popustiti oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Sloweens - Engels


To make less tight.
Mogoče ti bo malo vode pomagalo popustiti pas.
Maybe a little water will help loosen your belt up.


To make less tight.
To je svarilo roki pravice, da ne sme popustiti prijema.
It is a warning to the hand of justice itself never to loose its grip.


(Efežanom 2:2) Mladeniči nevede popustijo pod takim hudobnim vplivom, ko imajo neželene in neljubljene otroke.
(Ephesians 2:2) Young men are unwittingly yielding to such wicked influence when they father unwanted and unloved children.
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Če želite kontrirati, bom verjetno popustil.
If you want to counter, I'll likely fold.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
2.3 Blokirani zavorni valj se lahko popusti samo, če je zagotovljeno, da bo po popuščanju zavorna naprava lahko zopet aktivirana.
2.3. The locked brake cylinder may only be released if it is certain that the brake can be operated again after such release.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Člen #b, kot ga je predlagala Komisija, se torej črta iz besedila Sveta in nadomesti z uvodno izjavo , ki se nanaša tudi na druga sredstva za zagotavljanje povračil, kot so popusti pri obdavčitvi goriva, pri čemer povzema idejo iz spremembe # Parlamenta
Article #b as proposed by the Commission is therefore deleted from the Council's text and replaced by recital # which refers also to other means of providing compensation such as reductions in fuel taxation, thus picking up on the idea found in Parliament's amendmentoj4 oj4
Kako je bil Sergej pod pritiskom, da bi popustil v svoji zvestovdanosti Bogu?
How was Sergei pressured to be disloyal to God?jw2019 jw2019
Strah me je bilo, da bi popustil, zato sem goreče molil k nebeškemu Očetu in ga prosil, naj me okrepi.
Afraid that I might give in, I prayed fervently, asking my heavenly Father to strengthen me.jw2019 jw2019
Popusti – Ne“, vendar je v njem vseeno takoj natančneje pojasnjeno, da „vendar, če se za neki album uporablja splošen popust pri trgovcih na drobno, bo znižanje povprečne maloprodajne cene, ki izhaja iz tega, očitno za celoten trg“.
Discounts – No’), but it immediately states ‘[a]lthough, if an album is discounted across retail the subsequent decrease in the general retail price will be obvious to the whole market’.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Komisija mora pogajanja zdaj obvezno upočasniti, popustiti in ponovno oceniti, kako lahko zagotovi, da ne bomo določili nesprejemljivih pogojev in škodovali manj razvitim državam.
Surely, the Commission must now step back, take the pressure off and reassess how it can ensure that we do not do the unthinkable and throw the non-LDCs to the wolves.Europarl8 Europarl8
12-krat ga je spravil na tla, preden je popustil.
Oh, now, I remember he knocked him down 12 times Before he finally succumbed.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Zatiralna vladavina ne bo trajala tako dolgo, da bi pravične osebe popustile pod bremenom in se morda v obupu zatekle h krivim potem, da bi se rešile, ali celo obrnile hrbet Stvarniku in postale hudobne. (Primerjaj Propovednik 7:7).
The oppressive rule will not be prolonged to such an extent that righteous persons crack under the strain and, perhaps in desperation, resort to improper ways for gaining relief or even turn their back on the Creator, becoming wicked themselves. —Compare Ecclesiastes 7:7.jw2019 jw2019
(b) tovrstni popusti ali znižanja povzročijo dejanske prihranke pri upravnih stroških ter
(b) such discounts or reductions lead to actual savings in administrative costs; andEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Če simptomi med uporabo zdravila ne popustijo po 2 dneh, se je treba posvetovati z zdravnikom ali usposobljenim zdravstvenim delavcem.
If the symptoms persist longer than two days during the use of the medicinal product, a doctor or a qualified healthcare practitioner should be consulted.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Down a bit.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Storitev informiranja na področju smernic, demonstracijski članki in videoposnetki, popusti in povezave do maloprodajnih spletnih strani tretjih oseb, vse to na področju lepotilnih sredstev
Providing of information in the field of trends, articles and demonstration videos, rewards and links to retail websites of others, all the aforesaid in the field of beauty preparationstmClass tmClass
- skupnimi popusti in rabati.
- total discounts and rebates.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Objavljeni seznam pristojbin, katerega del so bili popusti, je bil splošen in abstrakten, popusti so se samodejno uporabili za vse letalske prevoznike, ki so leteli z letališča Saarbrücken in so predložili ustrezne podatke, letališče pa ni imelo diskrecijske pravice pri uporabi popustov.
The published schedule of charges, of which the discounts were a part, was general and abstract in character, the discounts were automatically applied to all airlines operating from Saarbrücken that supplied the relevant data, and the airport had no discretion in applying the discounts.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
On ne bo popustil, dokler mu ne boš povedl.
He's not going to let up until you tell him.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nekaj bratov in sester je zaradi strahu in občutka nemoči popustilo takšnemu pritisku.
Frightened and vulnerable, a few brothers have given in to such pressures.jw2019 jw2019
Če je odgovor na prvo vprašanje pozitiven: ali za izpolnitev zahtev iz navedene določbe Direktive 93/37/EGS zadošča, da se v zadevni odločbi navedeni ločeni popusti, ponujeni s strani ponudnika za eno ali več cenovnih skupin, naročniku zdijo sporni, ali pa mora naročnik ob tem navesti tudi razloge, na podlagi katerih šteje tak popust za spornega, in podati natančno oceno o mejnih stroških enakovrednih del?
If the reply to the first question is affirmative, is it sufficient, in order to satisfy the requirements of the abovementioned provision of Directive 93/37/EEC, for the document to mention the specific discount offered by the tenderer for one or more groups of prices adjudged by the contracting authority to be problematic or must the latter also indicate the reasons why it regards such discount as problematic by providing a reasoned appraisal concerning the maximum cost for carrying out the relevant works?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Zato ni mogoče oceniti, ali cene, ki jih plačujejo stranke, ustrezajo vrednosti proizvodov in ali so upoštevani možni popusti, ki bi izravnali transakcije, za katere velja zaveza in pri katerih je treba upoštevati najnižje uvozne cene.
Thus it cannot be assessed whether the prices paid by the customers respond to the value of the products or take into account a potential rebate in order to compensate transactions subject to the undertaking for which a Minimum Import Price has to be respected.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Za izračun sestavnih delov iz točke (b) odstavka 1 ali ustrezne kotacije f.o.b. se uporabljajo naslednje premije in popusti:
With a view to calculating the component referred to in point (b) of paragraph 1 or the relevant fob quotation, the following premiums and discounts apply:EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Zahteve za prilagoditev za količino ni bilo mogoče upoštevati, ker podjetje ni moglo dokazati, da so bili odobreni posebni popusti ali rabati za nabavo različnih količin, in ker so bile te razlike v količini že upoštevane v prilagoditvi za raven trgovanja za različne vrste strank, odobreni v začasni fazi.
The request for an adjustment for quantities could not be taken into account since the company was not able to demonstrate that discounts or rebates had been specifically given for the purchase of different quantities and since these differences in quantity had already been taken into account by the level of trade adjustment for different types of customers granted at the provisional stage.EurLex-2 EurLex-2 Poleg tega mora biti mogoče po potrebi popustiti parkirno zavoro z orodji in/ali pomožno napravo, shranjeno/pritrjeno v vozilu. It shall also be possible to release the parking braking system, if necessary by the use of tools and/or an auxiliary device carried/fitted on the vehicle.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Da bi se odgovorilo na vprašanje, ali se s popusti zadevnim letalskim prevoznikom daje prednost, je bilo v sklepu o začetku postopka poudarjeno, da je treba oceniti, ali je družba FZG pri odobritvi popustov delovala kot udeleženka v tržnem gospodarstvu.
In order to answer the question of whether the discounts provided an advantage to the respective airlines, the opening decision recalled that it had to be assessed whether FZG acted like a MEO in granting the discounts.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Zasilna zavora se lahko popusti pod posebnimi pogoji.
The emergency brake can be released under special conditions.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Sinoči je vlada popustila in dovolila izbranim novinarjem, da ovekovečijo ta čustvena srečanja.
Last night, the government relented, allowing select members of the press to document these emotional reunions.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
202 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.