vrata mesta oor Engels

vrata mesta

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Izpraznite platformo, umaknite se za vrati mesta!
Get the men off this landing pad and beyond the city gates!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Leta 1479 je opozicija skovala zaroto z vladarjem in odprla vrata mesta za nadškofove čete.
In 1479, the opposition conspired with the sovereign and opened the gates of the city for the Archbishop's troops.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
6 Če je Izraelec nenamerno koga ubil, je moral najprej povedati »svoj primer [. . .] starešinam« pri mestnih vratih mesta, v katero je pribežal.
6 After he accidentally killed someone, a fugitive first had to “present his case in the hearing of the elders” at the gate of the city of refuge to which he had fled.jw2019 jw2019
Tako je bila njiva Efronova ob Makpeli ... potrjena Abrahamu v posest vpričo sinov Hetovih, vseh, ki so prihajali v vrata mesta njegovega.«
Thus the field of Ephron that was in Machpelah . . . became confirmed to Abraham as his purchased property before the eyes of the sons of Heth among all those entering the gate of his city.”jw2019 jw2019
Kakšno ljubeče zagotovilo je, da bodo vrata »mesta« vedno odprta, da bi se prisrčno sprejelo te, ki imajo »pravilen odnos do večnega življenja«!
How loving the assurance that the gates of “the city” will always stay open to receive hospitably those who are “rightly disposed for everlasting life”!jw2019 jw2019
Mestna vrata (malteško Bieb il-Belt, dobesedno 'vrata do mesta') so vrata na vhodu v Valletto na Malti.
City Gate (Maltese: Bieb il-Belt, literally "Door to the City") is a gate located at the entrance of Valletta, Malta.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Prav tako kupi Ruto, »da obudi ime umrlega (Mahlona) za dediščino njegovo, da ne izgine ime mrtvega izmed bratov njegovih in iz vrat mesta njegovega«.
Also, he buys Ruth “as a wife to cause the name of the dead man [Mahlon] to rise upon his inheritance” so that his name “may not be cut off from among his brothers and from the gate of his place.”jw2019 jw2019
Iz vrstic 17, 18 in 20 izvemo, da se je vse končalo tako, da so dogovor potrdili »vpričo sinov Hetovih, [in] vseh, ki so prihajali v vrata mesta njegovega«.
And verses 17, 18, and 20 explain that this is how it worked out, being confirmed “before the eyes of the sons of Heth among all those entering the gate of his city.”jw2019 jw2019
Uspehi so upornike na ozemlju privedli do vrat mesta Goma, glavnega mesta pokrajine Severni Kivu, in jim omogočili, da so pomembno razširili svoje vplivno območje na tej mejni pokrajini z Ruando.
The rebels' successes on the ground took them to the gates of Goma, the provincial capital of North Kivu, and enabled them to significantly extend their area of influence in this border province with Rwanda.Europarl8 Europarl8
Po vstopu v mesto pa bi vas poslali nazaj na sojenje, in sicer k starešinam, ki so predstavljali izraelsko občino pri vratih mesta, ki je bilo pristojno za področje, kjer se je zgodil uboj.
After entering the city, you would be sent back to stand trial before the elders representing the congregation of Israel at the gates of the city having jurisdiction over the area where the killing occurred.jw2019 jw2019
Nisi bil prepričan, dokler nisi videl tridenta na njenem vratu na mestu zločina?
You weren't sure when you saw the trident on her neck at the crime scene?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
- zapiranje za vodo neprepustnih vrat na mestu in z daljinskim upravljanjem,
- the closing of watertight bulkhead doors; both from the local and remote control positions,EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Aker je bil sprva opisan kot eden od bogov podzemlja, ki čuva »vrata tamkajšnjega mesta«.
Aker was first described as one of the earth gods guarding the "gate to the yonder site".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Vratni okvir zajema dimna ali ognjena tesnila, strojno opremo vrat in strukturo, ki drži požarna vrata na mestu.
The door frame includes the fire or smoke seals, door hardware, and the structure that holds the fire door assembly in place.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Miljska vrata iz 13. stoletja so med najstarejšimi ohranjenimi vrati v mestu.
The 13th century city walls around Visby are some of the best-preserved medieval city walls in Europe.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
zapiranje za vodo neprepustnih vrat; na mestu in z daljinskim upravljanjem;
the closing of watertight bulkhead doors; both from the local and remote control positions,eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Daksos... Odnesi to novico iz Vročih vrat, vsakemu mestu, vsaki vasi.
Daxos, take that message from the Hot Gates to every city, every village.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
zapiranje za vodo neprepustnih vrat na mestu in z daljinskim upravljanjem
the closing of watertight bulkhead doors; both from the local and remote control positionseurlex eurlex
To je bila glavna vrata srednjeveškega mesta.
It was the principal gate to the medieval town.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Vrata tharabha so edina ohranjena vrata starodavnega mesta Bagan (prej znan kot Pagan).
Tharabha Gate is the only surviving gate of the ancient Bagan city (previously known as Pagan); the Ananda temple is located to its southeast.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dolfinova vrata so najlepše ohranjena gotska vrata v mestu.
The Dolfin Gate (Dolfinova vrata) is the best preserved gothic gate in the town.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
— zapiranje za vodo neprepustnih vrat na mestu in z daljinskim upravljanjem,
— the closing of watertight bulkhead doors; both from the local and remote control positions,EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Na drugi strani ceste, ki poteka skozi Zlata vrata antičnega mesta, je ravnina, ki jo obvladuje ogromen Olimpejon.
On the other side of the road running through the Golden Gate of the ancient city, is a plain commanded by the huge Olympeion field.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Oba morata držati vrata na mestu.
I need you both to keep the door steady, all right?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
’Blagor njim, ki . . . smejo stopiti skozi vrata v mesto
“Happy are those who . . . gain entrance into the city by its gatesjw2019 jw2019
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