pensássemos oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Portugees - Engels

First-person plural (nós) imperfect subjunctive of verb pensar.

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Soortgelyke frases

bem pensado
good thinking! · thought-out · thoughtful · well thought · well-thought-out
pensar/crer/achar que
calculated · considered · deliberate · planned
calculated · think
a casa não é tão cara quanto eu pensava
the house is not as expensive as I thought


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Cedo ou tarde, pediria que deixasse de ser um mafioso... pois não ia querer que pensassem que sou sua prostituta.
Sooner or later, I'd probably ask you to stop being a gangster because I was worried about everyone thinking I was your moll.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ela acrescentou: ‘A decisão do meu pai de filiar-se à religião Mórmon e sacrificar sua propriedade fez com que seus amigos do mundo pensassem que era louco.
She added, ‘My fathers course in joining the mormon religion and sacrificing his property caused his friends of the world to think him insane.LDS LDS
Talvez muitos dos que morreram no ano passado pensassem que isso nunca aconteceria com eles.
Perhaps many of those who were killed this past year felt that it would never happen to them.jw2019 jw2019
Mas, em primeiro lugar, não haveria questão alguma, a não ser que outras pessoas pensassem de outro jeito.
But there would be no issue in the first place unless other people felt differently.Literature Literature
Se todos pensassem assim.
If only everyone felt the same way.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ao fim e ao cabo, ela era um «pai» e a quem lhe importava o que pensassem os pais?
After all, she was a parent, and who cared what parents thought?Literature Literature
Mesmo que estas últimas semanas tenham sido um tempo de euforia nacional neste país, seria trágico se vocês pensassem que isso significou que o seu trabalho estava feito.
While these past weeks have been a time of national exhilaration in this country, it would be tragic if you thought this meant your job was done.ted2019 ted2019
Ele queria que pensássemos em assalto.
He wanted us to think Robbery.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Queria que os tipos implantassem uma droga porreira no centro de prazer do meu cérebro para que pensassem que tenho cancro.
I wanted the guys who were gonna implant a cool drug right into the pleasure center of my brain to think that I had cancer.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
O vocalista Jim Morrison não pretendia que as pessoas pensassem que havia sido ele a escrever a letra de "Tell All the People", pelo facto de incitar os ouvintes a "arranjar as suas armas".
The change was made by lead singer Jim Morrison who didn't want people to think that he had written the lyrics to "Tell All the People" which tells the listeners to "...get your guns."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
De muitas formas, os cães agem como se pensassem sobre suas memórias como a história pessoal de sua vida.
In many ways, dogs act as if they think about their memories as the personal story of their life.Literature Literature
Eu arrastei o seu corpo pelo chão porque queriam que pensassem que fui eu.
I drug his body out on the floor because I wanted people to assume that I did it.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Talvez num lugar mais distante dos campos de ovelhas, os homens pensassem que o vento nascia em Andaluzia.
Perhaps, in the places beyond the pastures where his sheep lived, men thought that the wind came from Andalusia.Literature Literature
Se pensássemos em tentar
If we thought about trying againopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
É como se eles pensassem que estou forjando algo.
It's like they think I'm trying to pull a fast one on them or something.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Isso fez que os pioneiros pensassem em Jonas receber uma ‘carona’ em parte do caminho para seu território em Nínive. — Jonas 1:17; 2:10; 3:1-3.
It made the pioneers think of Jonah’s being ‘given a lift’ part way to his territory at Nineveh. —Jonah 1:17; 2:10; 3:1-3.jw2019 jw2019
Talvez o fato de que todos pensassem que ela e Damian já estivessem juntos tenha estragado tudo para ela.
Maybe the fact that everyone thought she and Damian were already together was ruining it for her.Literature Literature
Ainda que pensassem ser ele um ladrão, o que implicava haver algo a ser roubado, mas esse não parecia o caso.
That implied there was something to steal here, which didn't seem to be the case.Literature Literature
Reva quis ir com eles para que não pensassem que ela se esquivava das tarefas mais odiosas
Reva chose to go with them, not wanting to be thought of as shirking the more odious duties.Literature Literature
O senhor idoso achou que não examinaram minha bagagem porque os três que vistoriavam todas as bagagens talvez pensassem que os três que examinaram meus documentos já o tivessem feito, e assim seguiram o seu caminho.
The elderly man thought that they did not check my baggage because the three who were checking all the luggage must have figured that the three checking my personal papers had already done so and thus just passed on.jw2019 jw2019
Queria que as pessoas pensassem em “dinheiro” e não em “morte”.
"He wanted people thinking ""money,"" not ""death."""Literature Literature
“Ele é da Holanda”, diriam — ou talvez apenas pensassem, o que seria ainda pior.
“He’s from Holland,” they would say—or perhaps only think to themselves, which was even worse.Literature Literature
Voltou a fechá-los com força, esperando que os outros pensassem que estava incomodado pela luz forte.
He screwed them shut again, hoping they'd think him bothered by the strong light.Literature Literature
Deixaria que pensassem que estavam todos lutando no outro lado e que poderiam entrar com facilidade.
I would let the enemy think we are fighting on the other side and that taking the camp will be easy.Literature Literature
— Pois bem, outros talvez pensassem que poderias obter melhor.
Well, perhaps others thought you might have done better.Literature Literature
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