slabo obveščen oor Engels

slabo obveščen

Vertalings in die woordeboek Sloweens - Engels


Za Sodišče je nadvse nezadovoljivo, da je tako slabo obveščeno v tej fazi postopka.
It is manifestly unsatisfactory for the Court to be left so ill-informed at this stage in the procedure.

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Številne evropske in japonske organizacije civilne družbe se pritožujejo, da so o pogajanjih bolj slabo obveščene.
Numerous Japanese and European civil society organisations complain that they have received only scraps of information about the negotiations.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
V sodobnem času so Jehovove priče žrtev besedne in fizične zlorabe, za katero so odgovorni slabo obveščeni nasprotniki.
In modern times, Jehovah’s Witnesses have suffered verbal and physical abuse at the hands of misinformed opposers.jw2019 jw2019
Deljene pristojnosti in/ali možnost, da ima pristojnost slabše obveščeni organ, bi zato lahko imele neželene negativne posledice.
Shared responsibilities and/or responsibility lying with the less well informed authority could therefore have unintended negative consequences.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Mogoče sem slabo obveščen.
Perhaps I've been misinformed, sir.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Počutim se precej slabo obveščenega o tem.
I feel rather poorly informed in this regard.Europarl8 Europarl8
Za Sodišče je nadvse nezadovoljivo, da je tako slabo obveščeno v tej fazi postopka.
It is manifestly unsatisfactory for the Court to be left so ill-informed at this stage in the procedure.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ne verjamemo, da je mogoče slabo obveščene bolnike lažje obravnavati ali da je zadrževanje informacij cenejše.
We do not believe that more poorly informed patients are in any way easier to deal with or that it is cheaper to withhold information.Europarl8 Europarl8
Na srečo, tudi s pomočjo slabo obveščenih znanstvenikov, se s tem nihče ne ukvarja.
Fortunately, with a bit of misinformation from the science community, no-one questions it.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Poleg tega je ocena evropskih potrošniških centrov pokazala, da so evropski državljani o njih slabo obveščeni (15 %).
Furthermore, the assessment of European consumer centres has revealed how few people in Europe are aware of them (15%).not-set not-set
Zato lahko samo slabo obveščen potrošnik izraz „cannabis“ šteje za jasno in neposredno označbo kakovosti zadevnih proizvodov.
Consequently, only a poorly-informed consumer would regard the word ‘cannabis’ as a clear and direct indication of the quality of the goods in question.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
EESO kot v svojih prejšnjih mnenjih poudarja pomen učinkovitega obveščanja pogodbenih strani, še posebej potrošnikov, ki so slabše obveščeni
As in previous opinions, the EESC also wishes to highlight the importance of providing contracting parties- particularly less well-informed consumers- with proper informationoj4 oj4
Obrazložitev Ocena evropskih potrošniških centrov je pokazala, da so evropski državljani o njih slabo obveščeni (pozna jih zgolj 15 %).
Justification Evaluation of the European Consumer Centres revealed that not many EU citizens (only 15 %) knew of their existence.not-set not-set
Potem bi se vprašal, ali sta slabo obveščena češka patriota, ali gestapovska vohuna, ki skušata prodreti v ostanke odporniškega gibanja.
Then, I would have to wonder if you are ill-informed Czech patriots or Gestapo spies trying to infiltrate what remains of the resistance.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
EESO kot v svojih prejšnjih mnenjih (7) poudarja pomen učinkovitega obveščanja pogodbenih strani, še posebej potrošnikov, ki so slabše obveščeni.
As in previous opinions (7), the EESC also wishes to highlight the importance of providing contracting parties — particularly less well-informed consumers — with proper information.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Zato je Sodišče preslabo obveščeno za odločanje o tem, ali so merila, določena v členu 10(2) Direktive o storitvah, izpolnjena.
As a consequence, the Court is ill-equipped to determine whether the criteria laid down in Article 10(2) of the Services Directive are fulfilled.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
ker je podpora javnega mnenja, ki je na splošno slabo obveščeno, eden ključnih elementov uspeha v tem srednjeročnem in dolgoročnem boju,
whereas the support of the public, which is generally insufficiently informed, is one of the keys to succeeding in this fight in the medium and long term,not-set not-set
Poleg tega rezultati javnomnenjskih raziskav dosledno kažejo, da so slabo obveščeni državljani najbolj nenaklonjeni prihodnji uvedbi eura in zaskrbljeni zaradi nje.
At the same time, polling results consistently show that ill-informed citizens tend to be the most reluctant and fearsome about the future introduction of the euro.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
ker je podpora javnega mnenja, ki je na splošno slabo obveščeno, eden ključnih elementov za zmago v tem srednjeročnem in dolgoročnem boju,
whereas the support of the public, which is generally insufficiently informed, is one of the keys to winning this fight in the medium and long term,not-set not-set
Poleg tega so pokazale, da je večina anketirancev menila, da so samo delno ali slabo obveščeni o nevarnostih, povezanih s kemičnimi proizvodi.
Besides, they showed that most respondents felt only moderately informed or not well informed about the hazards associated with chemical products.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
ker je podpora javnega mnenja, ki je na splošno slabo obveščeno, eden ključnih elementov za zmago v tem srednjeročnem in dolgoročnem boju
whereas the support of the public, which is generally insufficiently informed, is one of the keys to winning this fight in the medium and long termoj4 oj4
P. ker je podpora javnega mnenja, ki je na splošno slabo obveščeno, eden ključnih elementov za zmago v tem srednjeročnem in dolgoročnem boju,
P. whereas the support of the public, which is generally insufficiently informed, is one of the keys to winning this fight in the medium and long term,EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Javno mnenje v Turčiji je močno naklonjeno članstvu v EU, vendar pa je slabo obveščeno o zgodovini, delovanju, pravilih in politikah Evropske unije.
Public opinion in Turkey is strongly supportive of EU membership, but information on the history, the functioning, rules and policies of the European Union remains poor.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Tako lahko pomen izraza „lycopin“ prek pojasnil predpisovalcev teh proizvodov in prek obvestil, objavljenih prek različnih medijev, postane dostopen najslabše obveščenemu delu upoštevne javnosti.
Thus, by means of the advice received from those who prescribe it or through information from various media, the less well informed section of the relevant public is likely to become aware of the meaning of the term ‘lycopin’.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
128 sinne gevind in 15 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.