reparavam oor Engels



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Third-person plural (eles, elas, also used with vocês <sup>?</sup> ) imperfect indicative of verb reparar.

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Construíam-se pontes, reparavam-se estradas, criava-se arte para os espaços públicos.
Bridges were being built, roads repaired, art created for public places.Literature Literature
Estariam todos tão fascinados pelas chamas que nem reparavam nela?
Were all so fascinated by the flames they didn't see her?Literature Literature
Enquanto Jon caminhava na direção das mesas, mais irmãos reparavam nele e ficavam quietos.
As Jon walked toward the tables, more of the brothers took note, and fell quiet.Literature Literature
Sempre fora razoavelmente alta, mas poucas pessoas reparavam porque sua altura era coberta de carne.
She had always been quite tall, but few people had noticed because her height had been cloaked in flesh.Literature Literature
Enquanto Jon caminhava na direcção das mesas, mais dos irmãos reparavam nele e se silenciavam.
As Jon walked toward the tables, more of the brothers took note, and fell quiet.Literature Literature
Assim que reparávamos um local, outro dava problema.
But as soon as we fixed one thing, something else would break.Literature Literature
Quando eles voltavam para casa, eles só reparavam nas notas baixas dos filhos, nunca as notas altas.
When they went home to their families, they noticed only the C’s on their kids’ report cards, never the A’s.Literature Literature
Ou, se reparavam, atribuíam a uma ilusão de ótica, um reflexo, ou excesso de cerveja.
Or if they did, they would put it down to a trick of the eye, or a reflection, or too much beer.Literature Literature
Orrin estava intrigado porque as raparigas reparavam sempre nele primeiro e a mim não ligavam qualquer importância.
Orrin was puzzled because the girls always noticed him first and paid me no mind.Literature Literature
Parei e pedi indicações a dois homens que reparavam um muro de pedra solta.
I stopped and asked two men carrying out repairs to a drystone wall.Literature Literature
Depois de um tempo, as pessoas nem reparavam na diferença
After awhile, people didn' t know the differenceopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Não reparavam nos encantos da minha linda menina loura, apenas nas restrições que ela me impunha.
They didn’t see the charms of my beautiful, fair-haired girl, just the restrictions she imposed on me.Literature Literature
Montavam-se as tendas; reparavam-se os canhões; arranjavam-se ou distribuíam-se as armaduras.
Tents were being erected; cannons were being repaired; armour was fixed or handed out.Literature Literature
Silvestre e Ntunzi reparavam o cabo de uma enxada e não interromperam a tarefa.
Silvestre and Ntunzi were mending the handle of a spade and didn’t stop their task.Literature Literature
Naquele tempo, as pessoas reparavam nisso... mesmo se não fizesse sentido.
Back then, people stuck it out... even if it didn't make sense.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Secavam as alpergatas junto do fogo, reparavam as sandálias ou apenas fitavam as brasas.
They were drying their gaiters by the fire, plaiting sandals or only gazing at the embers.Literature Literature
Homens não reparavam nesse tipo de coisa.
Men didn’t see things like that.Literature Literature
A área junto da catedral estava cheia de pedra e madeira, pois os operários reparavam uma das grandes torres.
The area by the cathedral was heaped with stone and timber for the builders were repairing one of the great towers.Literature Literature
Eram provenientes duma cultura cristã e, quando chegavam a um sítio novo, reparavam que alguns povos não tinham cristianismo e faziam a si mesmos esta pergunta: "O que é que eles têm em vez do cristianismo?"
They came from a Christian culture, and when they arrived in a new place, they noticed that some people didn't have Christianity, and so they asked themselves the following question: what have they got instead of Christianity?ted2019 ted2019
Não reparavam nas vitrines das lojas e evitavam as poças.
They did not look in shop windows, and they avoided puddles.Literature Literature
Ela também descobriu que esse era o único momento em que reparavam nela.
She also discovered that this was the only time they noticed her.Literature Literature
Ora, os Acordos de Oslo não reparavam nenhuma das injustiças cometidas por dois povos do Médio Oriente, contra outros dois povos do Médio Oriente: os palestinianos expulsos das suas terras em 1948 e em 1967, actualmente confinados em bantustões mais fechados do que aqueles que vós denunciáveis na África do Sul; e os libaneses há vinte anos submetidos à dupla ocupação por Israel e pela Síria.
Yet the Oslo agreements did nothing to repair any of the injustices committed between two peoples in the Middle East, and against two peoples in the Middle East: the Palestinians who were driven out of their lands in 1948 and 1967 and are now incarcerated in Bantustans more secure than those you formerly denounced in South Africa, or the Lebanese who for twenty years have endured occupation by both Israel and Syria.Europarl8 Europarl8
As pessoas não reparavam por causa da forma como falava.
People didn't notice because of the way he talked, but he was really cute.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tivemos que transportar quase toda a sua tripulação para cá, enquanto os técnicos a reparavam.
We had to beam most of her personnel over to this ship, while the techs patched her up.Literature Literature
Reparavam no seu cabelo brilhante e concluíam que, tal como Nimue, era uma das adeptas de Merlim.
They did notice her bright hair and assumed that she, like Nimue, was one of Merlin’s adepts.Literature Literature
180 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.