qe oor Engels


tussenwerpsel, werkwoord

Vertalings in die woordeboek Albanees - Engels

here! (used to show that something is present)
see!, look!, behold! (points out something with emphasis)

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Soortgelyke frases

krijoj mundesine qe dicka te ndodhi
pave the way for smth
si nje pjese betoni qe hyne ne uji
dock (ne sarande sidomos)
kembgulja e dikujt e beri te mundshme kete qe ndodhi
at the instigation
dicka qe ka ndodhur 100%
tangible result


Advanced filtering
E dija qe do ishte ketu duke folur me te.
I knew you'd come here to talk to him.QED QED
Gjithnje pret kukuvaja ime qe te mesoje mendimin tim per te rejat e dites.
Always takes my owl, should I wish to register an opinion on the news of the day.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ti vete the qe nuk shihje nga dritarja.
You said you couldn't see out of your windows.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Papritur, dy kercenimet e perbashketa qe i kishin afruar permes dekadave, pak a shume u zhduken.
Suddenly, the two common threats that had pushed them closer together throughout decades, more or less evaporated.ted2019 ted2019
Kishte njerez te tille, sapo ju tregova disa shembuj, qe jane te mrekullueshem, qe besojne ne te drejtat e grave ne Arabine Saudite, dhe perpiqen dhe po perballen gjithashtu me shume urrejtje sepse po u japin ze kendveshtrimeve te tyre.
There were people like that, I just showed some examples, who are amazing, who are believing in women's rights in Saudi Arabia, and trying, and they are also facing a lot of hate because of speaking up and voicing their views.QED QED
Ekonomia e shkallezimit ben qe te kemi kete sjellje ne forme sigmoidale.
Economies of scale gave rise to this sigmoidal behavior.QED QED
E dija qe do te ishte e veshtire.
I knew it'd be bad.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Kjo u mundeson infermiereve dhe asistenteve te tyre qe te mos bejne pune te rendomta duke çuar gjera sa andej ketej por te harxhojne me shume kohe me pacientet.
And it frees up the nurses and the nurse's aides from doing that mundane work of just mechanically pushing stuff around to spend more time with patients.QED QED
Jam këtu qe 18 orë, Që nga ora 07:00 e mëngjesit.
Been here about 18 hours, since 7:00 this morning.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Dhe me qe ra fjala, ky gjyq u be pasi ai kishte mbaruar se sherbyeri denimin keshtu qe ai kishte dale nga burgu dhe ishte ne pune dhe kujdesej per familjen dhe ju desh te shkonte mbrapsht ne burg.
And by the way, this appeal went through after he had finished serving his sentence, so he was out and working at a job and taking care of his family and he had to go back into jail.ted2019 ted2019
Dhe kur i shton kesaj llojet e komunikimit qe fillojme te shohim, ajo qe zbulon eshte, ne fakt, hapesira akoma me mundshme.
And when you layer that over with the kind of ubiquitous communications that we're starting to see, what you find is, in fact, even more access suffused into spaces.QED QED
Ne kemi filluar duke bere nje kredi prej 350,000 dollaresh te prodhuesit me te madh te rrjetave tradicionale te shtratit ne Afrike ne menyre qe ato mund te trasnferojne teknologji nga Japonia dhe per te ndertuar keto rrjeta afatgjate pese vjecar.
We started by making a 350,000-dollar loan to the largest traditional bed net manufacturer in Africa so that they could transfer technology from Japan and build these long-lasting, five-year nets.ted2019 ted2019
Nuk ka nevoje qe te vdes asnjeri
There' s no need for anyone to dieopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Keshtu, njeriu qe fluturoi teposhte malit ate nate nuk dridhej nga lumturia por nga nje frike e madhe primitive.
So the man who fled down the mountain that night trembled not with joy but with a stark, primordial fear.QED QED
Perqendroheni te gjithe kohen dhe vemendjen ne femijet qe jane ne fllucke -- ata qe quhen 'femije fllucke'-- femije per te cilet nderhyrja juaj mund t`i beje ata qe te kalojne vetem nje cike kufirin nga te deshtuarit ne te kaluar.
Focus all of your time and attention on the kids who are on the bubble, the so-called "bubble kids" -- kids where your intervention can get them just maybe over the line from failing to passing.ted2019 ted2019
Kjo eshte per cdoke qe ka ndjekur ceshtjen e kercimtares se zhdukur.
This also for whoever's heading up the missing dancer's case.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Qe perfshine 34.4% te gjithe vleres.
That's a 34,4% ownership share.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Dhe zbuluan se 100 perqind te femijeve qe nuk e kishin ngrene marshmallou ishin te suksesshem.
And they found that 100 percent of the children that had not eaten the marshmallow were successful.ted2019 ted2019
Mendoj se e kuptoj pse ajo eshte e vetmja pjese qe mban mend.
I guess I understand why that's the only part you remember.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Por, cdo perqindje me e larte se kjo behet e frikshme sepse ndodh qe te kete efekte negative ne ekonomi.
But anything larger than that gets a little scary because it can kind of snowball on itself.QED QED
Brukseli e ka bërë të qartë në javët e fundit se bisedimet do të lihen mënjanë po qe se Kroacia nuk arrin të dorëzojë Gotovinën në Hagë
Brussels has made it clear in recent weeks that the talks could be put on hold if Croatia fails to deliver Gotovina to The HagueSetimes Setimes
Sa shpejt qe e pashe mesazhinisha shume e lumtur...
Seeing the message got my feet off the floor.QED QED
Eshte nje lloj qarku i komplikuar qe une do t'ju tregoj.
It's the kind of complicated circle that I'm going to tell you about.QED QED
Qe sa e pres këte.
I'm so tired.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sinjalet e pasqyruara bien shpejte aq sa rritet distanca, keshtu qe zhurma paraqet nje territor te kufizuar .
Reflected signals decline rapidly as distance increases, so noise introduces a radar range limitation.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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