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Gjithnje pret kukuvaja ime qe te mesoje mendimin tim per te rejat e dites.
Always takes my owl, should I wish to register an opinion on the news of the day.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Dhe perseri u ndava per arsye te gabuara.
Then I turned around and got a divorce for the wrong reasons.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
McCartney tha per albumin, ne e kemi pasur periudhen tone te bukur, tani eshte koha per tu zgjeruar.
McCartney said of the album, "we'd had our cute period, and now it was time to expand."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I perngjante me shume kesaj: "Manal al-Sharif perballet me akuza per prishjen e qetesise publike dhe nxitjen e grave per te ngare makinen."
It was more like this: "Manal al-Sharif faces charges of disturbing public order and inciting women to drive."ted2019 ted2019
Dhe me qe ra fjala, ky gjyq u be pasi ai kishte mbaruar se sherbyeri denimin keshtu qe ai kishte dale nga burgu dhe ishte ne pune dhe kujdesej per familjen dhe ju desh te shkonte mbrapsht ne burg.
And by the way, this appeal went through after he had finished serving his sentence, so he was out and working at a job and taking care of his family and he had to go back into jail.ted2019 ted2019
Ne kemi filluar duke bere nje kredi prej 350,000 dollaresh te prodhuesit me te madh te rrjetave tradicionale te shtratit ne Afrike ne menyre qe ato mund te trasnferojne teknologji nga Japonia dhe per te ndertuar keto rrjeta afatgjate pese vjecar.
We started by making a 350,000-dollar loan to the largest traditional bed net manufacturer in Africa so that they could transfer technology from Japan and build these long-lasting, five-year nets.ted2019 ted2019
Kam ndenjur atje per nje muaj.
I've been there for a month.QED QED
Vllazeria nuk ka te beje me menyren se si ndihesh per persona te tjere.
Brotherhood has nothing to do with how you feel about the other person.ted2019 ted2019
Perqendroheni te gjithe kohen dhe vemendjen ne femijet qe jane ne fllucke -- ata qe quhen 'femije fllucke'-- femije per te cilet nderhyrja juaj mund t`i beje ata qe te kalojne vetem nje cike kufirin nga te deshtuarit ne te kaluar.
Focus all of your time and attention on the kids who are on the bubble, the so-called "bubble kids" -- kids where your intervention can get them just maybe over the line from failing to passing.ted2019 ted2019
Kjo eshte per cdoke qe ka ndjekur ceshtjen e kercimtares se zhdukur.
This also for whoever's heading up the missing dancer's case.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Treni jot niset per 10 minuta.
Your train leaves in 10 minutes.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
jane per gruan tende!
In fact, they're for your wife.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
mire. te pregatitemi per feste
Let's give him a party.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Per vrasesin e Mafias.
He's a Contract killer for the Detroit Mafia.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
PM: Nese sot do te te ftonin te mbaje nje fjalim tjeter ne TEDWomen, cili do te ishte per ty personalisht rezultati i kesaj eksperience, dhe cfare ke mesuar prej femrave dhe meshkujve gjate ketij udhetimi.
PM: If you were invited now to make another TEDWomen talk, what would you say that is a result of this experience, for you personally, and what you've learned about women, and men, as you've made this journey?ted2019 ted2019
Vendi i pare ku ju do te shihnit nje presion te madh evolucionar sot, edhe per shkak te te dhenave te cilat po behen masive, por edhe per shkak te plasticitetit te organit eshte truri.
The first place where you would expect to see enormous evolutionary pressure today, both because of the inputs, which are becoming massive, and because of the plasticity of the organ, is the brain.QED QED
Ora rreh per te gjithë ne.
The clock is ticking on all of us.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
" Ta japim ekskluzivitetin per 3, 000 dollare. "
" We can give you a franchise on this for 3, 000 bucks. "QED QED
E gjithe kjo per shkak te nje keqkuptimi
All because of a simple misunderstandingopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Dhe kjo është rregulla kryesore per arsye se është scrat-i.
And that's the cardinal rule'cause that's the Scrat.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Gjatë lundrimit të tij të parë, Nelsoni organizoi një ekspedite per në Ishujt Caicos, ku ai mbajti shënime të hollësishme mbi kafshë e egra qe jetonin ne ishull dhe në veçanti te një specie shpendi -qe tani besohet të jetë 'jakobini gushëbardhë'.
During his first cruise, Nelson led an expeditionary party to the Caicos Islands, where he made detailed notes of the wildlife and in particular a bird – now believed to be the white-necked jacobin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ne na duhen me shume burra me pushtet per te filluar ti vendosin ne prioritet keto ceshtje, dhe nuk e kemi pare kete gje akoma, apo jo?
But on a big scale, we need more adult men with power to start prioritizing these issues, and we haven't seen that yet, have we?QED QED
Hej, me vjen keq per dje.
Hey, sorry about yesterday.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nese nuk e dini lojen " checkers ", mund te kontrolloni ne google per te gjete informacione pak me shume per checkers.
If you don't know about checkers, you can check the Web and Google it to find a little more information about checkers.QED QED
Sepse un per vete nuk jam i shqetesuar.
Because I'm not worried myself.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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