delovati oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Sloweens - Engels


to respond to information
Take sklade lahko upravljajo stranke, ki pri odločanju o sredstvih sklada delujejo neodvisno.
Such funds may be administered by parties who act independently in managing fund assets.
Open Multilingual Wordnet


Oblikoval bi se postopoma v treh fazah, v celoti pa naj bi začel delovati do leta 2024.
It would be built gradually, in three phases, and should be fully operational by 2024.
Open Multilingual Wordnet


Hej, če bo to delovalo, ti kupim cel sod.
Hey, this works, I'll buy you a keg.
Open Multilingual Wordnet

En 44 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

function · serve · run · do · engage · behave · go · play · control · move · influence · lock · exercise · come · kick · perform · roll · to appear · to be active · to be in working order · to have an effect · to seem · to work · turn · form · exploit · forge · shape · mold · manoeuvre · dally · manoeuver · ferment · trifle · mould · maneuver · sour · mesh · act on · act upon · do work · operate on · put to work · work out

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

slabo delovati
ki deluje
up and running
program, ki deluje v gručah
cluster-aware application
nepravilno delovati
univerza deluje avtonómno
the university operates autonomously
stroj ne deluje
the machine is not working
vzajemno delovati
razmišljaj globálno, deluj lokalno
think globally, act locally


Advanced filtering
Finančni instrumenti, vzpostavljeni na ravni Unije, lahko zagotovijo želeni hitri odziv le, če delujejo v skladu z dvema pogojema.
The financial instruments set up at Union level can only deliver the desired fast response if their functioning respects two conditions.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Danska poudarja, da sklenitev sporazumov z družbo Ryanair iz leta 1999 ni zahtevala nobene naložbe s strani letališča Aarhus, saj je le to delovalo z le 40 % svojih zmogljivosti.
Denmark points out that the 1999 Ryanair agreements did not require any investments from Aarhus airport, because the airport was only operated at 40 % of its capacity.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Pomožna strategija za nadzor emisij (AECS), ki deluje v pogojih uporabe, opredeljenih v točki in ki pomeni uporabo drugačne ali spremenjene strategije za nadzor emisij (ECS) od tiste, ki se navadno uporablja pri preskusnih ciklih emisij, ki se uporabljajo, bo dovoljena, če se, ob skladnosti z zahtevami iz točke 6.1.7, v celoti pokaže, da ukrepi ne zmanjšujejo trajne učinkovitosti sistema za nadzor emisij.
An auxiliary emission control strategy (AECS) that operates within the conditions of use specified in section and which results in the use of a different or modified emission control strategy (ECS) to that normally employed during the applicable emission test cycles will be permitted if, in complying with the requirements of section 6.1.7, it is fully demonstrated that the measure does not permanently reduce the effectiveness of the emission control system.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Sodišče je v sodbi Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund(3) že imelo priložnost presojati, ali je Oberster Gerichtshof ob izvajanju svojih posvetovalnih pristojnosti na področju delovnega prava delovalo kot „sodišče“ v smislu člena 267 PDEU.
The Court previously had occasion to examine in Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund (3) whether, in the exercise of its jurisdiction to give advisory opinions on employment matters, the Oberster Gerichtshof acted as a ‘court or tribunal’ within the meaning of Article 267 TFEU.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(3) kakršne koli prihodnje terjatve, ki jih imajo lahko ladjarske družbe za vzajemno zavarovanje ali ladjarske družbe, ki delujejo po načelu vzajemnosti s spremenljivimi prispevki in ki zavarujejo samo tveganja, razvrščena v razredih 6, 12 in 17 v delu A Priloge I, do svojih članov s pozivom za dodatne prispevke v naslednjih 12 mesecih, se razvrstijo v stopnjo 2.
(3) any future claims which mutual or mutual-type associations of shipowners with variable contributions solely insuring risks listed in classes 6, 12 and 17 in Part A of Annex I may have against their members by way of a call for supplementary contributions, within the following 12 months, shall be classified in Tier 2.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
spodbuja države članice k izmenjavi informacij in zgledov dobre prakse o razmerah v zavodih za prestajanje kazni zapora, zlasti v tistih za ženske, in na področju učinkovitosti ukrepov za poklicno usposabljanje in ponovno vključevanje v družbo; meni, da je treba pri tem spodbujati in financirati sodelovanje organov in neposredno vpletenih strani pri oblikovanju inovativnih programov in zgledov dobre prakse ter na nacionalnih in mednarodnih kongresih in razpravah, kar bo delovalo kot motivacijski dejavnik in ustvarjalo pozitivno energijo
Encourages Member States to exchange information and best practice in relation to prison conditions, in particular those for women, and in relation to the effectiveness of vocational training and social reintegration measures; considers it important, therefore, to encourage and finance the involvement of the authorities and actors on the ground in the creation of innovative programmes and best practices, as well as in national and international conferences and debates, as a means of providing motivation and generating positive cooperationoj4 oj4
Od datuma začetka veljavnosti te uredbe SDT KNVS v Uniji delujejo samo kot:
As from the date of the entry into force of this Regulation, CNAV MMFs shall operate in the Union only as:EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Vodja enote lahko sekundarnim članom skupne preiskovalne enote v skladu s predpisi države članice, v kateri deluje enota, zaupa nalogo, da izvedejo določene preiskovalne ukrepe, kadar to odobrijo pristojni organi države članice, v kateri deluje enota, in sekundarne države članice.
Seconded members of the joint investigation team may, in accordance with the law of the Member State where the team operates, be entrusted by the leader of the team with the task of taking certain investigative measures where this has been approved by the competent authorities of the Member State of operation and the seconding Member State.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
100 Po drugi strani je ta dejavnost koordiniranja in upravljanja, zaupana zavodu NOS, omejena na javne radiotelevizijske postaje in povezana z njihovo gospodarsko dejavnostjo ponujanja in razširjanja televizijskih programov, čeprav na nacionalni ravni deluje več komercialnih radiotelevizijskih postaj (točka 18 obrazložitve izpodbijane odločbe).
100 On the other hand, the coordination and management role entrusted to the NOS relates only to the public broadcasters and is linked to their economic activity of providing and distributing television programmes, despite the fact that there are several commercial broadcasters operating on a national level (recital 18 of the contested decision).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Moj sistem deluje na katran.
My system's used to running on more tar.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
1. lebdenje brez talnega učinka (HOGE) z vsemi delujočimi motorji, ki delujejo z ustrezno nazivno močjo, ali
(1) a hover out of ground effect (HOGE) with all engines operating at the appropriate power rating; orEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ko se začneš z nekom pogovarjati, deluje avtomatično.To je vse
If you speak with somebody, it automatically starts working, that' s allopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
(a) Če lahko oprema deluje v obeh prikazih, je na voljo možnost preklopa med navigacijskim prikazom in informacijskim prikazom.
(a) If the equipment is able to work in both operation modes it shall provide for the possibility of switching between navigation mode and information mode.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Sicer je treba priznati, da varstvo otrok dvojčkov deluje kot sinergija.
It must be acknowledged that looking after twins involves synergies.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Zelo dobro deluje, če se vsi »opašejo s ponižnostjo«.
How pleasant it is when all ‘gird themselves with lowliness of mind toward one another’!jw2019 jw2019
Sprejemniki za radiodifuzijo, ki lahko delujejo brez zunanjega vira energije, kombinirani z aparatom za snemanje ali za reprodukcijo zvoka (razen radio kasetofonov žepne velikosti)
Radio-broadcast receivers capable of operating without an external source of power, combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus (excl. pocket-size radiocassette players)Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Satelitske zemeljske postaje in sistemi (SES) – Sprejemniki globalnih navigacijskih satelitskih sistemov (GNSS) – Radijska oprema, ki deluje v frekvenčnem območju od 1 164 MHz do 1 300 MHz in od 1 559 MHz do 1 610 MHz – Harmonizirani standard, ki zajema bistvene zahteve člena 3.2 direktive 2014/53/EU
Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES); Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers; Radio equipment operating in the 1 164 MHz to 1 300 MHz and 1 559 MHz to 1 610 MHz frequency bands; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EUEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Težke politične razmere, vključno s pritiskom iz leta 2012, da enota 2 ponovno začne delovati, so minile in Litva je izpolnila svoje obveze v okviru pristopa.
The difficult political climate, with pressure to restart Unit 2 in 2012, has passed and Lithuania kept its accession commitments.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Država članica gostiteljica lahko člane skupin pooblasti, da delujejo v njenem imenu.
The host Member State may authorise members of the teams to act on its behalf.not-set not-set
Če pa pooblaščeni zastopnik proizvajalca iz tretje države dobavi proizvod distributerju ali potrošniku v EU, ne deluje več le kot pooblaščeni zastopnik, ampak postane uvoznik in zanj veljajo obveznosti uvoznikov.
If however, the authorised representative of a third country manufacturer supplies a product to a distributor or a consumer within the EU, he then no longer acts as a mere authorised representative but becomes the importer and is subject to the obligations of importers.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Za sisteme, ki delujejo v pasovnih širinah, večjih kot 10 kHz, velja skupna poljska jakost – 5 dΒμΑ/m na 10 metrov.
Furthermore the total field strength is – 5 dΒμΑ/m at 10 m for systems operating at bandwidths larger than 10 kHzEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ali luči, brisalci, hupa, varnostni pasovi in okna delujejo?
Do the lights, wipers, horn, seat belts, and windows work?jw2019 jw2019
Opozarja, da morajo po njegovih ugotovitvah mala in srednje velika podjetja „iskati nasvete in podporo socialnega in gospodarskega okolja, v katerem delujejo, saj bi težko sama izvajala celotne izobraževalne programe.
It has argued that ‘... SMEs (...) are obliged to seek the advice and support of the social and economic environment in which they operate, since it is difficult for them to carry out complete educational actions by themselves’ (16).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Storitve pomoči pri upravljanju ali vodenju podjetij, vključujoč takšne, ki delujejo v franšiznem režimu, zlasti protipožarna vrata
Business management assistance, including those relating to franchises, in particular fire-resistant doorstmClass tmClass
Udeleženke, ki delujejo pod okriljem Sveta za blagovno menjavo, o teh podrobnih določbah obvestijo druge članice STO in države ali ločena carinska območja, ki so v postopku pristopanja k STO, in začnejo posvetovanja, da bi olajšale njihovo udeležbo pri širitvi trgovine z izdelki informacijske tehnologije na podlagi te deklaracije.
Participants acting under the auspices of the Council for Trade in Goods shall inform other Members of the WTO and States or separate customs territories in the process of acceding to the WTO of these modalities and initiate consultations with a view to facilitate their participation in the expansion of trade in information technology products on the basis of the Declaration.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
202 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.