pensasse oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Portugees - Engels

Third-person singular (ele, ela, also used with tu and você <sup>?</sup> ) imperfect subjunctive of verb pensar.
First-person singular (eu) imperfect subjunctive of verb pensar.

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Soortgelyke frases

bem pensado
good thinking! · thought-out · thoughtful · well thought · well-thought-out
pensar/crer/achar que
calculated · considered · deliberate · planned
calculated · think


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O vento, do lado de fora, recomendava que não pensasse sobre o que tinha se oferecido para fazer.
The wind outside warned her not to think about what she had offered to do.Literature Literature
Não tinha medo, mas não me importei que ele o pensasse, porque a segunda parte da frase pareceu-me obscura
I was not afraid, but I did not trouble to deny it because I had not understood the second part of his sentence.Literature Literature
Era isso que eu queria que ele pensasse que eu estava fazendo, e funcionou.
That was what I wanted him to think I was doing and it had worked.Literature Literature
Ou talvez só pensasse que éramos ladrões.
Or maybe he just thought we were thieves.Literature Literature
— retrucou Simon, soando surpreso, como se não pensasse nela havia algum tempo
Simon sounded surprised, as if he hadn’t thought about her for a while.Literature Literature
Bem, não quis cancelar tudo, pois talvez você se acalmasse e pensasse melhor, e ainda aconteceria.
Well, I was holding out hope that maybe, if things calmed down with you a little bit, it would still happen.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Esse é outro dos motivos por que eu queria que Nasser pensasse que estávamos noutro lugar.
It's another of the reasons I wanted Nasser to think we were somewhere else.Literature Literature
Talvez pensasse que não havia um homem misterioso.
Maybe he thought there was no mystery man.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Mas, claro, era exatamente assim que Cornélio queria que ela pensasse.
But of course, that was what Cornelius had wanted her to think.Literature Literature
Os irmãos quiseram manter a minha saúde e até que ganhasse peso, para que meu pai não pensasse que eu estava sofrendo.
The brothers wanted me to keep healthy and even put on some weight so that my father would not think that I was suffering.jw2019 jw2019
Não é de surpreender que Bayle pensasse ser a fé a resposta mais profunda.
No wonder Bayle thought faith to be the deeper response.Literature Literature
Se pensasse muito sobre quanto o amava, eu seria inútil.
If I thought about how much I loved him, I’d be useless.Literature Literature
Sabes, contou uma história triste sobre como a irmã dele ludibriou-o para que pensasse que o Batman ia à festa dele.
Hey, uh, you know, he told a sad story about how his sister tricked him into thinking Batman was coming to his party.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Se ele pudesse me ver agora, talvez pensasse diferente.
If he could see me now, maybe he'd change his mind.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Mas tive a esperança de que ele pensasse mais nela, isto é, em seu futuro.
But I hoped that he would take more time to think about it, his future I mean.Literature Literature
E se pensasse que o conforto que eu lhe oferecia era uma coisa muito vergonhosa para suportar ou reconhecer?
Suppose he had thought the comfort I offered him a thing too shameful to endure or acknowledge?Literature Literature
Eu menti, mas só porque temi que pensasse que a matei.
I lied, yes, but only because I was afraid you'd think I killed her.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Não queria que Duarte pensasse que estava completamente maluca.
I didn’t want Duarte to think me completely mad.Literature Literature
Parecia improvável que ele pensasse em deixar o Havaí justamente agora.
It seemed unlikely that he would consider leaving Hawaii right now.Literature Literature
Nunca lhe ocorrera que o brusco e cheio de sentido prático António Santelli pensasse naquele tipo de coisas
It had never occurred to him that harsh, practical Antonio Santelli ever thought about things like this.Literature Literature
Nunca quis que você pensasse que eu não a amava por causa disso
I never wanted you to think I didn’t love you because of it.”Literature Literature
– Não sei, talvez porque pensasse que Alexis deveria ter essa carta na manga, não acha?
“I don’t know, perhaps she thought Alexis should have that card in his hand, you know?”Literature Literature
Estava com tanto medo que você pensasse isso.
I was so afraid you'd think that.Literature Literature
Eles foram torturados cruelmente até a morte na frente de todos os prisioneiros, para que nenhum de nós nem mesmo pensasse em fugir.
They were cruelly tortured to death in front of all the prisoners to scare them into not even thinking of escaping.jw2019 jw2019
Se a minha família estivesse aqui comigo talvez pensasse assim.
“If my family were here with me, maybe I would.Literature Literature
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