oapte oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Roemeens - Engels


noun adjective numeral
Aveai doar oapte ani când tatãl tãu a murit.
You were only seven when your father died.

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Dupã aproape oapte ore de drum, am ajuns la destinaþie.
Just before the seventh hour we arrived at our destination.Literature Literature
aase, oapte drumuri, nu?
Six, seven trips, boom, right?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Crezi cã este pregãtit sã joace mâine în jocul numãrul oapte?
Lsito think it's for the championship?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Toate cele oapte tiruri dus rece.
All seven shootings went cold.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Dacã vii la mine înainte de oapte, te aranjez eu.
Well, If you come to my house before seven, then I can fix it for you.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Acum, ar trebui sã-am ieoit din spatele muntilor, oi pe via McCarran oase sau oapte minute mai târziu.
Now, it should've emerged from behind the mountains, and onto McCarran radar six or seven minutes later.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
LYSIAS Era acum vreo cinci zile, pe Zeus – da, cinci zile, în ziua de douã: azi suntem în oapte.
It must have been something like five days ago; yes, it was, because it was on the second, and to-day is the seventh.Literature Literature
Într- o zi am cãzut de oapte ori
One day I fell seven timesopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
A fost arestat prima oarã în clasa a oaptea.
His first arrest was in the seventh grade.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
— A, sã nu uit, aveþi doi-nouã-oapte aici?
‘Ah, lest I forget, is your number two-nine-seven?’Literature Literature
Toate data oapte înapoi la anii'80.
All seven date back to the'80s.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Trupul uman fiind o imagine a cosmosului fizic, cele oapte planete au fiecare asupra lui o zonã de influenþã anumitã.
Since the human body is an image of the physical cosmos, each of the seven planets has a particular influence.Literature Literature
Viþeii nãscuþi din femele care au primit embrioni de la bovine afectate de ESB au supravieþuit pe perioade de observaþie de pânã la oapte ani, iar examinarea creierului femelelor neafectate, cât oi al progeniturilor acestora, nu au relevat encefalopatie spongiformã sau PrPEST (Wrathall et al., 2002).
Calves born of dams that received embryos from BSE-affected cattle have survived for observations periods of up to seven years, and examination of the brains of both the unaffected dams and their offspring revealed no spongiform encephalopathy or PrPTSE [Wrathall et al., 2002].EurLex-2 EurLex-2
La ora oapte, Aleksei Aleksandrovici pleacã la consiliu, unde va rãmîne pînã la zece“.
Alexei Alexandrovich goes to the Council at seven and will be there till ten.""Literature Literature
Stepan Arkadici nu lua prînzul acasã, dar promisese sã vinã la ora oapte ca sã-oi conducã sora la garã.
Stepan Arkadyevich was not dining at home, but he promised to come and see his sister off at seven o'clock.Literature Literature
La oapte oi jumãtate, de îndatã ce coborî în salon, valetul o anunþã : „Konstantin Dmitrici Levin“.
At half-past seven, just as she came down to the drawing room, the footman announced: ‘Konstantin Dmitrich Levin.’Literature Literature
ai cînd m-am întors, am vãzut oapte sfeonice de aur...
And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks.""Literature Literature
La ora oapte, Aleksei Aleksandrovici pleacã la consiliu, unde va rãmîne pînã la zece“.
Alexey Alexandrovitch goes to the council at seven and will be there till ten.'Literature Literature
Evanghelia dupã Matei, capitolul douãzeci oi oapte, spuse el, simþind cã buzele încep sã-i tremure de emoþie.
"Matthew, chapter xxvii,"" he said, feeling his lips were beginning to tremble with emotion."Literature Literature
Gun este conectat la oapte impuscaturi anterior.
Gun's connected to seven prior shootings.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
În noiembrie 1997, fostul Procuror General american, Ramsey Clark, a condus o delegaþie a centrului internaþional de acþiune în a oaptea lui cãlãtorie în Iraq, pentru a investiga efectele continue ale sancþiunilor impuse de Naþiunile Unite asupra populaþiei.
In November 1997, former US Attorney General, Ramsey Clark headed a delegation of the International Action Center on his seventh trip to Iraq, to investigate the continued defects of the United Nations sanctions on the population.QED QED
cinci-oapte sugereazã foc prietenos de la unul dintre bãrbaþi lovit celelalte.
Five-sevens suggest friendly fire from one of the other hit men.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Este vorba de oapte aspecte, dupã cum urmeazã: Punctul nr. 1: existã multe tipuri de efect de levier.
These are the seven points: Point #1: There are many types of leverage.Literature Literature
Evanghelia dupã Matei, capitolul douãzeci oi oapte, spuse el, simþind cã buzele încep sã-i tremure de emoþie.
"Matthew, chapter 27,"" he said, feeling his lips were beginning to tremble with emotion."Literature Literature
La ora oapte îl trezirã atingerea mîinii ei de umãrul lui oi o ooaptã înãbuoitã.
At seven o’clock he was awakened by the touch of her hand on his shoulder and a soft whisper.Literature Literature
50 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.