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Faraon Horemheb je začel vojni pohod proti Šasujem (egipčansko pohajkovalci), nomadskim pastirskim plemenom, ki so se preselila preko Jordana in ogrozili egipčansko trgovanje skozi Galilejo in Jezreel.
Pharaoh Horemhab campaigned against Shasu (Egyptian = "wanderers") or living in nomadic pastoralist tribes, who had moved across the Jordan to threaten Egyptian trade through Galilee and Jezreel.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mount Charleston je bil vedno vroča točka za smučarje in pohajkovalce in...
Mount Charleston always has been a hot spot for skiers and hikers and...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Urbani turisti, urbani pohajkovalci, 2003
Urban tourists, urban wonderers, 2003ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Urbani pohajkovalci, opremljeni s fotoaparati ali telefoni in kritičnimi prebliski: Ekvilib Inštitut vas vabi, da se pridružite projektu Gibanje za davčno pravičnost in se ob naslednjem branju ulice za trenutek pomudite pri detajlu, ki v vas izzove asociacijo na davčno (ne)pravičnost.
Urban wanderers, equipped with cameras or smartphones and critical insights: Ekvilib Institute is inviting you to join the Tax Justice Together project by observing and sharing your thoughts about tax (in)justice from your next urban walk.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
V primarnih asirskih zapisih se omenjajo kot Ahhlamu ali Pohajkovalci.
Contemporary Assyrian records refer to them as Ahhlamu or Wanderers.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Rušt se tako pridružuje drugim sprehajalcem in urbanim pohajkovalcem, sodobnim različicam Baudelairejevega flâneurja iz 19. stoletja, ki osebno doživljanje mestnega vsakdana pretvarjajo v fragmentirane vizualne podobe, pri tem pa mu fotografiranje s pomočjo pametnega telefona pomeni zgolj enega od možnih načinov kreativne rabe fotografije.
Matjaž Rušt thereby joins other walkers and urban wanderers, modern versions of Baudelaire’s flâneur of the 19th century, who transform their intimate experiences of urban everyday into fragmented visual images, and so the taking of pictures with a smart phone is merely one of many possible creative uses of photography.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In po teh pokrajinah se brezciljno potepajo novi cunjar, povsod prisotni pohajkovalec, družboslovec in novi kustos na svoji poti skozi mesto, ko iščejo nova običajna dejanja, da bi jih dekonstruirali ali prekomerno analizirali.
And it is through these landscapes that the new ragpicker, the ubiquitous flaneur, the social scientist and the new curator walk aimlessly though cities in search of new ordinary actions to be deconstructed, even over-analysed.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Rušt se tako pridružuje drugim sprehajalcem in urbanim pohajkovalcem, sodobnim različicam Baudelairejevega flâneurja iz 19. stoletja, ki osebno doživljanje mestnega vsakdana pretvarjajo v fragmentirane vizualne podobe, pri tem pa mu fotografiranje s pomočjo pametnega telefona pomeni zgolj enega od možnih načinov kreativne rabe fotografije.
Matjaž Rušt thereby joins other walkers and urban wanderers, modern versions of Baudelaire’s flâneur of the 19th century, who transform their intimate experiences of urban everyday into fragmented visual images, and so the taking of pictures with a smart phone is merely one of many possible creative uses of for all festival visitorsParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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