Tatari oor Engels


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Tatari so se naselili na Poljskem že v 14. stoletju in so s sabo prinesli bogato orientalsko kulturo.
The Tatars arrived in Poland as early as the fourteenth century, bringing with them a rich oriental culture.

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Druge manjšine so Ukrajinci, Nemci, Turki, Lipovani, Aromuni, Tatari in Srbi.
Other minorities include Ukrainians, Germans, Turks, Lipovans, Aromanians, Tatars, and Serbs.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
24 Tatari – včeraj, danes in jutri
24 Tatars —Their Past, Present, and Futurejw2019 jw2019
Katoliški škof Argeșa, ki je videl Vlaško, ki so jo uničili Tatari, se je leta 1597 preselil v Bacău.
The Catholic bishop of Arges whose see in Wallachia had been destroyed by the Tatars moved to Bacău in 1597.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tatari so velika turška etnična skupina, ki živi povečini v Rusiji.
The Tatars are a large Turkic ethnic group found mainly in Russia.jw2019 jw2019
ker se zagovorniki človekovih pravic in akterji civilne družbe, zlasti krimski Tatari, soočajo z grožnjami, ustrahovanjem in aretacijami;
whereas human rights defenders and civil society actors, particularly Crimean Tatars, have faced threats, intimidation and arrests;EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Krimski Tatari
Crimean Tatarseurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
ker prihaja do pogostih kršitev človekovih pravic tako v vzhodni Ukrajini kot na Krimu in vključuje ustrahovanje in nov val izginotij, zlasti pa ga občutijo krimski Tatari;
whereas there are widespread abuses of human rights both in occupied eastern Ukraine and in Crimea, especially affecting Crimean Tatars and including intimidation and a new wave of disappearances;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Prvo znano prebivalstvo tega območja je bilo finsko pleme Meščjori, ki so ga kasneje asimilirali Rusi in Tatari.
The first population of this area was a Finnic tribe called the Meshchyora, later assimilated by Russians and Tatars.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tatari so divjaki, ki požigajo stepe in kradejo dekleta.
No, no, no, no. Tartars are wild tribesmen who gallop over the Steppes pillaging and carrying off girls.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Milijoni ljudi različnih narodnosti, Ukrajinci, Rusi, Kazahstanci, Judi, Nemci, Belorusi, Tatari in mnogi drugi, so umirali od lakote.
Millions of people of various nationalities, Ukrainians, Russians, Kazakhs, Jews, Germans, Belarussians, Tartars and many others, starved to death.Europarl8 Europarl8
ker se v Abhaziji, v Chinvalski regiji/Južni Osetiji in nazadnje na Krimu, odkar so ga zasedle ruske sile, dogajajo kršitve človekovih pravic; ker se na Krimu dogajajo kršitve človekovih pravic, ki jih doživljajo manjšinske skupine in nasprotniki Ruske okupacije, zlasti krimski Tatari, proukrajinski aktivisti, aktivisti civilne družbe in ljudje, ki so želeli obdržati ukrajinsko državljanstvo;
whereas since the occupation by Russian forces, Abkhazia, the Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia, and — most lately — Crimea have been the scenes of human rights abuses; whereas in Crimea the human rights abuses are affecting minority groups and opponents of Russian occupation, in particular the indigenous Crimean Tatars, pro-Ukrainian and civil society activists, and people wishing to retain their Ukrainian citizenship;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ruski pisno viri že leta 1530 omenjajo ime Kolmak Tatari, kartograf Sebastian Münster (1488–1552) pa je na karti v Cosmographii iz leta 1544 njihovo ozemlje označil s Kalmuči.
Russian written sources mentioned the name "Kolmak Tatars" as early as 1530, and cartographer Sebastian Muenster (1488–1552) circumscribed the territory of the "Kalmuchi" on a map in his Cosmographia, which was published in 1544.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Prebegli Krimski Tatari so konec 19. stoletja igrali pomembno vlogo v poskusih modernizacije osmanskega šolstva.
Crimean Tatar refugees in the late 19th century played an especially notable role in seeking to modernise Turkish education.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dokler so tukaj Tatari, naši predniki nimajo miru.
Our forefathers will not sleep.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tatari so najštevilčnejše turško ljudstvo v Rusiji in po nekaterih ocenah jih je skupno kakih 5,500.000.
The Tatars are the largest population of Turkic peoples in Russia and are said to total some 5,500,000.jw2019 jw2019
je močno zaskrbljen nad poročili, da oborožene osebe označujejo hiše ukrajinskih Tatarov na območjih Krima, kjer skupaj živijo Tatari in Rusi; je seznanjen, da krimski Tatari, ki jih je Stalin deportiral in so se po razglasitvi ukrajinske neodvisnosti vrnili v svojo domovino, pozivajo mednarodno skupnost, naj podpre ozemeljsko celovitost Ukrajine ter obsežen pravni in politični sporazum o ponovni vzpostavitvi pravic za avtohtono prebivalstvo Krima; poziva mednarodno skupnost, Komisijo in Svet, visoko komisarko OZN za človekove pravice in posebnega predstavnika EU za človekove pravice, naj zaščitijo pravice te in drugih manjšinskih skupnosti na Krimskem polotoku; zahteva temeljito preiskavo zastraševanja Judov in napadov na judovske verske objekte po invaziji na Krim;
Notes with great concern the reports that armed people are marking the houses of Ukrainian Tatars in areas of Crimea where Tatars and Russians live together; notes that Crimean Tatars, who returned to their homeland following Ukraine’s independence after being deported by Stalin, have been calling on the international community to support the territorial integrity of Ukraine and a comprehensive legal and political agreement on the restoration of their rights as indigenous people of Crimea; calls on the international community, the Commission, the Council, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the EU Special Representative for Human Rights to protect the rights of this, and any other, minority community on the Crimean peninsula; demands a full investigation into the intimidation of Jews and attacks on Jewish religious sites following the invasion of Crimea;eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Volški Tatari so turška etnična skupina, ki izvira iz regije med Volgo in Uralom v Rusiji.
The Volga Tatars are a Turkic ethnic group native to the Volga-Ural region of Russia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Varujejo ga Tatari z volčjimi daemoni.
A regiment of Tartars with wolf dæmons guards it.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tatari so se naselili na Poljskem že v 14. stoletju in so s sabo prinesli bogato orientalsko kulturo.
The Tatars arrived in Poland as early as the fourteenth century, bringing with them a rich oriental culture.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ko so se Tatari in Mongoli leta 1241 usmerili proti reki Sajo, je Béla pobegnil v Avstrijo in od tam v Gradec (današnji Zagreb) na Hrvaškem.
When routed on the banks of the Sajó river in 1241 by the Mongols, Béla IV fled to today's Zagreb in Croatia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Večino prebivalstva v Astrahanskem kanatu so predstavljali Astrahanski Tatari in Nogajci.
Most of the population of the Astrakhan khanate were Astrakhan Tatars and Nogays.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Krimski Tatari so se z osmanskih vojnih pohodov pogosto vračali brez vojnega plena, zaradi neuspešnih pohodov pa so se verjetno zmanjšale tudi osmanske subvencije.
Crimean Tatars often returned from Ottoman campaigns without booty, and Ottoman subsidies were less likely for unsuccessful campaigns.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Volški Tatari so se do konca 19. stoletja, ko se je ponovno uvedel etnonim Tatar, imeli za Muslimane.
Up to the end of the 19th century, Volga Tatars mainly identified themselves as Muslims until the rehabilitation of the ethnonym Tatar occurred.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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