nxenes oor Engels


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Kerkimi per te rinjet ne shkolles Brabourn mori nje kthes te papritur sot..... sic jemi te njoftuar se policia ka arrestuar nje nxenes nga shkolla.
The hunt for the kidnapper of the Brabourne teenagers... took an unexpected turn today, as it was announced that police have arrested a pupil from the school.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Pikesepari, na duhen shkolla te vogla -- rreth 300, 400 nxenes - 14 deri ne 19 vjec, dhe ne menyre kritike te perfshinin ne 80 per qind te veprimtarise jo veprimtari te kryera duke u ulur neper klasa, por ne jete- reale, ne projekte praktike, duke punuar me perqindje fitimi per biznese, OJQ etj.
First of all, we wanted small schools -- about 300, 400 pupils -- 14 to 19 year- olds, and critically, about 80 percent of the curriculum done not through sitting in classrooms, but through real- life, practical projects, working on commission to businesses, NGO's and others.QED QED
Dhe tani ke nxenes qe paguajne per mesimet e tua
And now you have students who will pay for your instructionopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Te jesh nxenes i yni se pari duhet te mbrosh zotin e Wushu-s
To be our disciple you must first defeat the God of WushuOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Me duhet te theksoj, se, vetem nje nxenes me cilesine me te mire te filtrit, mund te fitoje kete cmim.
I should point out, however, only once did a student manage to brew a potion of sufficient quality to claim this prize.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Quhet Gaokao, dhe 80 milion nxenes kineze gjimnazi e kane kryer kete test rraskapites.
It's called the gaokao, and 80 million high school Chinese students have already taken this grueling test.ted2019 ted2019
Nje nxenes i shkolles se mesme ne Texas me shkurjati ne 2006 dhe tha, " Ju duhet te mblidhni sa me shume njerez qe eshte e mundshme te veshin bluze ngjyre te kalteret dhe pantollona me ngjyre kaki dhe te shkoni ne Best Buy dhe te qendroni per rreth."
A high school kid in Texas wrote me in 2006 and said, "You should get as many people as possible to put on blue polo shirts and khaki pants and go into a Best Buy and stand around."ted2019 ted2019
Ai, meqe ra fjala, konsiderohej nxenes me probleme sepse ai ishte, ne fakt, disleksik.
He, by the way, was considered remedial at school because he was, in fact, dyslexic.QED QED
Pikesepari, na duhen shkolla te vogla -- rreth 300, 400 nxenes - 14 deri ne 19 vjec, dhe ne menyre kritike te perfshinin ne 80 per qind te veprimtarise jo veprimtari te kryera duke u ulur neper klasa, por ne jete-reale, ne projekte praktike, duke punuar me perqindje fitimi per biznese, OJQ etj.
First of all, we wanted small schools -- about 300, 400 pupils -- 14 to 19 year-olds, and critically, about 80 percent of the curriculum done not through sitting in classrooms, but through real-life, practical projects, working on commission to businesses, NGO's and others.ted2019 ted2019
Dhe çdo nxenes duhet te kete nje tutor/trajner, ashtu si dhe mesues, qe te kene orare shume te ngjashme me ato te vendeve te punes ne nje biznes.
That every pupil would have a coach, as well as teachers, who would have timetables much more like a work environment in a business.ted2019 ted2019
Qarku im fillon ne vitet 60 ne shkollen e mesme ne Stow, Ohio ku isha nxenes i cuditshem.
My circle began back in the '60s in high school in Stow, Ohio where I was the class queer.ted2019 ted2019
Dhe me pas ajo do te shfaqe nje problem matematikor -- le te themi kater here kater -- dhe me pas nje nxenes nga cdo grup eshte ne gare me tjetrin per te gjetur qe kater here kater bejne 16 dhe te gjeje gomen me numrin 16 te shenuar dhe te ulet ne te.
And then she'll call out a math problem -- so let's say four times four -- and then one student from each team has to compete to figure out that four times four is 16 and find the tire with the 16 on it and sit on it.ted2019 ted2019
Ju lutem me merrni si nxenes tuajin.
Please take me as your discipleOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Dhe me pas ajo do te shfaqe nje problem matematikor le te themi kater here kater -- dhe me pas nje nxenes nga cdo grup eshte ne gare me tjetrin per te gjetur qe kater here kater bejne 16 dhe te gjeje gomen me numrin 16 te shenuar dhe te ulet ne te.
And then she'll call out a math problem -- so let's say four times four -- and then one student from each team has to compete to figure out that four times four is 16 and find the tire with the 16 on it and sit on it.QED QED
Kjo nenkupton se ata mund te jene nxenes, prinder te rinj, dhe te jene ne gjendje te perfshiheni rreth gatimeve bazike, pa marr parasysh cfare recesioni i godit ata heren e ardhshme.
That means that they can be students, young parents, and be able to sort of duck and dive around the basics of cooking, no matter what recession hits them next time.ted2019 ted2019
Syte nga ekrani, nxenes.
Eyes on the screen, people.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Me se shumti ka qene nje gje individuale, mesues- nxenes, performues- degjues, dhe pastaj rreth 1880 erdhi kjo teknologji e re qe se pari mekanikisht, pastaj analoge dhe me pas dixhitale formoi nje menyre te re te kalimit te gjerave, edhe pse jopersonale.
Mostly it's been a person- to- person thing, a teacher- student, performer- audience thing, and then around 1880 came this new technology that first mechanically then through analogs then digitally created a new and miraculous way of passing things on, albeit an impersonal one.QED QED
P.sh, duke perdorur kete teknologji, mund te ndihmojme kete mesues matematike per te identifikuar se cilet nxenes ne klasen e tij jane ne ankth te madh ne lidhje me temem qe ai po u shpjegon ne menyre qe ai t'i ndihmoje ata.
For example, using this technology, we can help this mathematics teacher to identify the student in his classroom who may experience high anxiety about the topic he's teaching so that he can help him.ted2019 ted2019
Nje nxenes i shkolles se mesme ne Texas me shkurjati ne 2006 dhe tha, " Ju duhet te mblidhni sa me shume njerez qe eshte e mundshme te veshin bluze ngjyre te kalteret dhe pantollona me ngjyre kaki dhe te shkoni ne Best Buy dhe te qendroni per rreth. "
A high school kid in Texas wrote me in 2006 and said, " You should get as many people as possible to put on blue polo shirts and khaki pants and go into a Best Buy and stand around. "QED QED
Nxenes, mos u dorezo.
Apprentice, don't give up.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Une jam nxenes nderi, por shkoj ne shtepi se bashku me nxenesit e zakonshem te cilet jane ushtar ne territorin qe i ka te tyret.
I am an Honors but go home with Regular students who are soldiers in territory that owns them.ted2019 ted2019
Qarku im fillon ne vitet 60 ne shkollen e mesme ne Stow, Ohio ku isha nxenes i cuditshem.
My circle began back in the'60s in high school in Stow, Ohio where I was the class queer.QED QED
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