Banana oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Sloweens - Engels


adjective noun
Ker so banane pokvarljivo blago, je treba te faze skrbno načrtovati.
Because bananas are perishable, those stages must be carefully planned.


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Vertalings in die woordeboek Sloweens - Engels


Ker so banane pokvarljivo blago, je treba te faze skrbno načrtovati.
Because bananas are perishable, those stages must be carefully planned.

banana tree

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banana republika
banana republic


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Moka, zdrob in prah iz banan
Flour, meal and powder of bananasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Palačinke z banano, z dodatno slanino.
Banana pancakes, extra bacon.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
„(184) Podjetje Dole pojasnjuje, da ,sta na podlagi razprav o razmerah na trgu razpravljali tudi o verjetnosti splošnega zvišanja ali znižanja cen banan na trgu ali o tem, ali cene ostanejo na splošno nespremenjene.
‘(184) Dole states that “[b]ased on their discussions of market conditions, they would also discuss the likelihood of a general market increase or decrease in banana prices or whether prices would generally remain at status quo.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Z otoka prihaja sadje, kot so ananas, avokado, papaja in devet različnih sort banan.
From the land come such fruits as pineapples, avocados, papayas, and nine varieties of bananas.jw2019 jw2019
21 Referenčne cene so se po navedbah Komisije uporabljale vsaj kot tržni signali, trendi in/ali podatki v zvezi s predvidenim gibanjem cen banan, poleg tega pa so bile pomembne za trženje banan in dosežene cene.
21 According to the Commission, the quotation prices served at least as market signals, trends and/or indications as to the intended development of banana prices and were relevant for the banana trade and the prices obtained.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
438 Komisija je v izpodbijani odločbi ocenila tudi delež prodaje zadevnih podjetij po količini v Severni Evropi na podlagi podatkov, ki so jih predložila, glede na dozdevno potrošnjo banan po količini, in sicer na podlagi uradnih statistik, ki jih je objavil Eurostat, in pri tem ugotovila, da je prodaja svežih banan podjetij Chiquita, Dole in Weichert, merjena po količini, leta 2002 znašala približno od 40 do 45 % dozdevne potrošnje svežih banan v Severni Evropi, pri čemer je ta ocena malo nižja kot pri deležu te prodaje po vrednosti (točka 31 obrazložitve izpodbijane odločbe).
438 In the contested decision, the Commission also assessed the share of sales by volume of the undertakings concerned in Northern Europe, on the basis of the data provided by them, in the light of the apparent consumption of bananas in volume resulting from official statistics published by Eurostat, and reached the conclusion that in 2002 sales of fresh bananas by Chiquita, Dole and Weichert, measured by volume, accounted for approximately 40% to 45% of apparent consumption of fresh bananas in Northern Europe, that estimate being slightly lower than the share by value of those sales (recital 31 to the contested decision).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Poleg redne pomoči EU bodo države AKP, ki so glavne izvoznice banan, iz proračuna EU prejele do 190 milijonov EUR, da bi se lažje prilagodile novi tarifi.
In addition to regular EU aid, the main ACP banana-exporting countries will receive up to €190 million from the EU budget to help them adjust to the new tariff.not-set not-set
Komisija bo vsaj vsaka tri leta ocenila, ali se okvirne dodelitve za sadje in zelenjavo, vključno z bananami, ter za mleko in mlečne proizvode skladajo z objektivnim merilom iz tega odstavka.
The Commission shall assess at least every three years whether the indicative allocations for fruit and vegetables including bananas, and for milk and milk products remain consistent with the objective criteria referred to in this paragraph.not-set not-set
„Pritožba – Konkurenca – Omejevalni sporazumi – Evropski trg banan v Grčiji, Italiji in na Portugalskem – Usklajevanje pri določitvi cen – Dopustnost dokazov, ki so jih posredovali nacionalni davčni organi – Pravica do obrambe – Izračun zneska globe – Obseg sodnega nadzora – Opredelitev ‚sporazuma, ki ima za cilj omejevanje konkurence‘“
(Appeal — Competition — Agreements, decisions and concerted practices — European banana market in Greece, Italy and Portugal — Coordination in the fixing of prices — Admissibility of evidence transmitted by national tax authorities — Rights of the defence — Calculation of the amount of the fine — Scope of judicial review — Classification as an ‘agreement having as its object the restriction of competition’)eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
44 V tožbah naj bi v resnici kritizirale dejstvo, da niso mogle v celoti izkoristiti uvoznih dovoljenj, do katerih so bile upravičene na podlagi svojih referenčnih količin, ki naj bi temeljile izključno na uvozu banan iz tretjih držav.
44 However, in their applications, in reality they criticised the fact that they had been unable to make full use of the import licences, as their reference quantities, which were based solely on imports of third‐country bananas, entitled them to do.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Agencija je glede bitertanola v svojem mnenju z dne 21. februarja 2012 ugotovila resen zdravstven problem za potrošnike in priporočila znižanje MRL za bitertanol na bananah (4).
For bitertanol, the Authority, in its opinion of 21 February 2012, identified an acute health concern for consumers and recommended lowering the MRL for bitertanol on bananas (4).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
„(13) ker je zaradi uskladitve z zgoraj naštetimi cilji in ob upoštevanju posebnih značilnosti prodaje banan treba pri vodenju carinske kvote razlikovati med subjekti, ki so že trgovali z bananami iz tretjih držav in netradicionalnimi bananami iz držav AKP, in subjekti, ki so že trgovali z bananami, pridelanimi v Skupnosti, ter hkrati določeno količino dati na voljo novim uvoznikom, ki so šele pred kratkim začeli trgovinsko dejavnost ali pa nameravajo začeti trgovinsko dejavnost na tem področju;
‘... in order to comply with the aims stated above, while taking into account the special features of marketing bananas, a distinction must be made when administering the tariff quota between, on the one hand, operators who have previously marketed third country bananas and non-traditional ACP bananas and, on the other, operators who have previously marketed bananas produced in the Community [and traditional ACP bananas] while leaving a quantity available for new operators who have recently embarked on commercial activity or are about to embark on commercial activity in this sector;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Pričakovani vplivi na okolje so upravljanje in zaščita občutljive zemlje in nagnjenih pobočij, ohranjanje kmetijskih zemljišč v uporabi (KZU) s stabilizacijo zemljišč, na katerih se gojijo banane, čim boljša uporaba KZU s povečanjem prahe in kolobarjenja ter aktivna politika omejevanja vložkov, na primer gnojil.
The expected environmental impacts are "the management and protection of delicate soil and sloping land", "the maintenance of the usable agricultural area by stabilising land used to grow bananas", "making the best use of the UAA by extending set-aside and crop rotation" and "an active policy of limiting inputs", such as fertilisers.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
ugotavlja, da sporazum o trgovini z bananami rešuje dvajsetleten, tehnično najzahtevnejši, ter politično najobčutljivejši in najpomembnejši spor v STO, da je pomemben korak v smer utrditve večstranskega trgovinskega sistema, ki temelji na pravilih, in da bi hkrati lahko pomembno prispeval k rešitvi vprašanj v zvezi s tropskimi proizvodi in preferenciali na pogajanjih v STO;
Notes the fact that the agreement on trade in bananas settles 20 years of the most technically complex, politically sensitive and significant WTO-dispute, constitutes an important step towards the consolidation of a rule-based multilateral trading system, and at the same time could make a decisive contribution to the resolution of issues relating to tropical products and preferences in WTO negotiations;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
„EKUJS – Jamstveni oddelek – Izdatki, izključeni iz financiranja Skupnosti – Lan za vlakna – Konoplja – Banane – Poročilo urada OLAF – Poročilo Računskega sodišča – Dvostranska razprava iz člena 8(1) Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 1663/95 – Bistvene kršitve postopka – Zloraba – Obstoj finančne škode, povzročene EKUJS“
EAGGF – Guarantee Section – Expenditure excluded from Community financing – Fibre flax – Hemp – Bananas – OLAF report – Report of the Court of Auditors – Bilateral meeting under Article 8(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1663/95 – Breach of essential procedural requirements – Abusive practice – Existence of financial harm to the EAGGFEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Če so celotno referenčno obdobje prizadeli višja sila ali izredne razmere, država članica izračuna referenčni znesek na podlagi obdobja med leti 1997 in 1999 oziroma za sladkorno peso, sladkorni trs in cikorijo na podlagi najbližjega tržnega leta pred reprezentativnim obdobjem, ki se izbere v skladu s točko K Priloge VII, ali za banane na podlagi najbližjega tržnega leta pred reprezentativnim obdobjem, izbranim v skladu s točko L Priloge VII.
If the whole reference period was affected by the case of force majeure or exceptional circumstances, the Member State shall calculate the reference amount on the basis of the 1997 to 1999 period or, in case of sugar beet, cane and chicory on the basis of the closest marketing year prior to the representative period chosen in accordance with point K of Annex VII, or, in case of bananas on the basis of the closest marketing year prior to the representative period chosen in accordance with point L of Annex VII.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Banane (Mini banana, rajska smokva, apple banana)
Bananas (Dwarf banana, plantain, apple banana)EurLex-2 EurLex-2
„neto masa svežih banan“ je masa samih banan brez kakršne koli embalaže;
‘net weight of fresh bananas’ means the weight of the bananas themselves without packing materials and packing containers of any kind;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Te banane so slastne, sladke kakor sladoled!
These bananas are delicious —as sweet as ice cream!jw2019 jw2019
Proizvodnjo banan ovira zlasti odročnost, otoški značaj, majhnost in težavna topografija teh regij.
Production of bananas is disadvantaged in particular by the remoteness, insularity, small size, and difficult topography of these regions.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
ker je v Uredbo Sveta (EGS) št. 404/93 z dne 13. februarja 1993 o skupni ureditvi trga za banane ( 3 ) treba vključiti spremembe, ki izhajajo iz okvirnega sporazuma o bananah, sklenjenega z nekaterimi južnoameriškimi državami v okviru urugvajskega kroga;
Whereas the amendments resulting from the framework agreement on bananas concluded with certain countries in South America under the Uruguay Round should be incorporated in Council Regulation (EEC) No 404/93 of 13 February 1993 on the common organization of the market in bananas ( 3 );EurLex-2 EurLex-2
V skladu s členom 12(3) Uredbe (EGS) št. 404/93 se kompenzacijska pomoč proizvajalcem Skupnosti za morebitni izpad dohodka izračuna na podlagi razlike med pavšalnim referenčnim dohodkom in povprečnim dohodkom od pridelave banan, pridelanih in trženih v Skupnosti v zadevnem letu.
Under Article 12(3) of Regulation (EEC) No 404/93, compensatory aid to Community producers for any loss of income is calculated on the basis of the difference between the flat-rate reference income and the average production income from bananas produced and marketed in the Community during the year in question.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
V Za Evropski parlament Za Svet Predsednik Predsednik „PRILOGA IIIa Države AKP, ki so glavne dobaviteljice banan 1.
Done at For the European Parliament For the Council The President The President ‘ANNEX IIIa Main ACP banana supplying countries 1.not-set not-set
Določitev meril za dodeljevanje temelji na reprezentativnih podatkih iz obdobja pred letom 2010, ki ni daljše od petih let, ter na študiji Komisije o oceni učinka sporazuma, doseženega v okviru STO, ter dvostranskih ali regionalnih sporazumov, sklenjenih ali v postopku sklenitve med Unijo ter državami Latinske Amerike, ki so vodilne izvoznice banan, na države AKP.
The measurement of the allocation criteria shall be based on representative data preceding 2010 and covering a period not longer than five years, and on a Commission study assessing the impact on the ACP countries of the agreement reached within the WTO and the bilateral and regional agreements concluded, or in the process of being concluded, between the Union and Latin American countries, which are the leading exporters of bananas.not-set not-set
Po uvozu so italijanski novi dobavitelji prodali banane družbi Rico, ki jih je nato sistematično prodajala družbi S.I.M.B.A. po ceni, ki je bila vnaprej določena in plačana.
After importation, the newcomers sold the bananas to Rico, which then systematically sold them to S.I.M.B.A. at a price which was fixed and paid in advance.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
202 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.