dimer oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Albanees - Engels

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Eja dimer, tre here me shume njerez vdesin.
Come winter, three times as many people die.ted2019 ted2019
Pranvera Arabe eshte duke shkuar be vejshte dhe eshte duke u zhvendosur ne dimer.
The Arab Spring is heading into fall and is moving into winter.ted2019 ted2019
Me të drejtë profesori i kimisë Dejvid Dimer shkroi: «Edhe kompleksiteti i formës më të thjeshtë të jetës të lë gojëhapur.»
For good reason, chemistry professor David Deamer wrote: “One is struck by the complexity of even the simplest form of life.”jw2019 jw2019
Gjethet do zhduken ne dimer per tu mbrojtur nga ngricat.
Broad leaves must be shed in winter for their damage by frost.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Uji dhe furnizimi energjise jane po aq ta pa parashikuara sa koha, dhe duke u rritur ne keto kushte te veshtira, ne moshen 17 vjecare, po qetesohesa me disa miq te mite ne dimer, duke bere banjo dielli.
Water and electricity supply are as unpredictable as the weather, and growing up in these tough situations, at the age of 17, I was relaxing with a couple of friends of mine in winter, and we were sunbathing.QED QED
Kopeshti na ka dhene shume zarzavate... te cilat do t'i rezervojme per ne dimer.
The garden has given us a bounty of vegetables... to put up for the winter.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Dielli i Limpopos behet shume i nxehte ne dimer.
The Limpopo sun gets really hot in winter.QED QED
Pra kjo ishte ne dimer te 2009-- 8:30 ne mengjes.
So this was in the winter of 2009 -- 8:30 in the morning.ted2019 ted2019
( fishkellen ) ( te qeshura ) ♫ Pastori im tha ♫ ♫ Mos u shqeteso ♫ ♫ Shkencetaret e kane gabim ♫ ♫ E pastaj, kujt iu be vone qe eshte dimer ketu? ♫ ♫ Une kam veshur kanatieren time ♫ ♫ Kam veshur kanatiere ♫ ♫ Te gjithe kane dale shetitje ne Manhatanin e bukur ne janar. ♫ ( duartrokitje )
( Whistling ) ( Laughter ) ♫ My preacher said, ♫ ♫ Don't you worry ♫ ♫ The scientists have it all wrong ♫ ♫ And so, who cares it's winter here? ♫ ♫ And I have my halter- top on ♫ ♫ I have my halter- top on ♫ ♫ Everyone's out in merry Manhattan in January. ♫ ( Applause )QED QED
Ju mund te ndryshoni temperaturen ne shtepi duke hapur nje dritare ne dimer, por kjo nuk do e ndryshon percaktimin ne termostat, i cili do pergjigjet duke nxitur ngrohtesine per ta ringrohur vendin perseri.
Now you can try to change the temperature in your house by opening a window in the winter, but that's not going to change the setting on the thermostat, which will respond by kicking on the furnace to warm the place back up.ted2019 ted2019
Pra kjo ishte ne dimer te 2009 -- 8:30 ne mengjes.
So this was in the winter of 2009 -- 8:30 in the morning.QED QED
Gjethet do zhduken ne dimer per tu mbrojtur nga ngricat
Broad leaves must be shed in winter for their damage by frostopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Kur kushtet janë të vështira, shpesh ne dimer ose ne kushte te varfra ushqimi, ne disa hidra ndodh riprodhimi seksual.
When conditions are harsh, often before winter or in poor feeding conditions, sexual reproduction occurs in some Hydra.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pra keta po grumbullojne kokaine per nje dimer te gjate, ose po pregatiten per nje bucime serioze ne xhungel.
So these guys are either storing up the coke for a long winter, or prepping for a serious rumble in the jungle.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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