actiona oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Roemeens - Engels


to act; to take action
Când Gowron va începe atacul, noi vom actiona.
When Gowron begins his attack, then we will make our move.

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Tonomate muzicale actionate cu monede, automate muzicale (actionate de monede)
Jukeboxes for music (coin-operated)tmClass tmClass
Scule actionate electric, inclusiv ca acumulatoare
Electric power tools, including being battery-operated apparatustmClass tmClass
Apreciez ca actionezi cu bune intentii, dar cred ca esti pe o cale gresita
Me really appreciation that this making that for more reasons. but I fear that this in the missed roadopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Deci este o adevarata retea si este atât de tipic modul de actionare al FMI si al Bancii Mondiale.
So there is a whole mushrooming thing and it's so typical the way the IMF and the World Bank work.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
31 În speță, Stichting Natuur en Milieu și Pesticide Action Network Europe au obținut, la Tribunal, anularea deciziilor în litigiu în conformitate cu concluziile acțiunii lor.
31 In the present case, Stichting Natuur en Milieu and Pesticide Action Network Europe obtained, before the General Court, the annulment of the decisions at issue in accordance with the forms of order sought in their action.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Până vom avea o asemenea putere de pătrundere, vom gândi şi, implicit, vom actiona incorect.
Until we have such a grasp, we will think and therefore act wrongly.Literature Literature
Table de armare, panouri de actionare si comanda pentru vehicule
Dashboards, control panels and distribution consoles for vehiclestmClass tmClass
Oricum a fost Hurst, stiu că te-a învătat cum să actionezi atunci când lucrurile nu merg bine.
Whatever Hurst was, I know he taught you how to act when things go bad.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Lanturi de actionare si rulare ale vehiculelor cu lant, in special ale vehiculelor cu sine
Drive chains for tracked vehicles, in particular caterpillar track vehiclestmClass tmClass
Nu vreau ca vreunul dintre noi sa actioneze in nume propriu.
I don't want this to get personal for us.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Mecansime de actionare, transmisii cu roti dintate, motoare de actionare, cutii de viteze, ambreiaje, arbori motori si cuplaje pentru vehicule terestre
Propulsion mechanisms, transmissions, driving motors, gearboxes, clutches, transmission shafts and couplings for land vehiclestmClass tmClass
Reclamantă: Aide et Action France (Paris, Franța) (reprezentant: A.
Applicant: Aide et Action France (Paris, France) (represented by: A.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Pompe manuale, scule si aparate actionate manual limitate la extragerea, obtinerea respectiv prelucrarea de produse apicole, in special miere si laptisor de matca
Hand pumps, hand tools and implements (hand-operated), the aforesaid goods restricted to the extraction, production and processing of apicultural products, in particular including honey and royal jellytmClass tmClass
Dl Reese, nu sunt sigur că tinându-i pe amândoi detectivii nostri în ceată, este cea mai bună directie de a actiona.
I'm not sure that keeping both of our detectives in the dark is the best course of action.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Daca actionam înainte sa tragi, Bull va da semn cu trâmbita
If we do it before you star shooting, Bull will blow his hornopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
N-am timp, trebuie sa actionez.
We gotta move fast, no timeOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Masini cu actionare mecanica, parti de motoare, masini electrice de curatat, pompe – componente ale masinilor sau motoarelor, masini de prelucrare a lemnului, transportoare, generatoare electrice, prese, rulmenti, malaxoare, mori, instalatii de spalat si masini de spalat, instrumente si scule mecanice, ferastraie, roti dintate, cutii de viteze si racorduri care intra in clasa 7, angrenaje, actionari mecanice, masini de tiparit, instalatii de ridicat
Machines with mechanical drives, parts of motors or engines, cleaning machines, electric, pumps, being parts of machines, motors or engines, woodworking machines, conveyers, electric generators, presses, bearings, blenders, grinders, washing apparatus and dishwashers, mechanical instruments and tools, saws, cogwheels, machine coupling and transmission components included in class 7, gears, mechincal drives, printing machines, elevating apparatustmClass tmClass
Avem un reportaj special de la " Action News. "
This is an " Action News " special report.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Piese de masini de teren, Şi anume, Roţi, Parbrize, Aparatoare pentru noroi, Osii, Aparatoare, Motoare, Lanţuri, Amortizoare de suspensie, Retrovizoare, Cutii de viteze, Axuri de transmisie, Tampoane pentru bare de protecţie, Ambreiaje, Garnituri de frana, Motoare de actionare
Land vehicle parts, namely, wheels, windshields, mud guards, axles, fenders, engines, chains, suspension shock absorbers, rearview mirrors, gearboxes, transmission shafts, bumpers, clutches, brake linings, driving motorstmClass tmClass
Regele, maestrul meu, a devenit nerăbdător asteptînd ca Majestatea Sa să actioneze
The King, my master, has become impatient for Your Grace to actopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Miyabe, trebuie sa actionam cat de curand posibil.
Miyabe, we have to act as soon as possible.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
având în vedere proiectul de raport interimar intitulat „Studiu comparativ referitor la aplicarea Directivei 2004/38/CE privind drepturile cetățenilor Uniunii și ale membrilor de familie ai acestora la liberă circulație și ședere pe teritoriul statelor membre”, solicitat de Comisia sa pentru afaceri juridice și elaborat de European Citizen Action Service (ECAS),
having regard to the draft interim report entitled ‘Comparative study on the application of Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States’ requested by its Committee on Legal Affairs and delivered by the European Citizen Action Service (ECAS),EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ambreiaje si piese pentru acestea, precum dispozitive pentru actionarea ambreiajului, furtunuri de ambreiaj, cilindre principale
Couplings and parts therefor, including coupling application equipment, coupling hoses, master cylinderstmClass tmClass
Seria este sursa numelui editurii sale, și împreună cu Action Comics, seria care a lansat debutul lui Superman, una dintre seriile semnate de mass media.
The series is the source of its publishing company's name, and—along with Action Comics, the series that launched with the debut of Superman—one of the medium's signature series.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(5) Uniunea Europeană, Shared Vision, Common Action, iunie 2016,
(5) European Union, Shared Vision, Common Action, June 2016 –Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
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