Zakon o varstvu pri delu oor Engels

Zakon o varstvu pri delu

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federal job safety law

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occupational safety and health act

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Pospešujejo se le ukrepi, ki izhajajo iz nove zakonodaje v zvezi z varstvom dela (Zakon o varstvu pri delu) in ki inovativno rešujejo vprašanja ustvarjanja zdravih delovnih sredstev, delovnih mest in delovnih procesov.
Aid will be granted only to measures that go beyond the new labour-protection legislation and take account in an innovative fashion of matters to do with the development of means of work, jobs and work processes conducive to the health of the workforce.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
V nasprotju s točko (a) naj nevarne snovi ne bi bile zajete s pojmom „delovna oprema“ v smislu člena 15 ASchG (Arbeitnehmerinnenschutzgesetz – avstrijski zakon o varstvu pri delu) oz. člena 15 B-BSG (Bundesbedienstetenschutzgesetz – avstrijski zakon o varnosti in zdravstvenem varstvu javnih uslužbencev).
Contrary to Article 13(2)(b), the concept of ‘work equipment’ within the meaning of Article 15 of the ArbeitnehmerInnenschutzgesetz (ASchG) (Law on the Protection of Workers) and Article 15 of the Bundesbedienstetenschutzgesetz (B-BSG) (Law on the Protection of Federal State Personnel) does not cover dangerous substances.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
9 V finskem zakonu o zdravstvenem varstvu pri delu 1383/2001 (Työterveyshuoltolaki) je urejena obveznost tako javnega kot tudi zasebnega delodajalca, da za svoje delojemalce uredita zdravstveno varstvo pri delu.
9 Finnish law 1383/2001 on occupational health care (Työterveyshuoltolaki) requires public and private employers to protect the health of their employees at work.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
13 – Ta zakon spreminja zakon o statusu uradnikov iz leta 1979, zakon o pogodbenih uslužbencih iz leta 1948, zakon o sodniški službi, zvezni zakon o zastopanju osebja, zakon o varstvu mater iz leta 1979 in zvezni zakon o varnosti in zdravju pri delu (BGB1.
13 – That Law, in turn, amends the 1979 Law on the Status of Public Sector Employees, the 1948 Law on Contractual Agents, the Law on the Magistrates Service, the Federal Law on Workers’ Representation, the 1979 Maternity Protection Law and the Federal Law on Health and Safety at Work (BGBl.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
12 V skladu s členom 7 zakona 1383/2001 lahko delodajalec storitve zdravstvenega varstva pri delu organizira v smislu tega zakona s tem, da kupuje potrebne storitve pri „zdravstvenem domu“ v smislu zakona 66/1972 o javnem zdravju (kansanterveyslaki), da potrebne storitve zdravstvenega varstva pri delu organizira sam ali skupaj z drugimi delodajalci ali da jih prejema od druge službe ali osebe, ki lahko opravlja storitve zdravstvenega varstva pri delu.
12 Under Paragraph 7 of Law 1383/2001, an employer may organise occupational health care services within the meaning of that law by acquiring the services he needs from a ‘health centre’, within the meaning of Law 66/1972 on Public Health (Kansanterveyslaki), arranging, himself or together with other employers, the occupational health care services needed or by acquiring the services in question from another entity or person entitled to provide occupational health care services.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
25. in 38. člen zakona o varstvu pri delu;
Articles 25 and 38 of the Occupational Safety Act;ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Po zakonu o varstvu osebnih podatkov je inšpektor neodvisen in ne sme biti podrejen nobenemu drugemu javnemu uslužbencu ali organu, pri opravljanju svojega dela se ravna po gruzijski ustavi, mednarodnih sporazumih, zakonu o varstvu osebnih podatkov in drugih ustreznih normativnih aktih in statutih.
According to the Law on PDP, the Inspector is independent; he or she should not be subordinate to any other public official or body and, in his or her work, the Inspector is guided by the Constitution of Georgia, international agreements, the Law on PDP, and other relevant normative acts and statutes.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Športno-rekreativno potapljanje, turistično potapljanje ter potapljanje v gospodarstvu ali za posebne potrebe v Republiki Hrvaški je urejeno s Pravilnikom o opravljanju podvodnih aktivnosti, Zakonom o delu in Zakonom o varstvu pri delu.
Recreational and sports diving, holiday diving, as well as commercial diving or special-purpose diving in Croatia are governed by the Regulations on Conducting Underwater Activities, the Labour Act and the Safety-at-Work Act.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
(32) Med izvajanjem koncesije se uporabljajo veljavni zakoni, predpisi in kolektivne pogodbe na nacionalni ravni in ravni Unije o pogojih zaposlovanja in varstvu pri delu, če so takšna pravila in njihova uporaba v skladu z zakonodajo Unije.
(32) The laws, regulations and collective agreements, at both national and European Union level, which are in force in the areas of employment conditions and safety at work should apply during performance of a concession, providing that such rules, and their application, comply with Union law.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Delavci morajo biti v svojem maternem jeziku obveščeni o zakonih, sporazumih in praksi, na primer v zvezi z mezdami in plačami, organizacijami, socialnim varstvom, davki in pogoji o varstvu pri delu. Hkrati mora EU spoštovati vlogo partnerjev v kolektivnih pogodbah in se zato ne sme spuščati v sprejemanje predpisov na področjih, ki so v pristojnosti nacionalnih kolektivnih pogodb.
Workers should be briefed in their own language about the host country's laws, agreements and practices as regards pay, organisations, social security, taxation, the rules on working conditions, etc., while at the same time the EU should respect the role of the contracting parties and not legislate in areas that are covered by national agreements.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ker je mogoča omejena primerjava vsaj glede plačila med porodniškim dopustom in odsotnostjo z dela zaradi bolezni, za namene presoje, ali je S. Gassmayr upravičena do dodatka, ni pomembno, ali se zanjo uporablja avstrijski zakon o varstvu materinstva, člena 5 in 6 Direktive o pogojih dela in zaščiti pred dejavnostmi, pri katerih je delavka izpostavljena tveganjem, ali člen 141 ES glede enakega plačila.
Since it is possible to make this limited comparison between maternity leave and sick leave, at least in respect of remuneration, it is irrelevant, for the purpose of assessing whether Dr Gassmayr is entited to the allowance, whether she is covered by the provisions of the Austrian law on maternity protection, Articles 5 and 6 of the Directive on working conditions and protection from activities where an employee is exposed to risk or Article 141 EC on equal pay.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
8 Legea nr. 677/2001 pentru protecția persoanelor cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal și libera circulație a acestor date (zakon št. 677/2001 o varstvu posameznikov pri obdelavi osebnih podatkov in o prostem pretoku takih podatkov) (Monitorul Oficial, del I, št. 790 z dne 12. decembra 2001), kakor je bil spremenjen z zakonom št. 102/2005 in urgentno uredbo vlade št. 36/2007, ki se ratione temporis uporabi za spor o glavni stvari, je bil sprejet za prenos Direktive 95/46 v romunsko pravo.
8 Legea nr. 677/2001 pentru protecția persoanelor cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal și libera circulație a acestor date (Law No 677/2001 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data) (Monitorul Oficial, Part I, No 790 of 12 December 2001), as amended by Law No 102/2005 and Government Emergency Order No 36/2007, applicable ratione temporis to the main proceedings, was adopted in order to transpose Directive 95/46 into Romanian law.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
dokumente, do katerih ni dostopa ali do katerih režimi dostopa omejujejo dostop zaradi varstva osebnih podatkov, ter dele dokumentov, do katerih ti režimi dovoljujejo dostop, vendar vsebujejo osebne podatke, katerih ponovna uporaba je z zakonom opredeljena kot nezdružljiva s pravom o varstvu posameznikov pri obdelavi osebnih podatkov;“;
documents access to which is excluded or restricted by virtue of the access regimes on the grounds of protection of personal data, and parts of documents accessible by virtue of those regimes which contain personal data the re-use of which has been defined by law as being incompatible with the law concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data;’;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
dokumente, do katerih ni dostopa ali do katerih režimi dostopa omejujejo dostop zaradi varstva osebnih podatkov, ter dele dokumentov, do katerih ti režimi dovoljujejo dostop, vendar vsebujejo osebne podatke, katerih ponovna uporaba je z zakonom opredeljena kot nezdružljiva s pravom o varstvu posameznikov pri obdelavi osebnih podatkov;“;
documents access to which is excluded or restricted by virtue of the access regimes on the grounds of protection of personal data, and parts of documents accessible by virtue of those regimes which contain personal data the re-use of which has been defined by law as being incompatible with the law concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data;";not-set not-set
(cc) dokumente, do katerih ni dostopa ali do katerih režimi dostopa omejujejo dostop zaradi varstva osebnih podatkov, ter dele dokumentov, do katerih ti režimi dovoljujejo dostop, vendar vsebujejo osebne podatke, katerih ponovna uporaba je z zakonom opredeljena kot nezdružljiva s pravom o varstvu posameznikov pri obdelavi osebnih podatkov;
(cc) documents access to which is excluded or restricted by virtue of the access regimes on the grounds of protection of personal data, and parts of documents accessible by virtue of those regimes which contain personal data the re-use of which has been defined by law as being incompatible with the law concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Navedena direktiva se zlasti ne bi smela uporabljati za dokumente, do katerih ni dostopa ali do katerih režimi dostopa omejujejo dostop zaradi varstva osebnih podatkov, ter dele dokumentov, do katerih ti režimi dovoljujejo dostop, vendar vsebujejo osebne podatke, katerih ponovna uporaba je z zakonom opredeljena kot nezdružljiva s pravom o varstvu posameznikov pri obdelavi osebnih podatkov.
In particular, that Directive should not apply to documents to which access is excluded or restricted by virtue of the access regimes on the grounds of protection of personal data, and parts of documents accessible by virtue of those regimes which contain personal data the re-use of which has been provided for by law as being incompatible with the law concerning the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Delodajalci morajo za izpolnitev svoje obveznosti zagotavljanja varstva delavcev pred nesrečami pri delu skleniti zavarovanje pri zavarovalnici, pooblaščeni za zavarovanje tveganj v skladu z zakonom o nezgodnem zavarovanju delavcev (tapaturmavakuutuslaki) iz leta 1982, kakor je bil spremenjen leta 1992 (v nadaljevanju: zakon o nezgodnem zavarovanju).
Employers, in order to satisfy their obligation to provide for their workers’ safety as regards accidents at work, are required to take out insurance with an insurance company approved to insure the risks covered by the Law on accident insurance (tapaturmavakuutuslaki) of 1982, as amended in 1992 (‘the Law on accident insurance’).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
17 To sodišče je z odločbo z dne 20. junija 2011 presodilo, da nobeno delo komentatorjev, snemalcev in režiserjev pri prenosu tekem hokeja na ledu, gledano posamično ali skupaj, ne predstavlja izvirnosti, ki jo zakon (1960:729) o avtorski pravici na umetniških in literarnih delih določa kot pogoj za varstvo avtorske pravice.
17 By a decision of 20 June 2011, that court found that no part of the commentators’, cameramen’s or picture producers’ work on the broadcasts of the ice hockey matches, taken on its own merits or some or all of those parts taken together, reached the level of originality required for copyright protection under the upphovsrättslagen.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Cilji tega predloga so v skladu z Listino Evropske unije o temeljnih pravicah, zlasti s pravicami, ki so zaščitene na podlagi členov 20 (enakost pred zakonom), 31 (pošteni in pravični delovni pogoji) in 32 (prepoved dela otrok in varstvo mladih pri delu).
The objectives of this proposal are in line with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, in particular the rights protected under Articles 20 (Equality before the law), 31 (Fair and just working conditions) and 32 (Prohibition of child labour and protection of young people at work).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
je seznanjen s predlogi Komisije o uporabi neobvezujočih instrumentov, kjer obvezujoči zakoni niso izvedljivi ali ustrezni, da se državam članicam omogoči prožnost pri iskanju rešitev, ki bi privedle do najboljših rezultatov na področju zdravja in varstva pri delu v njihovih posebnih razmerah;
Notes the Commission's proposals to use non-binding instruments where binding laws are not feasible or appropriate, allowing Member States the flexibility to find solutions that deliver the best health and safety outcomes in their particular circumstances;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
je seznanjen s predlogi Komisije o uporabi neobvezujočih instrumentov, kjer obvezujoči zakoni niso izvedljivi ali ustrezni, da se državam članicam omogoči prožnost pri iskanju rešitev, ki bi privedle do najboljših rezultatov na področju zdravja in varstva pri delu v njihovih posebnih razmerah
Notes the Commission's proposals to use non-binding instruments where binding laws are not feasible or appropriate, allowing Member States the flexibility to find solutions that deliver the best health and safety outcomes in their particular circumstancesoj4 oj4
Države članice lahko v zakonu ali kolektivnih pogodbah določijo podrobnejša pravila za zagotovitev varstva pravic in svoboščin v zvezi z obdelavo osebnih podatkov zaposlenih v okviru zaposlitve, zlasti za namene zaposlovanja, izvajanja pogodbe o zaposlitvi, vključno z izpolnjevanjem obveznosti, določenih z zakonom ali kolektivnimi pogodbami, upravljanja, načrtovanja in organizacije dela, enakosti in raznolikosti na delovnem mestu, zdravja in varnosti pri delu, varstva lastnine zaposlenih ali potrošnikov in za namene individualnega ali kolektivnega izvajanja in uživanja pravic in ugodnosti, povezanih z zaposlitvijo, ter za namene prekinitve delovnega razmerja.
Member States may, by law or by collective agreements, provide for more specific rules to ensure the protection of the rights and freedoms in respect of the processing of employees' personal data in the employment context, in particular for the purposes of the recruitment, the performance of the contract of employment, including discharge of obligations laid down by law or by collective agreements, management, planning and organisation of work, equality and diversity in the workplace, health and safety at work, protection of employer's or customer's property and for the purposes of the exercise and enjoyment, on an individual or collective basis, of rights and benefits related to employment, and for the purpose of the termination of the employment relationship.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
74 sinne gevind in 74 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.