reparavas oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Portugees - Engels

Second-person singular (tu) imperfect indicative of verb reparar.

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O corpo se reparava por dentro e as células estavam regenerando-se.
His body was repairing itself from the inside, the cells regenerating themselves.Literature Literature
Ela faria de conta que não reparava, mas tinha certeza de que Xavière nada deixaria escapar sem segunda intenção.
This evening she would again pretend not to notice anything, but she knew that Xavière let nothing slip unintentionally.Literature Literature
Só agora reparavas que não tinhas nenhum.
You’d only just realized you didn’t have one.Literature Literature
Só que ele nem reparava em mim.
Only he couldn't see me for dust.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Mas antes, quanto reparavas nisso, passavas tão mal!
But once, when you realised it, you felt very bad about it!Literature Literature
Agora, sempre que Deenie pensava nisso, reparava que a amizade de Gabby e Skye fora selada ali.
And when Deenie thought about it now, it was then that Gabby and Skye’s friendship was sealed.Literature Literature
Danny sabia que tanto Georgie quanto Pete já tinham reparado em Katie, a maioria dos homens reparava nela
Danny knew that both Georgie and Pete had already noticed Katie; most men did.Literature Literature
Você não reparava em Annie andando por lá e fazendo...
VERY UNOBTRUSIVE, YOU KNOW, YOU DIDN'T THINK ANYTHINGOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Eu mal reparava nela, mas agora seria uma lembrança constante da noite em que morri.
I barely noticed it anymore, but now it would be a constant reminder of the night I died.Literature Literature
Na escuridão ninguém reparava no Julián.
In the dark nobody noticed Julián.Literature Literature
Ao contrário da Janet, o Joe mal reparava em mim.
Unlike Janet, Joe hardly knew I existed.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Jack reparava agora como o presente era estúpido.
Now he saw how stupid the gift was.Literature Literature
Eu achei quando reparava a bolsa de noite da Sra. Burrows.
I found it when I went to repair Mrs Burrows'evening dress.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A Vendéia reparava seu fracasso diante de Nantes com vitórias audaciosas.
La Vendée was making good its check before Nantes by a series of startling victories.Literature Literature
Ele jogava de forma tão inteligente e sofisticada que ela nem reparava no que estava a fazer para cercar a sua rainha.
His play was so brilliant and sophisticated that she had not even noticed he was on the brink of trapping her queen.Literature Literature
Michael a seguia em silêncio, e ela desconfiava de que ele reparava em como o interior da casa era espartano.
Michael followed behind her quietly, and she suspected he was noting how barren the space was.Literature Literature
Todo mundo fazia isso, mas nem todo mundo sabia que reparava neles.
Everyone did, but not everyone knew that they noticed.Literature Literature
Não reparava em tais coisas nessa altura.
I did not notice such things at the time.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Essa era normalmente a primeira diferença cultural em que Milgrim reparava.
This was usually the first cultural difference Milgrim noticed here.Literature Literature
Em todo o caso, Neigel não reparava nas ligeiras contradições de Kazik.
Neigel, in any case, did not perceive these little contradictions in Kazik.Literature Literature
Como técnico, eu reparava e fazia a manutenção do estúdio de música electrónica da SUNY em Buffalo.
As a technician, repairing and maintaining the electronic music studio at SUNY Buffalo.QED QED
A maioria das pessoas dali não conseguia ver os ecos dos encantamentos ou pelo menos não reparava neles.
Most people here couldn’t see the echoes of spellwork, or at least, they didn’t notice them.Literature Literature
Moody, sentado ali a seu lado, provavelmente nem reparava.
Moody, sitting right next to him, probably didn't even notice.Literature Literature
Não dava conta da chegada das criadas, não reparava na mudança da guarda, ignorava a oferta de mais um manto.
Maids came and went unheeded, guards were changed unnoticed, offers of extra cloaks were ignored.Literature Literature
Eu reparava que a Paula tinha dificuldades em adaptar-se ao kibutz, tal como me tinha acontecido.
I saw that it was hard for Paula to adapt herself to life on the kibbutz, as it had been for me.Literature Literature
207 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.