reparou oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Portugees - Engels

Third-person singular (ele, ela, also used with tu and você <sup>?</sup> ) preterite indicative of verb reparar.

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Walli voltou a pé para casa e só quando chegou lá reparou que Tammy e Lisa ainda estavam com ele
Walli strolled home, not noticing until he got there that Tammy and Lisa were still with him.Literature Literature
Hipnotizado pelo tamanho e pela grandiosidade do salão, foi só mais tarde que ele reparou nos detalhes.
Bemused by the size and grandeur, it was only later that he noticed details.Literature Literature
Jimmy investigou o corpo e reparou no falcão de ébano que usava junto à pele e no anel negro com veneno.
Jimmy checked the body and found the ebon hawk worn next to the skin and the black poison ring.Literature Literature
Entretida nessa tarefa, nem reparou que a mãe tinha parado de falar e estava, segundo parecia, a aguardar uma resposta
Caught up in that, she didn’t realize that her mother had stopped talking and was apparently waiting for her to respond.Literature Literature
Reparou que eles não têm armas?
You notice they have no weapons?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ela parecia estar com o sono atrasado, e quando ele lhe serviu um copo de xerez reparou que sua mão tremia.
She looked as if she needed sleep, and when he gave her a 23 glass of sherry he saw that her hand was trembling.Literature Literature
reparou algo suspeito?
Have you noticed anything suspicious?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Reparou numa porta por trás dos três, por onde tinham entrado e por onde aparentemente saíam.
He noted a door behind the three, through which they came and apparently made their exit.Literature Literature
Milo reparou que as mãos de Al continuavam tremendo.
Milo noticed that Al’s hands were still shaking.Literature Literature
Incomo reparou que sua dor de cabeça voltara com força.
Incomo noticed that his headache was back in force.Literature Literature
Você reparou?
Did you notice?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
De repente, Nuramon reparou que havia algo de errado.
Nuramon suddenly realized that something wasn’t right.Literature Literature
Quando ele reparou seu olhar fixo, falou: – Perdoem-me, meninas.
When he noticed her staring, he said, “Sorry, girls.Literature Literature
Hasari reparou, subitamente, numa carroça com duas rodas que transportava dois passageiros.
Suddenly Hasari noticed a small cart on two wheels, transporting two passengers.Literature Literature
Xavier reparou em que Octa, a irmã menor de Serena, estava observando-os.
Xavier noticed Serena's younger sister Octa watching them.Literature Literature
Reparou alguma coisa diferente em Katia nos últimos dias?
Did you notice anything different in Katya in the last few days?Literature Literature
Você reparou na Camilla?
Did you notice Camilla?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Compenetrado na execução do Walkman seguinte, Strickland não reparou no rápido movimento de Marty.
Busily involved in the execution of the next Walkman, Strickland did not notice Marty’s quick movement.Literature Literature
Reparou em um armário estreito de metal pintado de marrom pútrido, em que havia três jaquetas penduradas.
She noticed a thin metal cabinet painted a putrid brown, where three jackets hung on a rod.Literature Literature
Abrantes reparou como o alemão olhava para a rapariga.
Abrantes watched the German looking at the girl.Literature Literature
Reparou que havia poucos nomes e que o último datava de dois dias atrás.
There were not many names, he noted, and the date of the last one was two days prior to this.Literature Literature
Gamache reparou que, apesar de Olivier ter alguns pertences no banco de trás, não trancou o carro.
Gamache noticed that even though Olivier had a few things in the back seat he didn’t lock the car.Literature Literature
Gurvin reparou em um coração, uma maçã, e um ou dois nomes
Gurvin noticed a heart and an apple and a couple of names.Literature Literature
Ele reparou no meu suéter e perguntou se eu tinha arrumado um saco de dormir.
“He was talking to me before lunch, and he noticed my sweater and asked if I got a sleeping bag.Literature Literature
Mas você notou que eu pintei meus cílios, ninguem mais reparou.
But you did notice I got my lashes tinted, and none of the roadies did.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
220 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.