nublado oor Engels


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Vertalings in die woordeboek Portugees - Engels


covered with or characterised by clouds
Hoje está nublado. Por que não vamos à praia amanhã?
It's cloudy today. Why don't we go to the beach tomorrow?


covered with clouds; overshadowed; darkened
Vai ficar muito nublado para tirar a foto!
It'll get too overcast to take the picture!


obscured by mist or fog
Eu estava com as meninas. O resto está tudo nublado.
I was with the girls, and then it's foggy.

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misty · hazy · gray · grey · clouded · sunless · blurred · cloud-covered

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Chile · aconcagua · antofagasta · arauco · atacama · aysen · bio-bio · cautin · chiloe · colchagua · concepcion · coquimbo · curico · linares · llanquihue · magallanes · malleco · maule · nuble · o'higgins · osorno · republic of chile · santiago · talca · tarapaca · valdivia · valparaiso
está nublado
it's cloudy
blur · cloud · mist · mist over · overcast · to blur · to cloud · to cloud over · to overcast
Floresta nublada
cloud forest


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Cloudy.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A caminhada entre as árvores levou dez minutos; o céu nublado não exibia lua nem estrelas.
The walk through the woods took ten minutes, the sky clouded over and devoid of a moon or stars.Literature Literature
Eu ouvi tudo nublado e chuvoso.
♪ Head all cloudy and rainy ♪OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Porque estava nublado, sombrio, cinza, e não achávamos que fosse tão grande.
“Because it was overcast and dreary and gray and we didn’t think it was that big.Literature Literature
Assim que a dança acabou, ele saiu do salão de baile e caminhou na noite parcialmente nublada.
As soon as the dance was over, he left the ballroom and walked out into the mild cloudy night.Literature Literature
Das florestas nubladas dos Andes vem a quinina, que combate a malária; da região Amazônica vem o curare, usado como relaxante muscular em cirurgias; e de Madagascar, a boa-noite, cujos alcalóides aumentam sensivelmente a taxa de sobrevida de pacientes com leucemia.
From the cloud forests of the Andes comes quinine, for fighting malaria; from the Amazon region, curare, used as a muscle relaxant in surgery; and from Madagascar, the rosy periwinkle, whose alkaloids dramatically increase the survival rate of many leukemia patients.jw2019 jw2019
O Parque Nacional Podocarpus (Equador) preserva uma região de floresta nublada andina que contém uma enorme variedade de fauna e flora — mais de 600 aves diferentes e cerca de 4 mil espécies de plantas.
Podocarpus National Park (Ecuador) preserves a region of Andean cloud forest that harbors a huge variety of fauna and flora —over 600 different birds and some 4,000 species of plants.jw2019 jw2019
Primeiro, uma coluna de fogo se ergue do chão, na direção do céu escuro e nublado.
First a pillar of fire will extend from the ground to the dark storm-cloud above.Literature Literature
O dia estava nublado, mas parecia que a chuva ainda levaria algumas horas para cair.
The day was overcast, but it looked as though the rain would hold off for a few hours yet.Literature Literature
A imperfeição dos relógios de sol, especialmente sob céu nublado, era flagrante.
The inadequacy of sundials, especially under skies quickly clouded over, was notorious.Literature Literature
Os dias nublados intermináveis estavam começando a ficar depressivos.
The endless cloudy days were getting to be depressing.Literature Literature
Chao P. estava calado, a cabeça no travesseiro e os olhos nublados como duas pérolas, olhando para o teto.
Chao P. lay silent, his head on his pillow and his eyes, as cloudy as two pearls, staring up at the ceiling.Literature Literature
A chuva tinha parado, mas o céu ainda estava nublado.
The rain had stopped but the sky was still cloudy.Literature Literature
Era mudança sutil, como a ocorrida em alguém que saísse da sombra de uma árvore, vindo para a luz do sol em dia nublado
It was a subtle shift, a flex, like a man stepping out from the shade of a tree into sunlight on a cloudy day.Literature Literature
Mercurio tocou os olhos, lábios e coração ao levantar a vista nublada para sua deusa.
Mercurio touched his eyes, his lips, his heart, looking up at his Goddess with clouded eyes.Literature Literature
O quetzal pode ser encontrado em florestas nubladas em altitudes de 1.200 a 3.000 metros.
The quetzal can be found in cloud forests at altitudes of between 4,000 and 10,000 feet [1,200 to 3,000 m].jw2019 jw2019
Desculpa incomodar-te, mas o céu aqui está muito nublado e queria saber se viste alguma ooisa no boletim meteorológico sobre a que horas vai começar a chover.
Listen, I'm sorry to bother you, but it's really overcast downtown here and I thought you just might have an inside track from the Weather Channel, you know, and what time it's gonna start raining.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Por fim, Jason entendeu outro nível de sua existência, uma parte de sua identidade que antes estivera nublada.
Jason suddenly understood another layer of his existence—a part of his identity that had been cloudy before.Literature Literature
Do lado de fora, o céu não estava mais ensolarado, mas nublado com vários tons de cinza.
Outside, the sky was no longer bright with sunshine, but overcast with shades of gray.Literature Literature
Era nublado e escuro, sem estrelas, rodopiava com a neve e estalava com o som de passos.
It was cloudy and dark with no stars, swirling snow, crackling footsteps.Literature Literature
Tempo nublado em Bundanópolis.
It's cloudy in Butt Hole.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Quando se virou, vi um rosto feroz nublado, eu não reconheci aquele rosto.
When he turned, I saw a fierce blurred face, I didn’t recognize that face.Literature Literature
Parcialmente nublado no sudoeste. E, nos fiordes do oeste, nublado e com pouca chuva.
Partly cloudy in the SW and the Westfjords, cloudy light precipitation in the west.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A noite estava nublada, e a floresta parecia estar mais próxima da casa.
The evening had been cloudy, and the woods felt closer around the house.Literature Literature
– Os olhos dele estão nublados de glaucoma, suas orelhas são grandes como as de uma raposa do deserto
His eyes are clouded with glaucoma, his ears as large as a desert fox’s.Literature Literature
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