sonhávamos oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Portugees - Engels

First-person plural (nós) imperfect indicative of verb sonhar.

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Soortgelyke frases

sonhando acordando
sem sonho
de sonho
dreamy · wonderful


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Então, o sr. e sra. Allen sonhavam fazer filmes sérios.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen did have some mainstream dreams.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Lembro que a única coisa com que sonhávamos era com o trabalho.
As I remember the only thing we dreamt about was work.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Rafael e Isabel sonhavam em deixar a Argentina um dia e ir viver em um país onde, enfim, seriam livres.
Isabel and Rafael dreamed of one day leaving Argentina and going to live in a country where they would finally be free.Literature Literature
Afinal, era lá que quase todos os bons engenheiros de software sonhavam trabalhar.
After all, that was where just about every great software engineer aspired to work.Literature Literature
Houve uma época em que sonhávamos com esses dias.
There have been times when I thought I only dreamed those days.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sonhávamos com Hermann Buhl e suas escaladas.
We dreamed of Hermann Byuhle its climbing routes.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
As pessoas sonhavam, lutavam e dormiam tanto quanto antes.
The people dreamed and fought and slept as much as ever.Literature Literature
Pai Rico me disse: “Há muitas pessoas que trabalham em profissões com que sonhavam quando estavam no segundo grau.
My rich dad told me, “There are a lot of people who work in professions they dreamed of in high school.Literature Literature
sonhavam com ele, trocavam olhares.
Flirting with him, batting their eyelashes.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Eles sonhavam com um futuro brilhante, cheio de alegrias e boas escolas para os filhos.
They had dreams of a bright new future, of jobs, and good schools for their children.Literature Literature
Sonhavam com amizades novas, mas mal conseguiam imaginá-las.
They would dream of new friendships; but they could barely manage to picture them.Literature Literature
“Eis com que sonhavam os grandes, antigamente.
“That’s what the great used to dream of.Literature Literature
Todas elas sonhavam em vir para Londres com a crença de que haveria um bom trabalho aqui para elas.
They all came to London in the belief that there would be a good job here for them.Literature Literature
Os irmãos Wilbur e Orville Wright sonhavam em voar desde a infância, quando começaram a soltar pipa.
The brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright had wanted to fly ever since they learned to fly kites as boys.jw2019 jw2019
Os imperadores chineses também sonhavam com a imortalidade, embora tentassem outro método: o lendário elixir da vida.
Chinese emperors followed a similar dream of immortality, albeit through a different route —that of the mythical elixir of life.jw2019 jw2019
Todas as garotas sonhavam ser escolhidas e imploravam a Aisha um lugar ao sol
Every girl dreamed of being chosen and begged Aicha to let them be in the limelight one day.Literature Literature
Naturalmente que quer Columbanus quer Jerome nem sonhavam em estar ausentes das vésperas em dia tão importante.
Naturally, neither Columbanus nor Jerome would dream of absenting himself from Vespers on such a momentous day.Literature Literature
Desde que era pequena, minha mãe e eu sempre sonhávamos que eu seria uma famosa bailarina.
Since I was little, my mom and I always dreamed about me becoming a famous ballerina.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
— Ele desistiu de uma vida que muitas pessoas sonhavam ter, abandonando sua equipe.
“He gave up a life many dreamed having, abandoning his squad.Literature Literature
Os Fuzileiros do Ulster, com as fardas incrustadas de lama, sonhavam com a oportunidade de se limpar.
The Ulsters, in their mud-encrusted battledress, longed for the chance to get clean.Literature Literature
Todos nós sonhávamos em participar da missão para matá-lo ou capturá-lo, mas ninguém pensava nisso seriamente.
We all dreamt about being on the mission to kill or capture him, but no one really thought about it seriously.Literature Literature
Um mundo com o qual muitos provavelmente sonhavam, e era bem provável que Sorcor estivesse entre eles.
A world many men probably dreamed about, Kennit thought, and Sorcor was most likely one of them.Literature Literature
Ela viu o potencial nesse projeto desde o começo e soube nos levar exatamente aonde nós sonhávamos ir.
She saw the potential in this project from the start and knew how to take us exactly where we’d dreamed of going.Literature Literature
Sonhávamos em criar o Pokémon mais forte do mundo e conseguimos!
aah! we dreamed of creating the world's strongest pokémon... and we succeeded.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Galante nunca foi um destino glamoroso, e a maior parte dos servos de Niah estacionados ali sonhavam mais alto.
Galante was never a glamorous appointment, and most of the servants of Niah posted here dreamed of grander things.Literature Literature
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