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dinamika e nitrateve ne nje toke ranore te kultivuar me perime.com
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Prit te lutem, ne fillim bej nje foto me mua, Cemre.
Wait please, first take a photo of me with Cemre.QED QED
Te e bejme me nje ngjyre tjeter, Do e bej me ngjyre te kuqe
So let's do a different color, I'll do the next one in red.QED QED
Deshiron te dish ndryshimin... midis nje makine luksoze dhe nje tjetre
You wanna know the difference... between this luxury car and a porcupine?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ne kemi filluar duke bere nje kredi prej 350,000 dollaresh te prodhuesit me te madh te rrjetave tradicionale te shtratit ne Afrike ne menyre qe ato mund te trasnferojne teknologji nga Japonia dhe per te ndertuar keto rrjeta afatgjate pese vjecar.
We started by making a 350,000-dollar loan to the largest traditional bed net manufacturer in Africa so that they could transfer technology from Japan and build these long-lasting, five-year nets.ted2019 ted2019
Kam ndenjur atje per nje muaj.
I've been there for a month.QED QED
Keshtu, njeriu qe fluturoi teposhte malit ate nate nuk dridhej nga lumturia por nga nje frike e madhe primitive.
So the man who fled down the mountain that night trembled not with joy but with a stark, primordial fear.QED QED
Perqendroheni te gjithe kohen dhe vemendjen ne femijet qe jane ne fllucke -- ata qe quhen 'femije fllucke'-- femije per te cilet nderhyrja juaj mund t`i beje ata qe te kalojne vetem nje cike kufirin nga te deshtuarit ne te kaluar.
Focus all of your time and attention on the kids who are on the bubble, the so-called "bubble kids" -- kids where your intervention can get them just maybe over the line from failing to passing.ted2019 ted2019
Eshte nje lloj qarku i komplikuar qe une do t'ju tregoj.
It's the kind of complicated circle that I'm going to tell you about.QED QED
PM: Nese sot do te te ftonin te mbaje nje fjalim tjeter ne TEDWomen, cili do te ishte per ty personalisht rezultati i kesaj eksperience, dhe cfare ke mesuar prej femrave dhe meshkujve gjate ketij udhetimi.
PM: If you were invited now to make another TEDWomen talk, what would you say that is a result of this experience, for you personally, and what you've learned about women, and men, as you've made this journey?ted2019 ted2019
Sinjalet e pasqyruara bien shpejte aq sa rritet distanca, keshtu qe zhurma paraqet nje territor te kufizuar .
Reflected signals decline rapidly as distance increases, so noise introduces a radar range limitation.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Vendi i pare ku ju do te shihnit nje presion te madh evolucionar sot, edhe per shkak te te dhenave te cilat po behen masive, por edhe per shkak te plasticitetit te organit eshte truri.
The first place where you would expect to see enormous evolutionary pressure today, both because of the inputs, which are becoming massive, and because of the plasticity of the organ, is the brain.QED QED
Nje harac qe me detyroheni mua, personalisht
A debit you owe me, personallyopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Eshte nje pyetje shume e veshtire.
It's a very difficult question.QED QED
Ai ishte nje djalosh i thjeshte.
He was just a boy.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Edhe fillova te mendoj, thash, ndoshta nje aksent civilizues britanik mund te me ndihmoje pak
And so I thought perhaps a really civilized- sounding British accent might help things a bit.QED QED
Me sjell ne mendje nje titull artikulli qe pashe se fundmi:
It brings to mind a headline I saw recently:QED QED
Perpara tyre ne nje ekran gjendet informacioni rreth veres.
In front of them on a screen is information about the wine.ted2019 ted2019
Nje proverb Afrikan thote: Kur rrjetat e merimanges bashkohen, ato mund te ndalojne edhe nje luan."
There's an old African proverb that goes: "When spiderwebs unite, they can halt even the lion."ted2019 ted2019
Jam duke halocionuar unë, ose është duke ardhë nje akullanjë drejtë neve?
Am I hallucinating, or is that ice coming straight towards us?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nese ju pyes ju çfare lidhje ekziston ndermjet nje shishe Tide me detergjent dhe djersës, ka gjasa qe ju te mendoni se kjo eshte pyetja me e thjeshte qe mund t'ju behet ne Edinburgh gjate gjithe javes.
So if I was to ask you what the connection between a bottle of Tide detergent and sweat was, you'd probably think that's the easiest question that you're going to be asked in Edinburgh all week.QED QED
Nje bote e re po ndertohet ne nje kohe qe bota e vjeter akoma nuk eshte shkateruar.
Starting the world again when the rest of the world hasn't even stopped.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Keshtu, une e çmoj qe ky eshte nje problem.
Now, I appreciate that that's a problem.QED QED
Kemi nje plus 2 dhe nje minus 2.
We have a positive 2 and a minus 2.QED QED
Kur u zgjova te nesermen, po flija ne dyshemene e nje miku, e vetmja gje qe kisha ne ato momente ishte nje furce dhembesh qe sapo kisha blere ne nje supermarket 24 oresh.
And when I woke up the next morning, I was sleeping on a friend's floor, the only thing I had in the world was a toothbrush I had just bought from an all-night supermarket.ted2019 ted2019
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