shetitje oor Engels


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Mora material nga libraria ne te cilin te ishte shkruar nje emer fruti ne titull dhe i perdora per te bere nje rruge shetitje me dru frutor e me frutat e diturise.
I took library material that had fruit in their title and I used them to make an orchard walk with these fruits of knowledge.ted2019 ted2019
Kjo është ku shkonim për shetitje.
This is where we used to go to make out.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Djema, doni të bëni një shetitje në varkën time me pedale?
Hey, you guys want a lift in my pedal boat?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Mund ti merrni per nje shetitje.
You take them for a walk.QED QED
Asgje s'do te shkoje keq. ♫ ♫ Po, jam vec une dhe qeni im, tek kendojme kengen tone duke bere nje shetitje. ♫ ♫ Nuk dua t'ia di per urrejtjen dhe dyshimet tuaja, ♫ ♫ nuk dua t'ia di c'thonte politikanet. ♫ ♫ Nese te duhet nje mik, atehere shko tek qendra, ♫ ♫ gjej nje qen, dhe beje ate qen krenar, ♫ ♫ sepse kjo eshte ceshtja. ♫
We can't go wrong. " ♫ ♫ Yeah, it's just me and my dog, singing our song, strolling along. ♫ ♫'Cause I don't care about your hating and your doubt, ♫ ♫ and I don't care what the politicians spout. ♫ ♫ If you need a companion, why, just go out to the pound, ♫ ♫ and find yourself a hound, and make that doggie proud, ♫ ♫'cause that's what it's all about. ♫QED QED
S'mund te ndodhe asgje e keqe. ♫ ♫ Jeta ime ishte e vetmuar dhe e trishte. ♫ ♫ Po, isha e trishte si nje marinar. ♫ ♫ Isha edhe e nevrikosur madje. ♫ ♫ Pastaj erdhe ti... u shfaqe teksa une luftoja me rinine dhe friken, ♫ ♫ dhe nervat tel, vermuti dhe birra po me benin kacurrel. ♫ ♫ Por pastaj te pashe ne sy ♫ ♫ dhe nuk isha me deshtake. ♫ ♫ Dukeshe aq i krisur e i zgjuar. ♫ ♫ Dhe une thashe, " Zot, jam e lumtur, sepse po bej shetitje me qenin tim, ♫ ♫ per te marre pak diell.
We can't go wrong. ♫ ♫ My life was lonely and blue. ♫ ♫ Yeah, I was sad as a sailor, ♫ ♫ I was an angry'un too. ♫ ♫ Then there was you -- appeared when I was entangled with youth and fear, ♫ ♫ and nerves jingle jangled, vermouth and beer were getting me mangled up. ♫ ♫ But then I looked in your eyes ♫ ♫ and I was no more a failure. ♫ ♫ You looked so wacky and wise. ♫ ♫ And I said, " Lord, I'm happy,'cause I'm just a'walking my dog, ♫ ♫ catching some sun.QED QED
Dhe u ndjeve te dilje per nje shetitje?
And you felt like walking in such a weather?QED QED
♫Te gjithe kane dale shetitje ne Manhatanin e bukur ne janar ♫
♫ Everyone's out in merry Manhattan in January ♫ted2019 ted2019
Shijoni çdo gje, të jetë ajo një gotë me ujë apo një shetitje në park.
You savor everything, either a glass of water or a walk in the park.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
♫ Po, jam vec une dhe qeni im, tek kendojme kengen tone duke bere nje shetitje.
♫ Yeah, it's just me and my dog, singing our song, strolling along.ted2019 ted2019
Per nje shetitje.
For a walk.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Po, shkojmë për një shetitje!
Let's go for a walk, yea!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Dikush me ftoi ne nje takim, por nuk mundi te me fuste brenda ne dhomen e nje konference, dhe me tha, "Do ti bej nje shetitje qenit neser.
Someone invited me to a meeting, but couldn't manage to fit me in to a regular sort of conference room meeting, and said, "I have to walk my dogs tomorrow.ted2019 ted2019
Oh, dhe nuk mund të bësh shetitje me xhetin tim privat.
Oh, and you can't ride on my private jet.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
♫ Te gjithe kane dale shetitje ne Manhatanin e bukur ne janar ♫
♫ Everyone's out in merry Manhattan in January ♫ted2019 ted2019
Homer. A ke dëshirë të bësh një shetitje me helikopterin e policisë të bezdisim pak njerëzit me prozhektor?
You wanna take out the police copter and hassle people with the spotlight?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Pse nuk merr Marxhin për një shetitje, hapi zemrën dhe shih se çfarë del?
Why don't you take Marge for a walk, open your heart and see what pours out?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Unë dhe im shoq mund të përdorim këtë kohë për të bërë një shetitje të gjatë dhe romantike.
My husband and I can use the time to take a long, romantic walk.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ju lat në shetitje Armikun te marre atë në një dredhje.
You let the enemy walk in and take it on a whim.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Te futeshim ne makine dhe te dilnim shetitje.
And I'd wish I could take you for a ride in my own car.QED QED
( fishkellen ) ( te qeshura ) ♫ Pastori im tha ♫ ♫ Mos u shqeteso ♫ ♫ Shkencetaret e kane gabim ♫ ♫ E pastaj, kujt iu be vone qe eshte dimer ketu? ♫ ♫ Une kam veshur kanatieren time ♫ ♫ Kam veshur kanatiere ♫ ♫ Te gjithe kane dale shetitje ne Manhatanin e bukur ne janar. ♫ ( duartrokitje )
( Whistling ) ( Laughter ) ♫ My preacher said, ♫ ♫ Don't you worry ♫ ♫ The scientists have it all wrong ♫ ♫ And so, who cares it's winter here? ♫ ♫ And I have my halter- top on ♫ ♫ I have my halter- top on ♫ ♫ Everyone's out in merry Manhattan in January. ♫ ( Applause )QED QED
♫ Dhe une thashe, "Zot, jam e lumtur, sepse po bej shetitje me qenin tim, ♫
♫ And I said, "Lord, I'm happy, 'cause I'm just a'walking my dog, ♫ted2019 ted2019
Herë pas here e çoj të bëjmë një shetitje.
Occasionally I take her for a ride.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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