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Barack Obama fitoi ( Duartrokitje ) sepse ai mobilizoi njerezit si kurre me pare nepermjet perdorimit te rrjeteve sociale.
Barack Obama won — ( Applause ) — because he mobilized people as never before through the use of social networks.QED QED
Vendi i pare ku ju do te shihnit nje presion te madh evolucionar sot, edhe per shkak te te dhenave te cilat po behen masive, por edhe per shkak te plasticitetit te organit eshte truri.
The first place where you would expect to see enormous evolutionary pressure today, both because of the inputs, which are becoming massive, and because of the plasticity of the organ, is the brain.QED QED
Ne na duhen me shume burra me pushtet per te filluar ti vendosin ne prioritet keto ceshtje, dhe nuk e kemi pare kete gje akoma, apo jo?
But on a big scale, we need more adult men with power to start prioritizing these issues, and we haven't seen that yet, have we?QED QED
Ku e ke pare?
Where have you seen it?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tju japi dickan per te pare.
We'll give'em something to watch.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Duke pare? Cfare nese! te gjeja nje shije te re cemcakizi per Wrigley ose shije te re per Coca Cola actualisht me ndihmoje mua te sillja dicka te re strategji te reja per Kosovaret dhe per ata te Saharas te Saharase Perendimore.
And watching? What If! develop new flavors of chewing gum for Wrigley or new flavors for Coke actually helped me innovate new strategies for the Kosovars and for the Saharawis of the Western Sahara.QED QED
Kryesia e Francës ishte propozuar per here te pare publikisht gjate korrikut të Revolucionit të 1830, kur ajo ishte ofruar për Marquis de Lafayette, në favor të Princit Louis Phillipe.
The presidency of France was first publicly proposed during the July Revolution of 1830, when it was offered to the Marquis de Lafayette.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Eshte vendosur nje gjyq ne diten e pare te muajit.
There's the trial on the first day of the month.QED QED
Fusha e nanoteknologjise eshte shume interesante per tu studiuar ne kete drejtim sepse vete fjala nanoteknologji eshte permendur per here te pare
The nanotechnology sector is actually fascinating to study this, because the word itself, nanotechnology, came from within government.ted2019 ted2019
Kam vezhguar qindra milje te tokes ne perendim te Misisipit por eshte hera e pare sot qe shikoj nje gje kaq te bukur sa ty... nga dylbite e mia.
I have surveyed hundreds of miles of land west of the Mississippi... but today is the first time I've ever seen anything as pretty as you... in the viewfinder of my transit.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tani, kjo eshte shume normale per nje kompani ne Silicon Valley sic jemi ne, por besojme se eshte hera e pare per nje kompani hapsinore.
Now, this is pretty normal for a Silicon Valley company that we are, but we believe it's the first time for a space company.ted2019 ted2019
Pra identiteti i Merit -- Meri eshte nje grua e qelluar -- eshte ai qe i eshte dhene nga Xhoni ne rradhe te pare.
So now Mary's very identity -- Mary is a battered woman -- is what was done to her by John in the first instance.QED QED
Rreth 4 vjet me pare, gazeta "New Yorker" publikoi artikullin per vendin e fshehtë te kockave te zogut dodo ne nje grope ne ishullin e Mauritius.
About four years ago, the New Yorker published an article about a cache of dodo bones that was found in a pit on the island of Mauritius.ted2019 ted2019
Ajo eshte telepatikja me e mire qe kemi pare ndonjehere, dhe me diference te madhe.
She's the most powerful psychic we've ever come across by a huge margin.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ushtria ka patur te beje dhe me pare me kuaj te eger.
The army has dealt with wild horses before.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Eshte si te jesh ne dashuri ne Paris per here te pare pasi ke marre tre dopio ekspreso.
It's like being in love in Paris for the first time after you've had three double- espressos.QED QED
Dhe per ta bere kete nuk na nevojitet nje amendamend kushtetues, per te ndryshuar Amendamendin e pare.
And to do this does not require a constitutional amendment, changing the First Amendment.ted2019 ted2019
Ky eshte rreziku i pare i madh per publikun.
the danger is that it is confessed.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ndoshta ju keni pare filmin, filmin e Hollywood-it "Blood Diamond," ai me Leonardo DiCaprio.
Perhaps you saw the film, the Hollywood film "Blood Diamond," the one with Leonardo DiCaprio.ted2019 ted2019
Numri i departamenteve fillimisht 83 u rrit me 130 ne vitin 1810 me territore te fituara nga Republika dhe nga Perandoria e Pare Franceze.
The number of departments, initially 83, had been increased to 130 by 1809 with the territorial gains of the Republic and of the First French Empire (see Provinces of the Netherlands for the annexed Dutch departments).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mbaroja per te pare fucite e avionit gjate pushimeve rreth gjithe qytetit.
I loved watching planes barrel over our holiday home in the countryside.QED QED
Ndersa filluam te analizonim kete informacion shohim se rreth 20 perqind e informacionit gjenetik te hundes tuaj nuk perputhet me asgje qe kemi pare me pare-- as bime, kafshe, viruse, apo baktere.
As we started to look at this information, we would see that about 20 percent of the genetic information in your nose doesn't match anything that we've ever seen before -- no plant, animal, fungus, virus or bacteria.ted2019 ted2019
Merr rrugen e pare ne te djathte, dhe pastaj majtas menjehere ne rrugen qe pason.
Take the first street on the right, and then left on the very next street.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
· Personat që marrin kredi për herë të pare, të cilëve ju caktohen punonjësve me gjini të kundërt paguajnë mesatarisht norma interesi 35 pikë më të larta sesa ata huamarrës që iu caktohen oficerëve të së njëjtës gjini me ta.
* First-time borrowers assigned to officers of the other gender pay, on average, 35 basis points higher interest rates compared to borrowers assigned to same-gender
Ne hapem seksionin e pare ne 2009.
We opened the fist section in 2009.ted2019 ted2019
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