just where she had put it, Mr.Literature Literature
Talvez houvesse nevado, talvez eu jazesse como um soldado abatido, um estandarte deitado na neve.
Maybe it had snowed, maybe I was resting there like a fallen soldier, a battle flag lying in the snow.Literature Literature
(Levítico 25:8-54) Jeová faria vigorar seu decreto, de que a terra de Judá jazesse desolada, sem homem nem animal doméstico, por setenta anos.
(Leviticus 25:8-54) Jehovah would enforce his decree that the land of Judah should lie desolate, without man or domestic animal, for seventy years.jw2019 jw2019
(Gên 24:26, 48; Ne 8:6; Núm 16:22, 45; Mt 26:39) Em grande tristeza ou em fervorosa oração, o suplicante talvez jazesse literalmente estendido com a face por terra.
(Ge 24:26, 48; Ne 8:6; Nu 16:22, 45; Mt 26:39) In great sorrow or very fervent prayer the petitioner might actually lie on his face with his body outstretched.jw2019 jw2019
Ele era um homem, mas, quando também jazesse ali, não deixaria nada vivo para assinalar o fato.
He was a man, but when he too lay here there would be nothing left living to mark the fact.Literature Literature
E esperou até que três dos seus fuzileiros estivessem mortos e outro jazesse mortalmente ferido
And he waited until after three of his marines were dead... and another lay mortally woundedopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Ele dizia-lhe como pretendia mantê-la amarrada até morrer velha, amarga, sozinha e sem amor, como haveria de vir rir-se dela quando ela jazesse dentro do caixão.
It told her how he intended to keep her tied up until she died a bitter old woman, alone and unloved, that he would come and laugh over her as she lay in her coffin.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Não estava no grupo que rodeava as bandeiras, a menos que o seu cadáver jazesse num dos montes.
He had not been in the group round the colours unless his dead body lay in one of the heaps.Literature Literature
9. (a) Por que não era necessário que o domínio espiritual dos adoradores de Jeová jazesse desolado por setenta anos?
9. (a) Why was it not necessary for the spiritual estate of Jehovah’s worshipers to lie desolate for seventy years?jw2019 jw2019
Entretanto, o salmista achava que, tendo seguido um proceder geral de consideração para com os de condição humilde, Deus o ‘ampararia’, dando-lhe apoio e força enquanto jazesse incapacitado no leito de doença.
However, the psalmist felt that if he had been one pursuing a general course of considerateness toward lowly ones, God would “sustain” him, giving him support and strength while lying helpless on a sickbed.jw2019 jw2019
Talvez se tivesse afundado e jazesse no fundo de um dos fiordes descobertos.
Perhaps she had foundered and lay at the bottom of one of the yawning fjords.Literature Literature
Não permitiria que aquilo tomasse forma, pelo menos enquanto Breccan jazesse ferido e o rapaz no monte, por sepultar.
He would not allow it to take shape yet, not while Breccan lay wounded and the boy out on the hill unburied.Literature Literature
(1 João 5:19) Por certo, se a humanidade estivesse unida sob um só governo que jazesse no poder do Justo, Jeová Deus, não haveria qualquer ameaça de destruição nuclear e muitos outros problemas também seriam equacionados.
(1 John 5:19) Certainly, if mankind were united under one government that was lying in the power of the Righteous One, Jehovah God, there would be no threat of nuclear destruction, and many other problems would be solved too.jw2019 jw2019
Se aquele ano teve um mês lunar intercalar, ou um décimo terceiro, aquele ano lunar e os dois meses lunares forneciam mais tempo do que aquele que se mandou que o profeta Ezequiel jazesse no chão, 390 dias no seu lado esquerdo e 40 dias no seu lado direito, num sítio mímico de Jerusalém.
If that year had an intercalary or thirteenth lunar month in it, that lunar year and the two lunar months offered more time than the prophet Ezekiel had been commanded to lie on the ground, 390 days on his left side and 40 days on his right side, in a mimic siege of Jerusalem.jw2019 jw2019
E talvez Riggs Mal jazesse morto ou não a meus pés.
And Evil Riggs might or might not have been dead at my feet.Literature Literature
Estava deitado, quieto, como se a sua alma jazesse entre águas frígidas, consciente de uma leve e doce música.
He lay still, as if his soul lay amid cool waters, conscious of faint sweet music.Literature Literature
No entanto, depois, quando seu corpo jazesse sem vida, os intrusos iriam brotar à vontade, crescer, enfear seu cadáver.
After that, however, as his body lay lifeless, the intruders could sprout at will, grow, blemish his corpse.Literature Literature
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