lacrar oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Portugees - Engels


To store data in such a way that it can be retrieved later by the same security support component, and only by that security support component.
Lacre a caixa com cola, e não com fita.
Seal the box with glue, and not with tape.



to seal

Você quer lacrar este lugar e colocar um policial lá fora o tempo todo?
You want to seal this place and post an officer outside'round the clock?
to seal

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases



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O juiz mandou lacrar
Judge ordered it sealedopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Se você conseguisse lacrar as janelas, eles entrariam pelo teto.
If you could seal the windows, they would come through the ceiling.Literature Literature
Lacrada com fitas adesivas e com fitas para lacrar caixas ou coisas do gênero.
It was, like, taped shut with just, like, box tape or something.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Precisamos lacrar o quarto
We need to seal off the roomopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Não podemos nem mesmo lacrar o transportador e fugir, percebeu Kahlee.
We can't even seal the shuttle and make a run for it, Kahlee realized.Literature Literature
Mas lacrar a porta não era suficiente.
But just sealing the door wasn’t enough.Literature Literature
Eu não tive outra escolha a não ser lacrar a escotilha.
I had no choice but to seal the hatch.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ele disse que o anel foi usado para lacrar o embrulho mais de um século atrás.
He said this ring was used to seal the package more than a century ago.»Literature Literature
Mas antes de lacrar novamente, eu hesito e tiro o saquinho menor, com as bolinhas vermelhas.
But before locking them in the boot, I hesitate and take out the small bag of red marbles.Literature Literature
Alguém quer lacrar?
Somebody want to bag it?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A borracha meio digerida poderia lacrar suas entranhas com tanta eficácia quanto um barril de cola.
Half-digested rubber could seal up his insides as effectively as a barrel of glue.Literature Literature
Em uma tentativa de construir a arma final para vencer o mal, o jovem protagonista embarca em uma busca para encontrar e lacrar cada um dos seis dragões, tendo suas almas e habilidades conquistadas no processo.
In an attempt to build the ultimate weapon and vanquish evil, the young protagonist embarks on a quest to find and seal away each of the six dragons, taking their souls and abilities in the process.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Depois de lacrar a mensagem, levei-a à caverna exterior.
After I had sealed the message I took it back into the outer cave.Literature Literature
Este será o sinal para desocupar e depois lacrar o lugar.
That’ll be the signal to clear and then barricade the place.Literature Literature
Vão lacrar.
The base is locking down.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Eles viram o terremoto lacrar o santuário depois que escaparam, portanto, o segredo era deles
They saw the earthquake seal in the shrine just after they’d escaped, so the secret was theirs.”Literature Literature
Ao lacrar as fendas, ao demarcar uma linha entre Cello e o Mundo, impedimos que eles interajam.
By sealing the cracks—by running a line between Cello and the World—we stop them interweaving.Literature Literature
Mas precisamos lacrar aquela porta.
But we need to seal that door.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Vou lacrar este porão!
So help me, I will nail this basement shut!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Devo lacrar de volta?
Should I seal it back up?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Você acabou de lacrar todo o prédio e agora quer liberá-lo?
You just locked the building down, and now you wanna clear it?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Vou lacrar isto em algo feito de aço e afundar no porto
“We get back to town, I’m sealing this in something made of steel and sinking it in the harbor.”Literature Literature
Achei melhor lacrar o navio até que o senhor viesse pessoalmente, mas os porões estão cheios de engradados e fardos.
I thought it best to seal up the ship until you came personally, but the holds are filled with crates and bales.Literature Literature
Vou lacrar o quarto
Let' s seal up this dooropensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Tenho que lacrar essa fissura agora e preciso fazer isso sem usar o kit de remendos.
I need to seal that fracture now, and I need to do it without using the patch kit.Literature Literature
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