Perzijec oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Sloweens - Engels


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Zahtevaj jo od Perzijcev, ki so te zapustili.
Ask it of the Persians, who deserted you.

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19 Ob določenem času je Perzijec Cir, tako kakor je bilo napovedano, zavzel Babilon.
19 When the time came, Cyrus the Persian conquered Babylon just as prophesied.jw2019 jw2019
Jeffrey in prijatelja so ubili dva Perzijca in ugrabili Amirja.
so jeffey andkill those two pe tian kids and take amir.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Preglejmo primer nekega Perzijca iz Zahodnega Berlina.
Consider the case of a Persian man in West Berlin.jw2019 jw2019
Medijci in Perzijci so bolj cenili slavo, ki so je bili deležni, ko so podjarmili kak narod, kakor pa vojni plen.
The Medes and the Persians regarded the glory resulting from a conquest more highly than the spoils of war.jw2019 jw2019
Perzijci so igrali na dve strani, podprli so Šparto pri obnovi mornarice, hkrati pa financirali Atence, ki so uporabljali perzijsko denarno pomoč za obnovo svojih dolgih zidov (uničenih leta 404 pr. n. št.) ter obnovitev flote, tako da so dosegli številne zmage.
The Persian Court supported Sparta in the rebuilding of their navy while simultaneously funding the Athenians, who used Persian subsidies to rebuild their long walls (destroyed in 404 BC) as well as to reconstruct their fleet and win a number of victories.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
V svojem usmiljenju je obudil napovedanega Perzijca Cira, ki je leta 539 pr. n. št. povzročil padec Babilona.
In his mercy Jehovah had raised up the foretold Cyrus the Persian to overthrow Babylon in 539 B.C.E.jw2019 jw2019
Ne zaradi Perzijcev, ampak pohlepa po vodi.
" Not by the Persians, but by our own greed and gluttony for water.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Grk ali Perzijec, korenine so korenine.
Greek or Persian, a man's roots are a man's roots.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Takrat sta bila najpomembnejša Izraelca v kraljestvu Medcev in Perzijcev Mardohej in Estera.
Morʹde·cai and Esther are the most important Israelites in the kingdom of Persia.jw2019 jw2019
Babilon pade v roke Medijcev in Perzijcev
Babylon falls to Medes and Persiansjw2019 jw2019
539 Babilon premagajo Medijci in Perzijci
539 Babylon falls to the Medes and the Persiansjw2019 jw2019
Tukaj si samo ubog dvorni pisar, poleg tega pa veljaš še za Perzijca
Here you are but a poor palace scribe, one who passes as a Persian, at thatopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Jer. 51:37–43 bodo Medijci in Perzijci Cir zajel Babilon pod Cirom pri odprtih vratih*
Jer 51:37-43 open; Medes and took Babylon whenjw2019 jw2019
Ta odredba je postala nespremenljivi zakon Medijcev in Perzijcev.
The edict became the unchangeable law of the Medes and the Persians.jw2019 jw2019
To se je izpolnilo na posameznikih, kot so bili denimo Daniel, ki je pod Medijci in Perzijci imel v Babilonu pomemben vladni položaj, Estera, ki je postala perzijska kraljica, in Mardohej, ki je bil ministrski predsednik perzijskega imperija.
This was fulfilled in the case of such individuals as Daniel, who held a high office in Babylon under the Medes and the Persians; Esther, who became a Persian queen; and Mordecai, who was appointed prime minister of the Persian Empire.jw2019 jw2019
Daniel je bil denimo pod Medijci in Perzijci postavljen za višjega uradnika v Babilonu.
For example, Daniel was appointed as a high official in Babylon under the Medes and the Persians.jw2019 jw2019
V letih 616 pr. n. št. do 605 pr. n. št. se je Asirsko cesarstvo sesulo zaradi niza državljanskih vojn, katerim je sledil napad zveze Babiloncev, Medijcev, Perzijcev in Skitov.
Between 616 and 605 BC the Assyrian Empire collapsed due to a series of bitter internal civil wars, followed by an attack by an alliance of Babylonians, Medes and Persians and the Scythians.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mnogi Perzijci so očitno postali judovski spreobrnjenci, saj je po njihovem mnenju odlok, ki je omogočal protinapad, kazal na to, da je Bog Judom naklonjen.
Many of the Persians evidently became Jewish proselytes, thinking that the counterdecree was an indication of God’s favor upon the Jews.jw2019 jw2019
Okupirali so ga Feničani, Grki, Asirci, Perzijci in Egipčani.
It was occupied by the Phoenicians, the Greeks, the Assyrians, the Persians, and the Egyptians.jw2019 jw2019
Anastazij je nato v Mezopotamiji zgradil močno trdnjavo Daras, ki naj bi zadrževala Perzijce v Nisibisu.
Anastasius afterward built the strong fortress of Daras, which was named Anastasiopolis, to hold the Persians at Nisibis in check.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Med peloponeško vojno je bil Efez najprej povezan z Atenami, vendar se je pozneje, ko se je imenovala dekelejska ali jonska vojna, pridružil Šparti, ki so jo podpirali tudi Perzijci.
During the Peloponnesian War, Ephesus was first allied to Athens but in a later phase, called the Decelean War, or the Ionian War, sided with Sparta, which also had received the support of the Persians.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Po biblijski knjigi Danijela je bil ‚Belsazar kralj‘, vladar Babilona. On je bil tisti, ki je tiste usodne noči leta 539 pr. n. št., ko je Perzijec Kir zavzel mesto, priredil veliko slavnost.
According to the Bible book of Daniel, “Belshazzar the king” was ruler of Babylon, and he was having a great feast that fateful night in 539 B.C.E. when Cyrus the Persian overthrew the city.jw2019 jw2019
Po Herodotu so Perzijci srečali in premagali majhno likijsko vojsko v ravninah na severu mesta.
According to Herodotus, the Persians met and defeated a small Lycian army in the flatlands to the north of the city.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Vojsko je razdelil na tri dele in na čelo vsakega dela postavil Perzijce in Grke.
He divided these troops into three bodies, and placed at the head of each a Persian and a Greek.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Naslednjih deset let so Perzijci preganjali vernike domačih verovanj in pokradli svete knjige.
For the 10 years that Persia controlled Egypt, believers in the native religion were persecuted and sacred books were stolen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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