izpolnjevati oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Sloweens - Engels


Ponudbe, ki izpolnjujejo razpisne pogoje, bo ocenil odbor za ocenjevanje, ki ga bo oblikovala ministrica.
Bids that meet the tender specifications will be evaluated by an evaluation committee set up by the Minister.
Open Multilingual Wordnet


Slovaška izpolnjuje potrebne pogoje za uvedbo enotne valute.
Slovakia fulfils the necessary conditions for the adoption of the single currency.
Open Multilingual Wordnet


Države članice na splošno zelo dobro izpolnjujejo svoje zahteve glede sporočanja.
Member States in general comply with their reporting requirements fairly well.
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ne izpolnjevati
izpolnjevati pogoje
to meet the requirements
regija, ki izpolnjuje pogoje
eligible region
izpolnjevati obred
ritualise · ritualize


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Države članice lahko odločijo, da kreditne institucije, ki ne izpolnjujejo pogojev v zvezi z ločenimi lastnimi sredstvi in ki so obstajale 15. decembra 1979, lahko še naprej poslujejo.
Member States may decide that credit institutions which do not fulfil the requirement of separate own funds and which were in existence on 15 December 1979 may continue to carry on their business.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ta modul opisuje tisti del postopka, s katerim priglašeni organ ugotovi in potrdi, da vzorec, reprezentativen za predvideno proizvodnjo, izpolnjuje določbe Direktive 96/48/ES in TSI, ki se uporabljajo zanj glede primernosti za uporabo, kakor je treba dokazati s tipsko validacijo na podlagi izkušenj pri obratovanju.
This module describes that part of the procedure by which a notified body ascertains and attests that a specimen, representative of the production envisaged, meets the provisions of Directive 96/48/EC and of the TSI that apply to it for suitability for use, to be demonstrated by type validation by in service experience.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
A.42 Priloge II (Del 145) k Uredbi (EU) št. 1321/2014, ki jo je Nemčija odobrila ter 25. februarja 2020 priglasila Komisiji, Agenciji Evropske unije za varnost v letalstvu in drugim državam članicam, ki družbi Lufthansa Technik AG omogoča, da v nekaterih primerih ne izpolnjuje zahtev iz točke 145.
A.42 of Annex II (Part-145) to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014, granted by Germany, and notified to the Commission, the European Union Aviation Safety Agency and the other Member States on 25 February 2020, which allows Lufthansa Technik AG not to comply, in certain instances, with point 145.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Kadar nosilec v državi članici, po zakonodaji katere je oseba, ki ima poklicno bolezen , nazadnje opravljala dejavnost, ki bi lahko povzročila poklicno bolezen, ugotovi, da ta oseba ali preživela oseba ne izpolnjuje pogojev po zakonodaji, ki jo nosilec izvaja, ob upoštevanju določb člena 57(2), (3) in (4) uredbe, ta nosilec:
When the institution of the Member State under whose legislation the person suffering from the disease last pursued an activity which might cause the occupational disease in question ascertains that such person or his survivors do not satisfy the conditions of that legislation, taking into account the provisions of Article 57 (2), (3) and (4) of the Regulation, the said institution shall:EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(b) preučitev zahtevka pokaže, da država prosilka ali ozemlje, ki zaproša, izpolnjuje pogoje iz členov 8(1) in (2).
(b) an examination of the request shows that the requesting country or territory fulfils the conditions laid down in Article 8(1) and (2).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
ker izdelovanje tlačne opreme zahteva uporabo varnih materialov; ker je ob pomanjkanju usklajenih standardov koristno določiti lastnosti materialov, namenjenih za vnovično uporabo; ker je ta opredelitev določena v evropskih odobritvah za materiale, take odobritve pa izda eden od priglašenih organov, imenovanih posebej za to nalogo; ker se za materiale, ki so v skladu z evropskimi odobritvami, predvideva, da izpolnjujejo bistvene zahteve iz te direktive;
Whereas manufacturing of pressure equipment calls for the utilization of safe materials; whereas in the absence of harmonized standards it is useful to define the characteristics of the materials intended for repeated use; whereas this definition is established by European approvals for materials, such approvals being issued by one of the notified bodies specifically designated for that task; whereas the materials conforming to the European approvals shall be presumed to satisfy the essential requirements of this Directive;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
da se pravila državne pomoči v zvezi z gozdarstvom uskladijo s politiko razvoja podeželja, je treba pomoč za ukrepe v gozdarstvu, ki izpolnjuje pogoje iz členov 43–49 Uredbe (ES) št. 1698/2005, odobriti v skladu s tem poglavjem.
in order to make the State aid rules concerning forestry consistent with rural development policies, aid for forestry measures satisfying the conditions of Articles 43–49 of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 should be authorised under this Chapter.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Vendar mora izvoz teh izdelkov s poreklom iz Romunije izpolnjevati pogoje, določene v Dodatku C k temu protokolu.
However, exports of these products originating in Romania must meet the conditions laid down in Appendix C to this Protocol.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Države članice zagotovijo, da proizvajalci, ki zaprosijo za odobritev, izpolnjujejo vse obveznosti iz te direktive.
Member States shall ensure that manufacturers applying for approval comply with their obligations under this Directive.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Med posvetovanji s Komisijo je bila predlagana tudi možnost razširitve določb direktive, da se tudi strokovnim organom v nepremičninskem sektorju omogoči prevzem odgovornosti za spremljanje in zagotavljanje skladnosti na področju preprečevanja pranja denarja, če izpolnjujejo pogoje iz člena 37(2) tretje direktive o pranju denarja.
It has also been suggested, in the course of the Commission's consultations, that consideration might be given to the possibility of extending the Directive’s provisions to allow professional bodies in the real estate sector to also take on responsibilities for AML monitoring and ensuring compliance, provided that they meet the conditions set out in Article 37(2) of the Third AMLD.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Poljska ne izpolnjuje te določbe, saj tudi za begunce zahteva izpolnitev pogoja v zvezi s stanovanjem.
PL does not satisfy this provision as it imposes an accommodation condition on refugees too.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Kadar Švica meni, da usklajenost z usklajenim standardom ne izpolnjuje v celoti zahtev, določenih v zakonodaji iz oddelka I, zadevo predloži Odboru in za to navede razloge.
Where Switzerland considers that compliance with a harmonised standard does not entirely satisfy the requirements which are set out in the legislation listed in Section I, it shall bring the matter before the Committee and give its reasons.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Samo ukaze izpolnjujejo
You know they can' t do anything about it they just obey the systemopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
(ii) živalski stranski proizvodi ali iz njih pridobljeni proizvodi morajo izpolnjevati vse pogoje za odpremljanje pošiljk, ki so upravičeni za zaščito javnega zdravja in zdravja živali, za zagotovitev, da se z živalskimi stranskimi proizvodi in pridobljenimi proizvodi ravna v skladu s to uredbo.
(ii) the animal by-products or derived products must comply with any conditions for the dispatch of the consignment which are justified for the protection of public and animal health in order to ensure that animal by-products and derived products are handled in accordance with this Regulation.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Ni nujno, da se kontaktna točka ponudnika storitev gostovanja fizično nahaja v Uniji, in ponudnik storitev gostovanja lahko v ta namen imenuje katero koli obstoječo kontaktno točko, pod pogojem, da lahko ta izpolnjuje naloge, določene v tej uredbi.
The point of contact for the hosting service provider does not have to be located in the Union and the hosting service provider is free to nominate an existing point of contact, provided that this point of contact is able to fulfil the functions provided for in this Regulation.not-set not-set
„enakovredne svetilke“ pomeni svetilke, ki opravljajo isto funkcijo in so odobrene v državi registracije vozila; značilnosti takih svetilk se lahko razlikujejo od značilnosti svetilk, vgrajenih na vozilo ob homologaciji, če izpolnjujejo zahteve tega pravilnika;
‘Equivalent lamps’ means lamps having the same function and authorised in the country in which the vehicle is registered; such lamps may have different characteristics from those of the lamps with which the vehicle is equipped at the time of approval, on condition that they satisfy the requirements of this Regulation;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
uporaba se nanaša na skupni projekt, ki izpolnjuje merila iz točk (b) in (c) odstavka 2 in za katerega se bo uporabljal povezovalni daljnovod, ko začne obratovati, ter na količino električne energije, ki ne presega količine, ki se bo v Unijo izvažala po začetku obratovanja povezovalnega daljnovoda.
the application relates to a joint project that fulfils the criteria set out in points (b) and (c) of paragraph 2 and that will use the interconnector after it becomes operational, and to a quantity of electricity that is no greater than the quantity that will be exported to the Union after the interconnector becomes operational.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
To pomeni, da Unija skoraj deset let ni izpolnjevala svojih mednarodnih obveznosti.
This means that for almost 10 years the Union has not been complying with its international obligations.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Nobenemu okrasju in priboru ali drugim uporabljenim materialom, ki vsebujejo tekstil, ni treba izpolnjevati pogojev, določenih v stolpcu 3, čeprav niso zajeti z opombo 3.5.
Any non-textile trimmings and accessories or other materials used which contain textiles do not have to satisfy the conditions set out in column 3 even though they fall outside the scope of Note 3.5.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Samo za namen tega izračuna se posredniški zavarovalni holding ali posredniški mešani finančni holding obravnava kot zavarovalnica ali pozavarovalnica, za katero veljajo pravila iz pododdelkov 1, 2 in 3 oddelka 4 poglavja VI naslova I v zvezi z zahtevanim solventnostnim kapitalom, in kot da zanj veljajo enaki pogoji, kot so določeni v pododdelkih 1, 2 in 3 oddelka 3 poglavja VI naslova I v zvezi z lastnimi sredstvi, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje za zahtevani solventnostni kapital.
For the sole purpose of that calculation, the intermediate insurance holding company or intermediate mixed financial holding company shall be treated as if it were an insurance or reinsurance undertaking subject to the rules laid down in Subsections 1, 2 and 3 of Section 4 of Chapter VI of Title I in respect of the Solvency Capital Requirement and were subject to the same conditions as are laid down in Subsections 1, 2 and 3 of Section 3 of Chapter VI of Title I in respect of own funds eligible for the Solvency Capital Requirement.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Pomoč zato izpolnjuje pogoje in je združljiva s skupnim trgom –
The aid therefore fulfils the conditions for it to be considered compatible with the common market,EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Spričevala, ki potrjujejo, da imetnik izpolnjuje zahteve za opravljanje ene ali več dejavnosti iz člena 2(1), se podelijo za naslednje kategorije fizičnih oseb:
Certificates attesting that the holder fulfils the requirements to undertake one or more of the activities referred to in Article 2(1) shall be granted for the following categories of natural persons:EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(b) izpolnjujejo zahteve iz oddelka 3.
(b) comply with Section 3.not-set not-set
Nasprotno pa bi bil v primeru, v katerem bi davčna oprostitev veljala tudi za dohodke iz tujih hranilnih vlog, obdavčen davčni zavezanec sam in ne bi mogel uveljavljati terjatve od tuje finančne ustanove, ki ne bi izpolnjevala enega od pogojev za davčno oprostitev.
On the other hand, in the event that the exemption were extended to income from foreign savings accounts, the taxpayer himself would be taxed and could not make a claim against the foreign financial institution which failed to comply with one of the conditions for exemption.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Spričevalo Unije za plovbo po celinskih plovnih poteh se izda plovnim objektom, ki so bili izključeni iz področja uporabe Direktive Sveta 82/714/EGS (8), a so zajeti s to direktivo v skladu s členom 2(2) in (3), po tehničnem pregledu, opravljenem ob preteku veljavnosti obstoječega spričevala plovnega objekta, v vsakem primeru pa najpozneje 30. decembra 2018, s katerim se preveri, ali plovni objekt izpolnjuje tehnične zahteve iz Priloge II.
The Union inland navigation certificate shall be issued to craft excluded from the scope of Council Directive 82/714/EEC (8), but covered by this Directive in accordance with Article 2(2) and (3), following a technical inspection which shall be carried out upon expiry of the craft's current certificate, but in any case no later than 30 December 2018, to check whether the craft complies with the technical requirements of Annex II.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
205 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.