नल oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Sanskrit - Engels

N. of a medic. author Cat.
N. of a monkey-chief (son of त्वष्टृ or विश्व-कर्मन् ; cf. -सेतु) MBh. R.
N. of a son of यदु Pur.
N. of a descendant of the latter नल (son of सु-धन्वन् and father of उक्थ) Hariv. VP.
N. of a son of निषध and father of नभ or नभस् Hariv. Ragh. VP.
N. of a king of the निषधs (son of वीर-सेन and husband of दमयन्ती) MBh. Pur.
N. of a दैत्य BrahmaP.
N. of a divine being mentioned with यम Karmapr. (= पितृ-देव, or -दैव L. ; a deified progenitor W.)
the 50th year of the cycle of Jupiter which lasts 60 years Cat.
a partic. form of constellation in which all the planets or stars are grouped in double mansions Var.
a measure of length MBh. (v.l. तल)
(cf. नड, नळ) a species of reed, Amphidonax Karka (8-12 feet high) Gobh. MBh. &c.

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