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tridimenzionalna znamka v obliki bele brušene steklenice, za proizvode iz razreda 33 – prijava št. 32532
Three-dimensional mark in the shape of a frosted white bottle for goods in Class 33 – Application No 32532EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Sodba Sodišča prve stopnje (tretji senat) z dne 4. oktobra 2006 – Freixenet proti UUNT (Oblika bele brušene steklenice)
Judgment of the Court of First Instance (Third Chamber) of 4 October 2006 – Freixenet v OHIM (Shape of a frosted white bottle)EurLex-2 EurLex-2
V limuzini je brušena steklenica viskija.
There's a cut-glass battle of Scotch in the limo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
– V limuzini je brušena steklenica viskija.
There's a cut-glass bottle of Scotch in the limo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sodba Sodišča prve stopnje z dne 4. oktobra 2006 — Freixenet proti UUNT (Oblika bele brušene steklenice)
Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 4 October 2006 — Freixenet v OHIM (Shape of a frosted white bottle)EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Odločba odbora za pritožbe: Zavrnitev pritožbe; odločba, sprejeta na podlagi sodbe Sodišča prve stopnje v zadevi Freixenet proti UUNT (T-#/#) (Oblika bele brušene steklenice
Decision of the Board of Appeal: Dismissal of the appeal; decision taken following the judgment of the Court of First Instance in Case T-#/# Freixenet v OHIM (shape of a frosted white bottleoj4 oj4
Odločba odbora za pritožbe: Zavrnitev pritožbe; odločba, sprejeta na podlagi sodbe Sodišča prve stopnje v zadevi Freixenet proti UUNT (T-190/04) (Oblika bele brušene steklenice)
Decision of the Board of Appeal: Dismissal of the appeal; decision taken following the judgment of the Court of First Instance in Case T-190/04 Freixenet v OHIM (shape of a frosted white bottle)EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Tožba zoper odločbo četrtega odbora za pritožbe UUNT z dne 11. februarja 2004 (Zadeva R 97/2001-4) glede registracije znamke, v obliki bele brušene steklenice, kot znamke Skupnosti.
Action for annulment of the decision of the Fourth Board of Appeal of OHIM of 11 February 2004 (Case R 97/2001-4) concerning registration of a mark in the form of a frosted white bottle as a Community trade markEurLex-2 EurLex-2
ex 70.10 | Steklenice iz brušenega stekla | Brušenje steklenic, katerih vrednost ne presega 50 % vrednosti pridobljenega izdelka |
ex 70.10 | Cut-glass bottles | Cutting of bottles the value of which does not exceed 50 % of the value of the product obtained |EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(„Znamka Skupnosti - Oblika bele brušene steklenice - Absolutni razlog za zavrnitev - Člen 7(1)(b) Uredbe (ES) št. 40/94 - Odsotnost razlikovalnega učinka - Kršitev pravic obrambe - Člen 73 Uredbe št. 40/94“)
(Community trade mark - Shape of a frosted white bottle - Absolute ground of refusal - Article 7(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94 - Lack of distinctive character - Infringement of the rights of the defence - Article 73 of Regulation No 40/94)EurLex-2 EurLex-2
„Znamka Skupnosti – Oblika bele brušene steklenice – Absolutni razlog za zavrnitev – Člen 7(1)(b) Uredbe (ES) št. 40/94 – Neobstoj razlikovalnega učinka – Kršitev pravic obrambe – Člen 73 Uredbe št. 40/94“
Community trade mark – Shape of a frosted white bottle – Absolute ground for refusal – Article 7(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94 – Lack of distinctive character – Infringement of the rights of the defence – Article 73 of Regulation No 40/94EurLex-2 EurLex-2
14 Namen tega, da je Sodišče prve stopnje pristojno za spremembo, je, da to sprejme odločbo, ki bi jo moral sprejeti odbor za pritožbe v skladu z določbami Uredbe št. 40/94 (glej v tem smislu sodbo Sodišča prve stopnje z dne 4. oktobra 2006 v zadevi Freixenet proti UUNT (Oblika bele brušene steklenice), T-190/04, neobjavljena v ZOdl., točki 16 in 17).
14 The jurisdiction of the Court to alter decisions operates to the effect that the Court adopts the decision which the Board of Appeal ought to have taken, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation No 40/94 (see, to that effect, judgment of 4 October 2006 in Case T‐190/04 Freixenet v OHIM (Shape of a frosted white bottle), not published in the ECR, paragraphs 16 and 17).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Steklenice iz brušenega stekla
CUT-GLASS BOTTLESeurlex eurlex
40/94. Taka odločitev sodi med ukrepe, ki jih Sodišče prve stopnje lahko sprejme na podlagi svoje pristojnosti spremeniti odločbo (glej v tem smislu sodbi Sodišča prve stopnje z dne 8. julija 2004 v zadevi MFE Marienfelde proti UUNT – Vétoquinol (HIPOVITON), T-334/01, ZOdl., str. II-2787, točka 19, in z dne 4. oktobra 2006 v zadevi Freixenet proti UUNT (Oblika bele brušene steklenice), T-190/04, ZOdl., str. II-79, točka 17].
Such a decision falls within the measures which may be taken by the Court of First Instance in the exercise of its power to amend decisions (see, to that effect, Case T-334/01 MFE Marienfelde v OHIM – Vétoquinol (HIPOVITON) [2004] ECR II‐2787, paragraph 19, and Case T-190/04 Freixenet v OHIM (Shape of a white emerised bottle) [2006] ECR II‐79, paragraph 17).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Najprej je treba opozoriti, da je tožeča stranka s predlogom Splošnemu sodišču, naj ugotovi ničnost izpodbijane znamke, na podlagi člena 65(3) Uredbe št. 207/2009 oblikovala predlog za spremembo, katerega namen je, da Splošno sodišče sprejme odločbo, ki bi jo moral sprejeti odbor za pritožbe (glej v tem smislu sodbo Splošnega sodišča z dne 4. oktobra 2006 v zadevi Freixenet proti UUNT (Oblika bele brušene steklenice), T-190/04, neobjavljena v ZOdl., točki 16 in 17).
First of all, it must be noted that, in requesting the Court to declare the contested mark invalid, the applicant has made an application for alteration, under Article 65(3) of Regulation No 207/2009, asking the Court to adopt the decision that the Board of Appeal ought to have taken (see, to that effect, judgment of 4 October 2006 in Case T-190/04 Freixenet v OHIM (Shape of a frosted white bottle), not published in the ECR, paragraphs 16 and 17).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Aluminijev oksid, standardiziran po Brockmannu: sežiga se # ur pri # °C, ohladi v eksikatorju in shrani v rjavo steklenico z zamaškom iz brušenega stekla
Aluminium oxide, standardized according to Brockmann: ash for # hours at # oC, cool in a desiccator and keep in a brown glass bottle fitted with a ground-glass stoppereurlex eurlex
Doda se # ml anhidrida ocetne kisline p. a. Raztopina se hrani v hladilniku v rjavi steklenici z zamaškom iz brušenega stekla, kjer se lahko pusti več tednov
Add # ml acetic anhydride a.p. Keep in a refrigerator in a brown glass bottle with ground-glass stopper. The solution keeps for several weekseurlex eurlex
Izdelki iz stekla, votli izdelki iz stekla, umetniško-industrijski izdelki iz stekla, uporabni stekleni izdelki, kristalno in barvano steklo, stiskano steklo, gladko steklo, oplemeniteno steklo (gravirano), brušeno, barvano, pozlačeno, jedkano, metalurško in kakorkoli drugače okrašeno steklo, izdelki iz kateregakoli zgoraj omenjenega stekla, in sicer namizni servisi in kompleti za pitje, vključno s steklenimi vazami, skledami, vrči, posodami, pepelniki, krožniki, svečniki, zvonci, obtežilniki, pokali, kelihi, steklenicami in katerimikoli okrasnimi predmeti
Articles of glassware, hollow glassware, applied arts glassware, utility glass, crystal and coloured glass, pressed glass, smooth glass, refined glass, including engraved, cut, painted, gilded, etched and decorated frigger and glass decorated using any other decorating technique and manufactured of any aforementioned glass, sets of tableware of glass and beverage glass, including glass vases, bowls, jugs and tankards, bottles, ashtrays, plates, candlesticks, bells, weights, cups, small stemless glasses, glasses and any other decorative objectstmClass tmClass
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